Treasure Hunt all over the World

Chapter 2410 gangster like a beast

For the whole morning, Ye Tian and the others stayed in the presidential palace of Honduras, talking with those Honduran politicians and preparing for the next joint exploration operation.

The meeting didn't end until noon.

They immediately accepted the invitation of the President of Honduras, and together with the President and other politicians, enjoyed a Honduran-style lunch.

After leaving the presidential palace, Ye Tian and the others came to Morazan Square, also called Morazan Park, not far from the center of Tegucigalpa.

This is the largest square in Tegucigalpa, shaded by green trees, blooming flowers, the scenery is very good, surrounded by many unique historical buildings.

In this square, stands the statue of Francisco Morazan, a national hero of Honduras and an outstanding activist during the Central American independence movement.

Behind the Morazan Park is the central government building of Honduras, and on the left is the San Miguel Cathedral, which was built during colonial rule and has an old Spanish bell on the top of the tower.

On the right side of the square is the National Museum, which preserves various historical relics, animal and plant specimens, among which there are many antique relics from the Mayan civilization.

In this bloody and violent crime capital, Morazan Square and the surrounding historical buildings from the Spanish colonial period are one of the few attractions worth visiting.

The National Museum of Honduras, located on the edge of the square, is the main purpose of Ye Tian's trip.

He is very interested in the Mayan antiques collected in this museum, and wants to appreciate them and explore the mysterious Mayan civilization.

They came to Plaza de Morazan together with experts and scholars from Columbia University such as Professor Delgado and Professor Douglas, as well as Hondurans including Hernando.

When they came here, Ye Tian and the others did not rush to the National Museum of Honduras immediately, but wandered around the square, admiring the scenery here and the Latin American style that can be seen everywhere.

The so-called Latin American style is the product of the combination of Spanish colonial culture and Indian culture, which is different from the native Spanish culture and unique to Latin America.

This is the same as Latin Americans, many of whom are Hispanic and Indian mixed, or mulatto. Although these people speak Spanish, they are not the same as Spanish.

But one thing is the same as the Spaniards,

That is, the personality is passionate, cheerful, and optimistic. In this regard, Latin Americans are even better.

As soon as Ye Tian and the others walked into this square, they felt the fire-like enthusiasm of the Latin Americans, and their attention was quickly attracted.

In front of an art fountain on the edge of the square, a young man and woman who seemed to be lovers were dancing flamenco to passionate music, their skirts flying and radiating heat.

Around the couple's performance site, there were crowds of spectators, including tourists from all over the world and many locals from Honduras.

Everyone was enjoying the beautiful dance, clapping their hands and twisting their bodies with the rhythmic flamenco music, enjoying it one by one.

Seeing this scene, Ye Tian and David immediately looked at each other, and then happily walked towards the performance site together, Professor Douglas and the others followed, equally excited.

Hernando and others who accompanied Ye Tian and the others on the tour, as well as the many Honduran police officers in charge of security, were full of worries, watching the surrounding situation vigilantly, ready to respond at any time.

As locals, they naturally know the security situation in Tegucigalpa.

This is the capital of the most dangerous country in the world and the city with the highest crime rate in the world. Gangs are rampant and drugs are rampant. On average, sixteen people die every day.

Even the president of Honduras has publicly stated that there is no hope for this country, and Tegucigalpa is a veritable crime capital.

In such an environment, can they not worry?

On the other hand, Ye Tian and the others seemed to be ignorant of these things, and they still wanted to appreciate the street performances here.

In three or two steps, Ye Tian and the others had arrived at the performance site, and immediately stood outside the crowd, enjoying the flamenco performed by the pair of young dancers, feeling the unrestrained enthusiasm of the Latin Americans from their dancing postures.

At the same time, many people in Morazan Square also noticed the appearance of Ye Tian and the others, and rushed over here quickly.

Without exception, people were very curious and wanted to have a closer look at Ye Tian, ​​a legendary top professional treasure hunter.

Some of them even had fantasies, to see if they could find out some news about the treasures of the Golden City of the Mayan Empire. In that case, they might be able to make a lot of money and change their lives from then on.

There are also some guys with excess passion, who are going to come over to protest and demonstrate, in order to show their existence and make a good show.

Of course, many thieves and gangsters who live in Morazan Square will not let go of this opportunity to make a lot of money, and they come here one after another, everyone has a green light in their eyes .

It's a pity that all the swarming people were stopped by the well-prepared Honduran police and plainclothes security personnel, and they couldn't get close to Ye Tian and the others.

But Ye Tian, ​​who was under the attention of all the people, turned a blind eye to everything that happened around him.

He stood with David and the others, chatting in a low voice while admiring the rapidly spinning red dress in front of him and the sexy body with bumps and convexities under the red dress.

After dancing to a song, the moving music stopped, and the flying skirt slowly fell down.

"clap clap"

There was a burst of warm applause at the scene, and Ye Tian and the others were also applauding, sending their own applause for this passionate flamenco.

Immediately afterwards, the few of them each took out their wallets, took out US dollars of different denominations from them, and stepped forward one after another and threw them into the musical instrument case on the ground.

When it was Ye Tian's turn, he nodded slightly to the two couple dancers, and then threw the twenty dollars in his hand into the musical instrument case.

Afterwards, he was about to leave here and go to a few stalls not far away to have a look.

At this moment, Hernando suddenly stepped forward and whispered to Ye Tian:

"Steven, I'm very sorry, one of Marash's leaders happens to be in Morazan Square, just outside the cordon, and he wants to meet and chat with you.

You may not know much about the Maras organization. It is the largest and most brutal gang in Honduras, and it is the ruler of the underground world in Honduras.

If possible, I hope you can get acquainted with the leader of Marash, and make a few perfunctory words, just as a face for me, lest the other party become angry and blame me."

While saying these words, Hernando pointed to a middle-aged Hispanic man outside the cordon, but a look of fear flashed in his eyes.

The Hispanic man he was referring to was about forty years old, with a swollen face and fierce eyes, wearing a dark suit with bulging underarms of his jacket, apparently with a pistol stuck in it.

On the left, right, and behind that guy, stood a few Hispanic men in their twenties and thirties. Everyone had a fierce look on their faces, and they even had tattoos on their faces.

Other people who were also outside the cordon stayed far away from these guys, and everyone's eyes were full of fear, as if they were avoiding the plague god.

Even the Honduran police officers who were in charge of security at the scene seemed to be very afraid of these guys, and they were very polite to these guys and kept a little bit of vigilance.

While Hernando raised his hand and gestured towards that side, the gang leader from Marash also nodded slightly at Ye Tian as a gesture.

Ye Tian looked at those guys, then sneered with disdain and said in a low voice:

"Maras? I know this notorious Honduran gang organization. As far as I know, this is a group of animals that have completely dehumanized. Each of them should go to the 18th floor of hell.

I have seen a lot of gangsters of all kinds, and have fought against many gangsters, including the famous Italian Mafia, but I have never seen a gangster as despicable as Marash.

All the gangsters in the world kill people, like the Italian mafia, they follow the same set of rules of killing grass and roots, but I have never heard of any gangster who would take pleasure in skinning people alive.

Things like this can only be done by these beasts in Marash. They will even openly kill a woman in the street because the color and style of her dyed hair are not in line with her taste.

I have no interest in knowing such a group of beasts. Shaking hands with such beasts will only dirty my hands. I am very sorry, Hernando, I can't give you this face! "

Hearing this, Hernando froze in place immediately, his expression was extremely ugly, and the fear in his eyes became stronger.

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