The small treasure appraisal meeting has already started for a while, and the place is in a banquet hall on the first floor of the hotel.

Ye Tian himself was in charge of the on-site treasure appraisal, along with Professors Delgado and Douglas from Columbia University, as well as several experts and scholars from the National Museum of Honduras.

The observation team from UNESCO, as well as Hernando and Honduran Minister of Culture Hierro, were responsible for monitoring on the spot to show fairness and transparency.

For safety reasons, and to protect everyone's privacy, property safety, and even life safety, all those who came to appraise treasures with antiques and cultural relics could only wait in line outside the door and enter the banquet hall one by one.

When entering this hotel, everyone was thoroughly searched, and no weapons were allowed to enter the hotel. When entering this banquet hall, everyone was thoroughly searched again.

Even the antiques brought by everyone will be scanned by security personnel with portable X-ray machines and metal detectors. There is no need to hide anything, and there is no loophole to exploit.

After entering the banquet hall, the treasure appraiser can face Ye Tian, ​​other experts, scholars, and supervisors, and then put the antique cultural relics he brought on the table and wait for the appraisal results.

Next, Ye Tian and Professor Delgado will carefully study and identify those antique cultural relics, and then discuss and give a relatively accurate identification conclusion and approximate valuation.

When encountering antique cultural relics that are eye-catching and valuable for collection and research, Ye Tian will bid on the spot and make a transaction request, trying to get those antique cultural relics into his pocket.

The entire process from appraisal to transaction was only known to the owners of the relevant antiques and the people in the banquet hall, and those guys waiting outside knew nothing about it.

Those guys who brought antiques and relics into the banquet hall, but came out empty-handed with ecstasy on their faces, don't have to worry, the windfall they just reaped will let others know how much it is.

Of course, not everyone wants to sell their antiques.

Some guys just want to take this rare opportunity to let Ye Tian appraise the antique cultural relics in his hands, listen to his appraisal conclusion, and then find a channel to sell them.

From their point of view, Ye Tian obviously had ulterior motives for organizing this small treasure appraisal meeting and trade fair.

He just wanted to rob everyone, use his professional knowledge to sweep a large number of valuable antiques at the lowest price,

Naturally, he cannot be allowed to succeed.

As long as I know the origin of the antiques I own and get an accurate appraisal conclusion, I won't have to worry about not being able to find a buyer, and it is very likely that I will sell them at a higher price.

For guys with this kind of thinking, Ye Tian also never refuses to come, and will still help these guys identify, give accurate identification conclusions and approximate valuations.

After the appraisal, these guys will bring their antiques, either happy or disappointed, out of this banquet hall, and return to the hotel where they are staying.

In the midst of busy work, more than an hour has passed.

During this time, Ye Tian has successively identified more than 20 items.

Although these twenty or so items can be regarded as antique cultural relics, the quality of most of them is relatively average, and they don't have much collection value or research value.

When appraising these antique relics, Ye Tian didn't spend much effort. He finished the appraisal in a few words, gave the appraisal conclusion, and then sent those guys to leave with their treasures.

However, there are also a few good antique cultural relics among them. When appraising these antique cultural relics, he was much more careful, and the appraisal conclusion he gave was more specific.

After the appraisal is completed, he will submit a purchase request, trying to accept these antique cultural relics of the Mayan civilization.

There are five such antique relics in total. He successfully accepted three of them, and the other two were taken away by the original owners. Those two guys were greedy and wanted to sell them for a higher price.

While speaking, another treasure appraiser walked out of the banquet hall with his treasure in his arms, with a face full of disappointment.

After a while, the door of the banquet hall opened again, and Walker led a Hispanic man into the banquet hall, walking towards Ye Tian and the others.

This Hispanic man is about 30 years old, about 1.8 meters tall, with dark complexion, muscular bulges all over his body, his eyes are firm, and he looks quite sturdy. The whole person is like an unsheathed saber, showing his sharpness!

He was wearing a black short-sleeved T-shirt, blue jeans, and boots. He was dragging a metal trolley case in his hand, which seemed to be quite heavy, and it obviously contained antique cultural relics he wanted to identify.

The moment he saw this guy, a sneer appeared on the corner of Ye Tian's mouth, which was fleeting.

He recognized this sturdy guy, he was a member of the Guatemalan Special Forces, and he was a team leader.

When the tripartite joint exploration convoy just arrived in Copan Ruinas yesterday afternoon, this guy was standing at the door of a small hotel on the street, watching the convoy.

In fact, this guy didn't hide his identity either.

On his bare right arm, there is a tattoo of a skull wearing a red beret with a saber in its mouth. On the beret and under the skull, the words 'Kabilis' are tattooed respectively.

‘Cabilis’ was the leader of the Mam people on the western plateau of Guatemala in the 16th century. He once led the people to resist the Spanish invasion and was regarded as a national hero by the Guatemalan Indians.

The Guatemalan Special Forces, established in 1974, has its training center located in the hub of Kabilis against the Spanish invaders, and it is named after Kabilis.

The skull tattoo wearing a red beret and biting a saber is the symbol of the Guatemalan special forces. It is famous in Central and South America, and it is even frightening.

Cabilis is not only the most powerful special force in Guatemala, but also a well-known international mercenary. They are especially good at jungle warfare, and their strength should not be underestimated.

In order to achieve their goals and complete their combat missions, these guys are often unscrupulous and do everything they can. In many places, they have committed appalling crimes against humanity, such as the massacre of civilians.

After retiring, members of the Guatemalan Special Forces will often become gold medal fighters of some famous drug cartels, killing for money!

Mexico's most vicious and dangerous drug trafficking organization, Los Zetas, has the core of its military strength composed of retired Guatemalan special forces members.

The reason why Los Zetas ran rampant in Mexico, killing countless policemen and judges, and almost no one dared to provoke them, is largely due to the members of the Guatemalan special forces who worked for them.

When Ye Tian looked at this member of the Guatemalan Special Forces, the other party was also looking at him, his eyes were full of curiosity and fear!

In two or three steps, this guy came to the front and stopped in front of the cordon that Matisse and the others pulled out.

A little more than two meters from this cordon is a row of tables used to appraise antiques. Ye Tian and the others are sitting behind those tables.

Seeing the other party stop, Ye Tian immediately smiled and said:

"Good morning, sir, it's a pleasure to meet you here, welcome to this small appraisal meeting, I'm Steven, I don't know what to call you?

If I'm not mistaken, you should be from Kabilis, right? That is the famous Guatemalan Special Forces, for you, I have long admired your name."

After the voice fell, the guy standing behind the cordon immediately nodded and said:

"Good morning, Mr. Steven. My name is Ramos. You read that right. I am indeed from the Guatemalan Special Forces. I brought an antique Mayan artifact here today. I hope you can identify it."

Following Ramos' words, the expressions of the other people on the scene changed. Except for Ye Tian and Mathis, everyone's eyes flashed with fear.

Especially Hernando and Hierro, the faces of these two guys instantly became very dignified, so gloomy that they could wring out water.

Why did members of the Guatemalan special forces appear here? They naturally knew that these ruthless guys must have come for the treasure of the Mayan Empire's Golden City, trying to rob this famous treasure!

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