Treasure Hunt all over the World

Chapter 2434 God-given Opportunity

In the blink of an eye, it was night, and the surroundings were completely silent, already shrouded in darkness. Looking around, the originally lush mountains and forests had turned into undulating black shadows, vaguely shadowy.

At this time, Copan Ruinas, a border town, was still brightly lit and extremely noisy.

Almost all restaurants, cafes, and bars in the town are crowded with people of all kinds, from all over the world, of all skin colors, and speaking various languages.

These people include explorers, treasure hunters, professional treasure hunters, gangsters, drug dealers and addicts, as well as mercenaries and modern Mayans, policemen and soldiers from various countries in civilian clothes, and so on.

Without exception, no matter where they come from, these guys are drinking and carousing, everyone is very excited, their eyes are full of anticipation, and they are full of greed.

On the street outside, it was a different situation.

Compared with the past, there are many more policemen on the streets of Copan Ruinas, as well as patrolling police cars. From time to time, there will be teams of heavily armed soldiers passing by, and the alert level has been raised by more than one level.

Especially around the hotel where the tripartite joint exploration team lives, there are three steps, one post, five steps and one post, so no one else can get close.

Inside the hotel, after a sumptuous dinner, Ye Tian, ​​David and the others, as well as Professor Delgado and others, returned to the floor where the Fearless Exploration Company lived.

However, the group of them did not return to the guest room, but came to a small meeting room.

As soon as he entered this meeting room, Ye Tian raised his eyes and saw several familiar faces, they were the Mayan tribal chiefs whom he had met in Tegucigalpa before.

Behind these Mayan tribal chiefs stood two or three Mayan men in their twenties, each of whom looked quite capable.

Seeing Ye Tian coming in, the Mayan tribal chiefs who had been sitting stood up immediately, and all looked at Ye Tian. Everyone's eyes were extremely burning, full of anticipation.

After everyone met, it was natural to have some polite greetings, and then we got to the point.

"Mr. Steven, this is my son, Gray Wolf, who is twenty-three years old this year. He is familiar with the terrain of the Copan Valley. He can be your guide in the next joint exploration operation.

If you successfully find the Golden City of the Mayan Empire,

If you do start a museum of Indian history in New York, I hope that Gray Wolf will go to New York and work in your museum and get an education"

A Mayan tribal chief in his fifties said sincerely, and pointed to the young Mayan man behind him wearing a red and white eagle feather crown, and introduced him to Ye Tian.

After listening to Professor Delgado's translation, Ye Tian couldn't help feeling deeply.

"Poor parents all over the world! These modern Mayans are no exception. They also want their offspring to receive better education and live a better life, instead of struggling to survive in the tropical rainforest!"

Ye Tian looked at the Mayan tribal chief and the hopeful young Mayan man in front of him, then nodded with a smile and said:

"Don't worry, Chief Tucker, I'm a man of my word. After this joint exploration operation is over, regardless of whether we can find the famous Golden City, these guys you brought will have the opportunity to be educated.

I have reached a verbal agreement with Columbia University, and Columbia University will provide corresponding educational resources to accept these guys and let them receive higher education at Columbia University.

As for whether they can work in my Indian History Museum, it depends on the results of this tripartite joint exploration operation. If we can successfully discover the Golden City of the Mayan Empire this time, then everything will not be a problem.”

After finishing speaking, Ye Tian shook hands with the Mayan man named Gray Wolf and said a few words of politeness.

As Professor Delgado translated his words and told the Mayans present, ecstasy immediately appeared on the faces of these Mayans.

Especially those young Mayan men, they were so excited that they almost burst into cheers.

Next, everyone sat down at the conference table and began to discuss the next joint exploration operation and how to cooperate.


All night, another day.

Not long after the sun rose, the small border town of Copan Ruinas became restless early in the morning.

Many people got up early in the morning, carrying backpacks or dragging boxes of different sizes, came out of their respective hotels and hotels, and walked to the hotel where the joint exploration team lived with full of expectations.

There are also some guys who don't even use backpacks and boxes. They just hold or carry all kinds of strange things, put them into the car, and drive to the hotel where the joint exploration team is located.

Everyone in Copan Ruinas got a message last night.

Steven's amazing guy is going to hold a small treasure appraisal meeting to help everyone identify the antique relics in their hands. If those antique relics do have a lot of artistic and market value, that guy will buy them on the spot.

When they heard the news at first, everyone still couldn't believe it, and they were even worried that this bastard, Steven, was digging a trap, planning to trap everyone and count the antiques in everyone's hands!

Who doesn't know, that bastard Steven is notoriously cunning, there are countless people who have been fooled by him, some guys are still counting the money for him, and they are grateful to Dade!

However, this news was quickly confirmed, and it was jointly confirmed by a UNESCO observation team, as well as many experts and scholars from Columbia University and Honduras.

At tomorrow's small treasure appraisal meeting, these experts and scholars will also participate in the appraisal and evaluation work, and supervise the entire process of treasure appraisal and trading on the spot to ensure that there is nothing tricky in it!

In this way, the credibility of this small treasure appraisal meeting is very high.

After confirming this point, many treasure hunters in Copan Ruinas, as long as they have treasures in their hands, are all gearing up, waiting for the arrival of the next day, and then taking what they found to appraise.

These guys knew very well that although that guy Steven was ruthless, his ability to identify antique works of art was absolutely unique in the world, unmatched by anyone, and he had never looked past it.

Faced with such a god-given opportunity, whoever has a little treasure in his hand would be willing to miss this opportunity.

As long as I bring things to participate in this treasure appraisal meeting, there is such a possibility that I may make a lot of money before I find the treasure of the famous Mayan Empire Golden City, why not do it?

Not only the many treasure hunters living in Copan Reinas, but even the Mayan tribes scattered in the Copan Valley also received this news.

These Mayans, who were about to become poor and crazy, also took action, and came straight to Copan Ruinas with the treasures of their respective tribes and families, but they came a little later!

As people flocked to the hotel, the gate of the hotel where the joint exploration team lived was quickly blocked.

Faced with this situation, the Honduran military police in charge of security were very nervous, thinking that something big was going to happen again!

Fortunately, the people who came here today did not bring weapons, so there was no incident of misfiring, and the situation at the scene was relatively stable.

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