The street in front of the hotel finally calmed down after a night of riots, but it turned into a place that was devastated by a category 12 hurricane, full of devastation and horror.

Numerous Honduran soldiers with live ammunition have taken over this street and several other streets around the hotel, and are on high alert to prohibit any random people from entering this area.

The many scrapped vehicles on the street that were riddled with holes and even burned with only one frame left, as well as other things that were battered to pieces, are being cleaned up.

Of course, those Honduran military police and Maras gang members who died on the street were also thrown into different cars by the Honduran soldiers and transported out of this street.

Those who were seriously injured and lost the ability to move were taken away by ambulances and sent to different hospitals. Whether they survived depends on their luck.

The best five-star hotel in Tegucigalpa is also devastated, especially the outside of the first floor and the facade of the hotel, densely covered with bullet holes, and almost all the glass was shattered.

Those who know the situation know that this is Tegucigalpa, the capital of Honduras. Those who don't know the situation will definitely think that this is Syria or Afghanistan when they see this scene.

The streets and surroundings outside the hotel were taken over by the Honduran army, while the inside of the hotel was taken over by the Honduran police, led by Hernando.

Of course, the area taken over by the Honduran police does not include the two highest floors of the hotel where the joint exploration team lives.

From the beginning to the end, these two floors were under the control of Mathis and the others, and no one could enter without Ye Tian's permission.

When a red sun rose from the east and sprinkled the devastated hotel with sunshine, the long and tormented night finally passed, and a new day came.

Although the floor-to-ceiling windows of the presidential suite where Ye Tian lived had been shattered, and the ceiling and walls around the window, as well as the outer walls, were battered with holes, he did not change the room.

Even the shards of glass in the living room, he didn't let someone clean them up, and they still kept their original appearance.

As for himself, he was still fully armed, his gun never left his body, and he maintained a certain degree of vigilance, ready to go into battle at any time.

Not long after the sun came out, the U.S. ambassador to Honduras took several diplomats, escorted by a large number of armed security personnel,

Came to this hotel.

After Mattis and the others verified their identities and confirmed that they were correct, these American diplomats entered the floor where Ye Tian and the others lived and came to the presidential suite.

As soon as they entered here, they were taken aback by the situation in the presidential suite, and everyone was full of horror.

The scene in front of them made each of them intuitively feel how fierce the battle took place here last night and how critical the situation was.

And this is exactly the result Ye Tian wants to obtain, and it is also the reason why he does not let people clean the presidential suite, so as to have a visual impact.

Next, he shook hands with these American diplomats one by one, got acquainted with each other, and introduced the situation of the bloody fight last night, which of course used a lot of spring and autumn style of writing.

As for the rescue of two Columbia University doctoral students and the transfer of the two doctors to the US embassy, ​​everyone had a tacit understanding and no one mentioned it.

After chatting with these American diplomats for a while and agreeing on the same caliber, Ye Tian picked up the walkie-talkie and told Mattis to bring Hernando and others over.

Since leading a large number of military police to arrive and take over the hotel last night, Hernando and several other guys representing the Honduran government and military have made several requests, hoping to have a face-to-face meeting with Ye Tian.

However, Ye Tian rejected the request of these Hondurans on the grounds of being safe and resting, which made the Hondurans grit their teeth with hatred, but they were helpless.

After the American embassy group arrived at the hotel, Hernando immediately made another request, hoping to have an interview with Ye Tian, ​​including the diplomats from the American embassy.

The Hondurans know very well that with the arrival of these American diplomats, it is imminent to resolve the incident that happened last night. The longer it takes, the more unfavorable it will be for the Honduras.

This time, their request finally came to fruition, and they could finally see that damned devil Steven.

Led by Mattis and two armed security personnel, Hernando and several other Hondurans walked into Ye Tian's presidential suite.

As soon as they entered, these Hondurans saw Ye Tian, ​​who was smiling all over his face, as well as Professor David and Douglas, and several American diplomats who had just met in the hotel lobby.

Immediately afterwards, they saw the shattered floor-to-ceiling glass window and the ceiling densely covered with bullet holes inside the window.


These Hondurans gasped in unison, and each of them was secretly startled.

One of the fifty-year-old Hispanic men in suits and leather shoes saw the situation in the presidential suite. In addition to being shocked, there was also a trace of hatred in the depths of his eyes, which was unforgettable.

The performance of these Hondurans was all seen by Ye Tian, ​​but he didn't seem to notice it, or didn't take it to heart at all.

Before these Hondurans could react, he had already stepped forward and greeted these guys.

"Good morning, gentlemen, welcome, nice to meet you here, the weather today is beautiful and sunny, but this meeting place is very messy, please bear with me"

As he spoke, he pointed to the broken floor-to-ceiling glass window at the back and the glass fragments on the ground, with a hint of sarcasm in his tone.

Following his action and hearing his words, the faces of these Hondurans changed, becoming very ugly, and their expressions were extremely embarrassing.

Next, Hernando continued:

"Good morning, Steven, I didn't expect your situation here to be so serious, let's change your room, and then send someone to clean the place and reinstall the glass"

Ye Tian glanced at these Hondurans, then shook his head with a light smile and said:

"There is no need to change the room, and you don't need to send someone to clean it, Hernando, you just need to transport the corresponding tools and tempered glass to the hotel, and let my company employees do the rest.

Inside and outside the presidential suite, my security personnel have made careful arrangements, such as anti-eavesdropping. If I change another room, it means that my security personnel will have to toss again, which is unnecessary!

You have all seen the situation here. The reason why I keep this scene and don’t allow people to clean it up is to preserve the evidence. Let you come here to have a look, and let these gentlemen from the US embassy also look at it.

You must have seen the video data of the hotel's internal monitoring system. Through those video data, you should have understood that we have never left the hotel from last night until this morning.

That is to say, the bloody massacre that took place in the red-light district of the old city of Tegucigalpa last night has nothing to do with us, it is not our fault, and whoever made the massacre has nothing to do with me!

Because of the bloody massacre, Marash inexplicably regarded us as the enemy, and then gathered a large number of gangsters, besieged the hotel, and attacked us. For us, it was a disaster for no reason!

The scene in front of you was caused by those gangsters, and it is the best evidence. Out of the need of self-defense, we had to launch a counterattack to prevent those gangsters from rushing into the hotel."

Speaking of this, Ye Tian took a special look at the Hispanic man in his fifties who was wearing a famous brand suit but couldn't hide his tyrannical aura, his eyes were full of disdain.

That guy is none other than Marash's boss, apparently here to negotiate.

Looking at those Hondurans, they all hated their teeth itching, rolled their eyes angrily, and even wished they could rush to the next life and tear Ye Tian up, but no one dared to take action.

David and Professor Douglas, who were standing aside, suppressed their smiles, and each of them endured very hard.

It was those American diplomats who showed the most calm, and even a bit righteous indignation.

These guys' skins have been trained to be extremely thick, and talking nonsense with their eyes open is one of their most outstanding skills, far better than Ye Tian!

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