"I hate this damn bastard Steven, the bloody massacre in the red light district last night must have been led by this bastard Steven, no one else in Tegucigalpa has this ability.

I am very sure of this, even without any evidence, I still think so, and those guys who died outside this hotel and were shot by snipers one by one, they can't die in vain, we must revenge! "

In the elevator, the boss Marash gritted his teeth and whispered, his words were full of unwillingness, anger and hatred.

Hearing this, the other Hondurans in the elevator all looked over.

One of the guys pondered for a while, then gritted his molars and whispered:

"Cesar, even if you want revenge, you can't do it now. The time is not yet ripe. The top priority now is to use that bastard Steven to lead a team to find the treasure of the famous Golden City of the Mayan Empire.

Before finding the treasure of the Golden City of the Mayan Empire, no one can touch him, you must remember this! After you find the treasure of the Golden City of the Mayan Empire, you can take your revenge, and it has nothing to do with us."

The Hernando who had just finished speaking and stood aside said solemnly:

"Avenge that crazy bastard Steven? Cesar, I advise you to think twice, that bastard Steven is famous for his cruelty and vengeance, and he is very lucky.

When I contacted that bastard Steven, he told me himself that if you Marash violated his interests and safety, he would uproot Marash and send everyone to hell.

Based on what I know about that bastard Steven, he absolutely does what he says. He did this in New York, in Europe and many other places before, and countless people died under his hands!

If you want to take revenge, you can only escape the fate of being counter-killed by killing that guy Steven in one shot, otherwise everyone in your organization will die!

As far as I know, once this bastard Steven makes a move, he will often kill them all, and he will do whatever it takes. With his own super strength and huge wealth, there is almost nothing he can't do. "

After Hernando's words fell, the elevator immediately fell silent, except for heavy breathing, there was no other sound.

It can be seen that the faces of these Hondurans have become extremely ugly,

Everyone's eyes are full of fear and unwillingness.

They didn't doubt Hernando's words. Not to mention, the bloody killing outside this hotel last night was the best proof!


The elevator bell rang suddenly, waking up the dull and frightened Hondurans.

Immediately afterwards, the elevator door opened, and the lobby on the first floor arrived.


Shortly after the Hondurans left, the guys from the American embassy left the hotel and went back to the embassy, ​​but left a diplomat behind to do the liaison.

Next, Jason led several company employees to clean up the garbage in the presidential suite and other rooms, and install glass and so on.

Matisse and the others are not idle either. While maintaining a high level of alert, they are watching the movements of various external forces, ready to respond at any time.

Fortunately, nothing happened. Marash, who was severely injured outside the hotel last night and dropped his body on the ground, completely died down, as if the bloody fight last night had never happened.

When it was noon, the floor-to-ceiling glass windows of the presidential suite where Ye Tian lived had been installed, and all of them were replaced with bulletproof glass, which was much stronger than before.

Even the bullet holes in the ceiling were smoothed out one by one and covered with plaster.

The situation of other rooms is also the same, basically restored to the original state, and it does not affect everyone's normal use, so naturally there is no need to move to another hotel.

The scrapped vehicles on the street outside have been towed away, and the densely packed bullet holes on the walls and ground have also been filled one by one. The whole street looks potholed, as if it is covered with psoriasis.

The blood on the street has been washed away, and the smell of blood and burnt rubber in the air has completely dissipated.

The street in front of the hotel, as well as the surrounding area, has basically returned to calm.

However, the Honduran soldiers around the hotel, who were guarded every three steps and sentry every five steps, as well as military and police cars parked all over the street, made the atmosphere here a lot more tense.

Seeing the situation here, all passers-by will take a detour, and dare not step into this street for half a step, lest they will encounter disaster.

In the blink of an eye, a day has passed.

The gunshots did not ring out again, and the people of Tegucigalpa, who had been worried for more than a day, finally relaxed a little, and everyone was relieved.

When the time came to the next day, just after nine o'clock in the morning, Ye Tian and the others left the hotel by car and went straight to the Presidential Palace of Honduras.

Responsible for protecting their convoy are a large number of Honduran soldiers with live ammunition and high alert, each of them is as if they are facing an enemy.

Several of the military armored vehicles were even equipped with powerful heavy machine guns, and the machine guns were worthless, which made people shudder to watch.

Ye Tian's security personnel, except for some guys who stayed at the hotel, all took action. Everyone was fully armed, wearing body armor and holding assault rifles, ready to fight.

The same goes for the security personnel who sneaked into Tegucigalpa in batches. They all took action, scattered on the streets where the convoy would pass, kept an eye on the situation on the streets, and were ready to remind the convoy at any time.

Soon, the convoy left the heavily guarded street in front of the hotel, turned right onto another street.

When this large convoy with a special composition appeared on the streets of Tegucigalpa, it immediately caused commotion on every street it passed, and attracted countless attentions.

All the vehicles driving on these streets, the pedestrians on the road, and the residents in the buildings on both sides of the street all braked to stop or stopped, or stood in front of the window, watching this special convoy.

People's eyes are very complex, including curiosity, fear and hatred, envy and greed, and even some grateful eyes.

Ye Tian and the others who were sitting in the car also looked at the street outside with great interest.

When the convoy was moving, through the car window, Ye Tian saw a lot of Marash scum on the side of the street, scattered on almost every street the convoy passed.

Without exception, those Marash scumbags all stared at the convoy under the protection of heavy soldiers with blood-red eyes, and everyone's eyes were full of hatred and anger.

However, those Marash scumbags on the street did not take any further action, they showed great restraint, and just watched the convoy go away.

In addition to these scumbags, Ye Tian also saw a lot of disguised security personnel among the onlookers on the street, mixing in the crowd, secretly escorting them.

Nothing happened along the way, Ye Tian and his convoy soon arrived at the Honduras Presidential Palace.

At ten o'clock this morning, a joint press conference on exploring the treasures of the Golden City of the Mayan Empire will be held at the Presidential Palace of Honduras. It will be officially announced and the joint exploration operation will begin.

Ye Tian and the others rushed here early in the morning to participate in this joint press conference.

When this press conference is over, tomorrow morning, the tripartite joint exploration team will set off to explore the famous Golden City of the Mayan Empire in the ancient city of Copan!

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