Treasure Hunt all over the World

Chapter 2418 The Phantom In The Night

In the darkness, three cars suddenly came from a distance and stopped on the side of a street in the old city of Tegucigalpa.

As soon as the three cars stopped, they turned off their lights and merged with the empty, extremely dimly lit, and dirty street.

In the leading car, Matisse, who was sitting in the passenger seat, pointed to the intersection not far ahead, and whispered to Ye Tian who was sitting in the back row:

"Steven, turn right at the intersection ahead, walk about 30 meters inward, then turn left, and you will enter the alley where the two Columbia University doctors are hiding.

Judging from the positioning signals, the two doctors hadn't moved, and had been in a building on that street. The kidnappers obviously didn't find the GPS positioning equipment.

Two sniper teams are already in place, guarding both ends of the small street. They have established sniper positions on the roofs of the two houses, controlling the street from a commanding height.

According to reports from the sniper team, the kidnappers had set up eyeliners at both ends of the street and inside. They were very cautious, and each had an automatic rifle with strong firepower.

The street where the hostages were located was a red-light district, which should be controlled by the kidnappers. It was basically certain that there were still many gunmen in that street.

Because of the kidnapper's eyeliner, we can't get too close to that street, we can only park here, and then use the cover of night to touch there, so as not to be exposed.

Without vehicles, evacuation is a bit troublesome. We have to walk out of that street with the hostages. Once the whereabouts are exposed, we will have to kill them.

We can't drive there unless we can quietly take out the eyeliners and dismantle any surveillance cameras that might be there without alerting the rest of the kidnappers."

Hearing this report, Ye Tian pondered for a moment, and then said in a low voice:

"Let me deal with the kidnappers' eyeliner and possible surveillance cameras. You are here to stand by and wait for me to clear the obstacles before you drive into that street.

You still have to be careful, there may be eyeliners of those kidnappers around here, if the other party is really Marash, then there are their eyeliners everywhere in Tegucigalpa.

After I leave, you release the beetle drone, determine the exact location of the hostages, find out the situation inside that building, and prepare for the next action."


Steven, leave these matters to us, and you should be more careful yourself."

Mattis nodded and said, there is no disagreement.

Regarding Ye Tian's miraculous ability, he thought he knew and trusted Ye Tian very well, and he was even a little blind, thinking that there was nothing in the world that Ye Tian could not handle.

Next, Ye Tian gave Matisse and the others a few more words, then stretched out his hand and opened the rear door, and got out of the car in a flash without making any sound.

Wearing a black combat uniform, he came to the wall next to the sidewalk in the blink of an eye under the cover of night.

Immediately afterwards, he jumped upwards, reached out and grabbed the outer edge of the balcony of the building facing the street, and then pulled upwards with both hands, and his whole body spread his wings into the night sky like a huge black bird.

In the blink of an eye, he had quickly climbed onto the roof of the three-story building, and then disappeared into the darkness without a sound.

Seeing this scene, the many armed security personnel in the three cars on the side of the road were all stunned and started talking in low voices.

"Wow! This guy Steven is too exaggerated, he is simply a ghost walking in the dark, if we don't come with him, we don't even think about finding him"

"Look, those stupid kidnappers will surely die tonight, and no one can save them. We may not have a chance to take action in this rescue operation, and Steven can completely eliminate those scumbags."

Just when these subordinates were secretly feeling, Ye Tian was walking quickly on the roof of the row of buildings on the street, his movements were quick and light, without making any sound.

During the march, he quickly got in touch with the two sniper teams who came here in advance to lurk here, lest those guys misunderstand and regard himself as the target of attack.

And the people who lived in the buildings he passed by had already fallen asleep at this time, they couldn't hear the movement on the roof at all, and they didn't expect that there were people on the roof of their own house.

The street on the right side of the intersection ahead was empty at this time, the lights were dim, and there was no one.

Tens of meters away along this street, there is a horizontal street. The pink neon lights at the intersection are still on.

Just from this pink light and this neon sign, we know that this is a red light district.

Due to the darkness of the night, there are no street girls at the intersection, and the pink lights in the shop windows facing the street have also been extinguished, making it seem relatively quiet.

However, in this horizontal street, there would be bursts of unpleasant sounds from time to time, occasionally mixed with sounds of beating, cursing, and crying.

Obviously, customers who come to this red-light district have all kinds of hobbies.

Under the neon sign at the intersection, an old car from the 1980s was parked. In the car were two Hispanic men in their twenties, each with an AK47 rifle on their lap.

At this time, these two guys were already drowsy, perhaps because of the relatively hot weather, the front windows of the car they were in were all open for ventilation.

On the roof of the three-story building opposite the intersection, Ye Tian, ​​who had already put on a mask, was condescendingly watching the car below, as well as the situation around the intersection and in the street.

Under the perspective, he can clearly see the situation at the intersection and the street below, and even the men and women who are exercising on the bed.

In the intersection below, and in this carnal and sinful street, there are no surveillance cameras, which undoubtedly saves a lot of trouble.

This situation had been expected by Ye Tian, ​​and he was not surprised at all.

The country of Honduras is really too poor. Except for some limited places such as banks and government office buildings, there are few places in the whole country to install surveillance cameras.

If this is really the territory of Maras, with their strength, there is no need to install surveillance cameras at all. In Tegucigalpa, who would dare to trouble them?

It's a pity that from the roof of the building where Ye Tian was, due to the angle, the building where the hostages were located could not be seen, and naturally the situation inside that building could not be seen either.

But it doesn't matter, the beetle drone released by Matisse and the others just flew into the street without a sound, and flew straight into the depths of the street under the cover of darkness.

Ye Tian glanced at the situation in the street again, and then disappeared from the edge of the roof, disappearing into the darkness.

When he reappeared, he had already descended to the street, in the shade of a tree diagonally behind the car on the street, with the help of the tree trunk and shade, as well as the night, he perfectly hid his figure.

After landing, he quickly pulled out the M9 pistol in the holster on the chest of the body armor, then took out the pistol silencer, and screwed it on the muzzle.

Immediately afterwards, he quickly glanced at the two ends of the street and the situation in the buildings on both sides.

After making sure that there was no one on the street and that his whereabouts would not be exposed, he stooped and quickly groped towards the broken car across the street.

Three or two steps ago, he had come to the sidewalk on this side of the street, and then he continued to sneak close to the wall.

In a blink of an eye, he quietly came to the side of the broken car on the street, and he was very close to the intersection ahead.

If he walked a few steps forward and reached the intersection, he might be discovered by the eyeliner hidden in the street or on the other side of the street, and his success would fall short.

However, Ye Tian stopped in good time, quickly raised his pistol, and pulled the trigger mercilessly.

"Puff puff"

Accompanied by a few inaudible bangs, several hot pistol bullets spewed out from the muzzle at high speed one after another, aiming at the two drowsy idiots sitting in the car.

In the next moment, there were a few more holes in the heads of those two guys, and blood gushed out immediately.

These two scumbags, who were immersed in their sleep, died in an instant. They went to hell to report, but they died simply, at least saving a lot of pain.

Their sitting postures did not change, they leaned their heads on the seats with their heads tilted, and looked as if they were asleep. Without a closer look, it was difficult to find that these two idiots were actually dead.

And Ye Tian, ​​who finished the killing, quickly backed away and once again hid in the darkness.

Next, it's time to deal with the eyeliner on the other side of the street, and then those scumbags in the street, each of them will go to hell!

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