Treasure Hunt all over the World

Chapter 2409 embarrassing president

In the evening, the Honduras team that formed the tripartite joint exploration team finally arrived at the five-star hotel where Ye Tian and the others stayed.

The composition of this team is quite complicated, led by two old acquaintances, the Deputy Minister of Culture of Honduras and the confidant of the President of Honduras, Hernando.

In addition to the two of them, there were several people from the presidential palace and the Ministry of Culture, including secret agents.

Then there are two observers from the Honduran Parliament, who mainly play a supervisory role, as well as representatives from the Honduran army and opposition parties, as well as Mayan representatives who are used to make superficial articles.

The least important are several historians and archaeologists from the National Museum of Honduras and the Autonomous University of Honduras, who have almost no sense of presence.

As for the numerous auxiliary personnel, security personnel, and some other personnel, they did not appear today, and they are not qualified to participate in the tripartite talks.

After the Hondurans arrived at the hotel, Jason, who was in charge of welcoming them, brought them into the largest meeting room of the five-star hotel.

When these Hondurans entered the meeting room, they immediately saw Ye Tian, ​​who was chatting and laughing, and the group from Columbia University's School of History.

At this moment, it seemed that Ye Tian and the others were the hosts here, and the Hondurans who had just walked into the meeting room turned into guests instead.

Seeing the arrival of these Hondurans, Ye Tian, ​​the others, Professor Delgado and others immediately stood up and walked towards the door of the conference room with bright smiles on their faces.

When the three parties met, it was natural for them to exchange polite greetings and introduce each other. The scene looked very harmonious.

Immediately afterwards, the curator of the National Museum of Honduras couldn't wait to ask:

"Mr. Steven, our tripartite trip to the ancient city of Copan to jointly explore the treasures of the Mayan Empire's Golden City is about to begin. Now, can you announce where the Golden City is located in the ancient city of Copan?

Needless to say, since the ancient city of Copan was discovered in 1576, we Hondurans have explored countless times and are very familiar with every inch of the land there, but we have never found traces of the existence of the Golden City.

But you said that the treasure of the Golden City of the Mayan Empire is hidden near the ancient city of Copan, which makes us very curious. Do you have a treasure map pointing to the treasure of the Golden City? Can you show it to everyone? "

With these words of the Honduran historian,

Everyone at the scene looked at Ye Tian, ​​to see how he would answer, everyone's eyes were full of anticipation.

Of course, in the depths of the eyes of several of the Hondurans, greed still shone.

Ye Tian looked at the curator of the National Museum of Honduras, then glanced at the crowd, and then the smiling man said loudly:

"About the location of the hidden treasures of the legendary Mayan Empire's Golden City, I do have some things that people don't know, but when it comes to the treasure map of the Golden City, I really don't have it.

So I can't show you the treasure map. I'm very sorry. I only know the approximate location of the Golden City, but I don't know the specific location. I can only explore it after arriving in the ancient city of Copan.

Don't worry, don't worry, I've always had good luck, and I believe this time is no exception. As long as the Golden City is indeed hidden near the ancient city of Copan, then I can find it! "

Hearing this, all the Hondurans at the scene rolled their eyes angrily, and everyone was very helpless.

The cunning bastard! The mouth is too strict. Once the news is not disclosed, if you don’t know where the Golden City is, you will come to Honduras to hunt for treasure at any cost? Go to hell!

After chatting for a while, everyone walked into the conference room, where the three teams sat down at one side of the conference table and started the three-party discussion.

The talks lasted for nearly two hours before they came to an end.

Immediately afterwards, there was another grand welcome dinner, to welcome Ye Tian and the others who had just arrived in Honduras.

Between toasting and interlacing, a day has passed.

But under the cover of night, many things are going on secretly, and a violent storm is rapidly brewing.


When the time came to the next morning, the protesting crowd gathered in front of the hotel had been dispersed by the Honduran military and police, leaving only a group of media reporters from Honduras and other parts of the world.

These guys are still here, waiting to interview Ye Tian and the tripartite joint exploration team, trying to catch the explosive headlines.

After getting up early in the morning and having breakfast, Ye Tian took David and Jason, as well as Professor Delgado and Douglas, and left the five-star hotel under the guard of Matisse and the others.

Accompanying them were Hernando who came to the hotel early in the morning, and several staff members of the Honduran President's Office.

Next, Ye Tian and the others will go to the Presidential Palace of Honduras to meet and talk with the President of Honduras, several high-level government officials, and several parliamentary leaders.

As for the content of the talks, it was naturally the treasures of the Golden City of the Mayan Empire, and the most important thing was how to divide the spoils after finding the treasures of the Golden City.

When Ye Tian and his group walked out of the hotel, the media reporters guarding the hotel entrance rushed up immediately, trying to conduct interviews.

However, those media reporters were directly stopped by the Honduran military police, and they could only watch Ye Tian and the others get in the car and leave without getting any valuable information.

About half an hour later, Ye Tian and the others in suits and leather shoes were already in the presidential palace of Honduras.

After shaking hands with the President of Honduras and several other dignitaries and getting to know each other, Ye Tian started chatting with the Honduran ruler in front of him.

"Mr. Steven, I have read the Golden City treasure distribution agreement brought back by Hernando. I think there is a little problem. Can I adjust it?"

The President of Honduras said in a low voice with a smile, but a hint of greed flashed deep in his eyes.

Ye Tian smiled softly, pretending to be curious and asked:

"Mr. President, what do you think is a problem? You can say it directly. If there is a problem, of course it can be adjusted. After all, the tripartite joint exploration operation has not yet started, and there is still time for everything!"

After the words fell, the President of Honduras immediately said:

"According to the tripartite joint exploration agreement, if the legendary treasure of the Golden City of the Mayan Empire is found in the ancient city of Copan, all the gold and silver treasures and antique relics in that treasure will be divided into two.

Your company shared half of the treasures mainly composed of antiques from the Mayan Empire, and our Honduras left the other half of the treasures mainly consisting of gold and silver treasures, while Columbia University enjoyed the relevant academic research results.

The basis for allocating the treasures of the Golden City is the appraisal conclusion and valuation given by you on the spot. Is this too hasty? In a hurry, who can guarantee that the appraisal conclusion and valuation you give must be accurate?

As we all know, you are the most famous professional treasure hunter in the world today, and you are also the top expert in antique art appraisal.

But we in Honduras don't have experts like you, so how do we ensure fair distribution? I am the President of Honduras, and it is my responsibility to protect the interests of Honduras from being violated,..."

Hearing this, Ye Tian couldn't help laughing softly, of course he knew what the President of Honduras was planning.

This man obviously wanted to use the name of identification and valuation to keep all the gold and silver treasures and antique relics from the treasures of the Golden City in Honduras for as long as possible.

In that way, they would have plenty of time to think of ways, find various coping strategies, and even play tricks and leave all the treasures of the Golden City in Honduras, so that Ye Tian and the others would not even get a hair.

Unfortunately, what they met was Ye Tian, ​​who could take advantage of him?

The President of Honduras wanted to continue talking, but was interrupted by Ye Tian with a smile.

"Actually, you don't have to worry, Mr. President, if we really find the treasure of the famous Golden City of the Mayan Empire, how to distribute the contents of the treasure fairly is not a problem at all.

In this regard, our fearless exploration company has always had a good reputation, and we have never cheated any collaborators. Regarding this point, you can ask our past collaborators.

Every piece of gold and silver treasures and antique cultural relics from the treasures of the Golden City will be recorded, and relevant video materials will be taken, including the appraisal conclusion and valuation given by me.

After the treasures are distributed, you can take the gold and silver treasures and antique cultural relics that you have distributed, and go to the antique market for inspection according to the appraisal conclusion and valuation given by me, or realize them.

In the process of inspection or realization, if the appraisal conclusion given by others is inconsistent with mine, and the valuation given is lower than mine, you don’t have to talk to that idiot at all.

In the future, you can feed back this information to me, and I will help you contact Sotheby's or Christie's, the world's top auction houses, for evaluation by the top professionals.

After the evaluation of these world's top auction houses, you will understand whether the appraisal conclusion and valuation I gave are accurate, and when you go to cash it out, you will have a bottom line in your heart."

Hearing this, the face of the President of Honduras changed immediately, but he didn't say anything.

Ye Tian paused for a moment, then continued to say:

"If you find it troublesome, you can also sell those gold and silver treasures and antique relics to us, and I will buy them at the price based on the appraisal conclusion and valuation I gave, which can save a lot of trouble.

Of course, the purchase price I gave is only the lower limit of the value of those gold and silver treasures and antique cultural relics. If you go to the antique market to realize it yourself, you may be able to fetch a higher price.

For the sake of fairness, I will also disclose the identification conclusions and valuations of the gold and silver treasures and antique cultural relics allocated to our company, so that all colleagues in the world can inspect and re-valuate them.

If we sell or auction those gold and silver treasures and antique relics, we will also disclose their transaction prices and premiums, so that you can know the true value of those treasures.

In order to ensure fair distribution of treasures, after discovering the treasures of the Golden City of the Mayan Empire, I will give identification conclusions and the most accurate valuations for all the gold and silver treasures and antique relics in the treasures.

Next, I will divide the treasures of the Golden City into two, one half will be mainly gold and silver treasures, and the other half will be mainly antiques. At that time, you can choose first, and the remaining half of the treasures will belong to us.

It doesn't matter which half of the treasure our Fearless Exploration Company gets, no matter which half we get, it is a huge harvest. I believe that this method of distributing the treasure is fair enough."


The President of Honduras couldn't help but exclaimed, and froze in place, his face turned red and then pale, quite embarrassing!

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