Treasure Hunt all over the World

Chapter 2419 Killed with one knife

"Steven, the situation in the building where the hostages are located has basically been investigated. It is a three-story building, to be precise, a brothel. There are eight gunmen and five prostitutes in the building.

The eight gunmen were located on different floors. There was a sentry on the top floor, sitting on a sofa in front of the window, holding an AK47 assault rifle, drowsy, just a display.

On the second floor, there were three guys who looked like leaders, each sleeping in different rooms with a prostitute in their arms. In the rooms they were in, there were automatic rifles and other weapons with good firepower.

The remaining four are all on the first floor, three kidnappers and two prostitutes are in the living room, some are sleeping on the sofa, some are drinking, very relaxed, and one kidnapper is guarding the door of the basement.

Without exception, these guys had an automatic rifle, and even the whores had a pistol, and those two hapless Columbia University Ph.D.s were tied up in the basement.

There was only one entrance and exit to the basement, which was located at the stairs on the first floor. The kidnappers tied the two Columbia University doctors behind their backs with ropes, sealed their mouths with tape, and locked them in a cage.

Those two guys seemed to have suffered a lot, with blood on their faces and stains on their clothes. They were obviously beaten up by those damn kidnappers, but they didn't hurt their muscles or bones, and didn't affect their actions.

There are also some, the kidnappers who kidnapped two Columbia universities are Marash, and they are the scumbags we saw in Morazan Square in the afternoon, but the guy at the head is not there.

Obviously, these Marash scumbags are taking revenge, and by the way, they also want to kidnap these two Columbia University Ph.D.s to make a fortune from us. What a bunch of stupid fools! "

Matisse's voice came from the wireless stealth headset, announcing the detection of the Beetle drone.

At this time, Ye Tian had quietly killed the two eyeliners hidden at the other end of the street, and was sneaking on the roof of the row of buildings on the right side of the street, like a ghost walking in the dark.

Hearing the notification, he immediately stopped in his tracks, and then whispered:

"Received, Mattis, you use the beetle drone to check the adjacent buildings to see the situation in those buildings, how many gunmen are there, are they asleep or awake now? Just in case .

The Marash leader I saw in Morazan Square during the day, maybe in other adjacent buildings, this will be sleeping on the belly of a prostitute, since we are here, let's send that scum to hell .

The eyeliner that the kidnappers placed on both sides of the street,

It has been solved by me without alarming anyone. Next, I am going to kill the two eyeliners hidden in the street, and I believe it will be done soon.

You can start your vehicle now, stop at the intersection of this street, and wait for my order. After I kill the eyeliner in the street, I will notify you to come in and rescue the two hostages.

When driving over, you must drive slowly and do not turn on the lights, so as not to disturb the people in the buildings on the street. Don’t even think about it, there must be a lot of Marash scum in the buildings nearby.”

"Understood, Steven, we will go there right away, but don't worry, we will turn on the infrared night vision device and won't alarm anyone"

Mattis responded and ended the call.

Next, Ye Tian gently climbed over a firewall about 1.23 meters high, and came to the roof of the next building, but still did not make the slightest sound.

As soon as he stood firmly on the roof of the building, he turned on the perspective, and began to explore the situation inside the building through the floor under his feet.

Through perspective, he saw a gunman hiding on the third floor, sitting on a sofa by the side of a window facing the street, with an automatic rifle on his lap, leaning against the back of the sofa, and had already fallen asleep soundly.

And in a room on the second floor, a plump client was sleeping soundly with his arms around a naked Hispanic girl.

In the other two rooms on the second floor, there were several prostitutes, but no clients.

The living room and other rooms on the first floor were very quiet at this time, and there was no one in sight.

In the blink of an eye, Ye Tian had a clear picture of the situation in the building under his feet.

Immediately afterwards, he withdrew his gaze, ended the perspective, and walked towards the eaves behind the roof.

When he came to the eaves at the back, he first condescended to look at the situation at the back door of the building, and then glanced at the situation in the alley behind.

He made sure that there was no one in the alley behind him, and no one was looking at him, so he started to act.

The next moment, he grasped the eaves with both hands, jumped out lightly, and the whole person jumped out of the roof, and then twisted his body in the air, his body leaned against the wall, and his feet fell to the top of the lowered window sill. along.

In the blink of an eye, his figure had disappeared from the roof and disappeared into the darkness.

The window of a room on the third floor facing the back of the building was suddenly and silently opened, and a black figure jumped into the empty room and landed lightly on the floor.

Needless to say, the shadow that sneaked into this room was none other than Ye Tian, ​​who was wearing a black combat uniform and a black hood.

After entering this room, he immediately countered and gently closed the window, lest the wind blow the window and disturb the scum and whores staying in this apartment building.

Immediately afterwards, he drew out his pistol and walked lightly towards the door.

In the room facing the street on the third floor, the kidnapper who was in charge of watching the wind was still sitting on the sofa, sleeping soundly, and snoring intermittently.

How could this scum who was immersed in his dreams know that the god of death had fallen from the sky and came to his side, and was about to end his life and send him to hell.

The door of this room was suddenly pushed open gently, and a black figure walked in like a ghost, and closed the door again without making any sound during the whole process.

Through the moonlight penetrating into the room from the outside, one can vaguely see that in this black shadow's hand, he is holding a gleaming saber, which is frightening and exudes a breath of death.

Unfortunately, no one saw this scene.

In two or three steps, the black shadow came behind the kidnapper who was sleeping soundly on the sofa, but the kidnapper was still ignorant and asleep.

Immediately afterwards, the black figure suddenly stretched out his left hand and tightly covered the scumbag's mouth, while the saber held in his right hand slashed across the scumbag's neck like lightning.

The next moment, the kidnapper who was sleeping on the sofa had a huge cut in his neck instantly, and his arteries, throat, trachea, etc. were all severed in two.

Blood gushed out immediately, directly dyeing the curtains hanging on the window red.

The sleeping kidnapper finally opened his eyes when he was about to die. His eyes were wide open, but he couldn't see clearly who it was that made a surprise attack in the dark and put him to death.

He only saw a black shadow, struggled weakly twice, and then died, completely dead, without even uttering a wail.

After confirming that this scumbag was completely dead, Ye Tian let go of his left hand, and wiped the guy's clothes casually, wiping away a little blood on his hand.

Then he wiped the German army knife clean on the guy and inserted it back into the scabbard strapped to his calf.

This hidden eyeliner has been cleared, it's time to clear the next target, and then it's time to rescue those two unlucky doctoral students!

Ye Tian drew out his pistol again, turned around and walked towards the door, and quickly disappeared from the room shrouded in darkness and filled with the smell of blood.

After walking out of this room, he closed the door casually, and took out an unlocked steel piece to lock the door, lest someone break into the room later and find the dead scum in the room.

After doing this, he went to the room where he came down just now, and quickly disappeared from the three-story building without anyone noticing it!

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