Treasure Hunt all over the World

Chapter 2436 The Golden Passage of the Mayan Empire

Walker took the trolley case that Ramos brought in, picked it up, put it on the table in front of Ye Tian, ​​and opened the heavy-looking case.

Because they had already undergone two security checks before entering the banquet hall, everyone was not worried about the safety of this metal trolley case.

As soon as Ramos entered the banquet hall, Ye Tian took a quick look at him and the trolley case, and he was very clear about what was in the case, whether it was dangerous, how valuable it was, and so on.

As Walker opened the box, a strangely shaped stone sculpture suddenly appeared in front of everyone.

This is a sculpture of a head, to be precise, it is the head of an ancient sculpture, the part below the neck has disappeared, the fracture is intertwined, it looks like it was broken with brute force.

The reason why this head sculpture is weird is because of its special shape.

The size of this sculpture is about the same as that of a human head. It carves the head of a man, or should be said to be the head of a bird god. Its shape is a human face and a bird's beak.

The statue's eyes are wide open, and it looks very angry, but it also reveals a sense of majesty. The nose and mouth of the statue are in the shape of a bird's beak, protruding forward about fifteen centimeters, and with a little eagle hook.

In addition, some blown feathers are carved on the neck and back of the head of the statue, which is lifelike, like a seabird in a state of battle.

This weird statue is full of Mayan hieroglyphs and various exquisite patterns, even the protruding beak and the face of the statue are full of carvings.

Ye Tian's eyes lit up the moment he saw this head sculpture, and so did Professor Douglas and others. Everyone's eyes lit up and their faces were full of excitement.

Of course, Ye Tian was performing, while the others were showing their true feelings.

Quickly glanced at the incomplete sculpture, Ye Tian looked up at Ramos, pretending to be excited and said:

"Ramos, based on my experience and vision, I can say with certainty that this bird-beak statue with a human face comes from the ancient and mysterious Mayan civilization, and it is a very rare antique.

According to my judgment, this statue should have been carved 1200 to 1300 years ago, during the classical period of the Mayan Empire and one of the most powerful periods of the Mayan Empire, when Mayan civilization reached its peak.

Where does this sculpture come from in the Mayan Empire?

What do these Mayan hieroglyphs and patterns inscribed on it describe? I don't know yet, so we need to study it carefully.

I will tell you about the rest of the information about this sculpture, as well as its value, after we study it carefully. I believe that we will all have a pleasant surprise on this sculpture!

Here I would like to ask, Ramos, where did this head sculpture with a human face and beak come from? Where did you get it from? If it is convenient to answer, you can introduce it to us.”

Following Ye Tian's words, everyone at the scene looked at Ramos, expecting his answer.

Hernando, the Minister of Culture of Honduras, and several other Honduras experts and scholars who were in this banquet hall all had greed in their eyes.

Obviously, after hearing Ye Tian's words, these Hondurans inevitably felt greedy, wanting to take this obviously valuable statue as their own and keep it in Honduras.

Looking at Ramos again, ecstasy flashed across this guy's eyes, and his stern expression instantly melted away.

He sorted out his emotions a little bit, and then said in a deep voice:

"Mr. Steven, there is nothing we can't say. We found this statue during a field survival training. At that time, it was on a dry river bed. It should have been washed out by floods. There is only this head at the scene.

It was the special warfare team that I led that found this head, so this head belongs to our team. Yesterday I heard that you were going to hold this treasure appraisal meeting, so I had someone transport this statue to Copan Rena overnight. s.

We are just ordinary people who don’t know any antiques or Mayan civilization. Naturally, we can’t identify this head. We have also asked someone to identify this statue, but the results we got are not very convincing.

As we all know, you are the world's top professional treasure hunter and top expert in antique art appraisal. Taking this opportunity, I would like to ask you to help appraise this head and see how much it is worth.

The reason why I am here today is that besides asking you to identify the head of the Mayan civilization, I also have another mission. Someone in Guatemala asked me to bring you a message about the Golden City..."

Hearing this, Ye Tian took a deep look at the elite of the Guatemalan special forces, and then interrupted the other party with a smile.

"Ramos, put aside what others asked you to bring, let's talk about it later, let's appreciate and study this head sculpture from the Mayan Empire first, and see if we can find any surprises!"

"Okay, Mr. Steven, please go ahead"

Ramos nodded and raised his hand as a gesture of invitation.

Ye Tian nodded lightly, and began to pretend to appreciate and appraise the sculpture on the table. Professor Douglas and Professor Delgado next to him also came up.

The remaining experts and scholars from Honduras, as well as the observation team from UNESCO, could only stretch their necks, standing aside and waiting patiently.

In just a moment, Professor Delgado said excitedly:

"Steven, what is recorded on this sculpture of the head of the bird god is a kingdom in the classical period of the Mayan Empire, the relevant deeds of the Dos Pilas Kingdom, which mentions the founding monarch of the Dos Pilas Kingdom, Kawi.

In the history of the Mayan Empire, the Dos Pilas Kingdom played a very important role. It was because of the more than 100 years of brutal wars between the Dos Pilas Kingdom and other surrounding kingdoms that the Mayan Empire turned from prosperity to decline.”

Hearing this, Ye Tian immediately pretended to be excited and said:

"Dos Pilas? I also know something about this kingdom in the classical period of the Mayan Empire. As far as I know, the Dos Pilas Kingdom was founded in AD 629 and is located in the southwest of Guatemala, not far from here.

Because of its critical and special geographical location, a large number of precious goods such as emeralds, gemstones, quetzal feathers, and gold coins were often transported to the Mayan city-states through this place, so Dos Pilas became a golden channel.

As a result, the city has become a battleground for military strategists. After the 7th century AD, a bloody conflict broke out between the two Mayan superpowers of Tikal and Calakmo, and Dos Pilas was the first to become the focus of contention between the two parties.

According to my guess, the treasures of the Golden City of the Mayan Empire that we are looking for this time have something to do with the Dos Pilas Kingdom. Many gold and silver treasures in the Golden City are probably transported through Dos Pilas! "

"That's right, the Kingdom of Daospiras was established with the support of the Kingdom of Tikal, but Daospiras betrayed the Kingdom of Tikal, and this betrayal became the source of all subsequent disasters."

Professor Delgado nodded and said, his words and eyes were full of admiration.

Ye Tian's understanding of the history of the Mayan Empire was somewhat beyond his expectations, and he admired it.

After a short pause, Professor Delgado continued:

"The deeds of the Dos Pilas Kingdom, especially the process of being destroyed by the city of Tomarito, are all recorded on the 18 steps discovered in Guatemala in 2002. Hundreds of Mayan characters were carved on those steps. .

If the age inference you just gave is correct, and the head of the bird god was carved between 1200 and 1300 years ago, then there is no doubt that this bird god sculpture came from the end of the Dospilas Kingdom, and it is absolutely priceless.

According to the Mayan writing on the 18 steps discovered in Guatemala, after the city of Tomarito defeated the Dos Pilas Kingdom, it carried out a frenzied massacre, destroying everything in the Dos Pilas Kingdom.

Eight days after the attack, the city of Tomarito held a bloody 'end ceremony'. They smashed the throne, temples, statues and sculptures of the Daospiras Kingdom, and killed all the members of the Kavi royal family. almost everyone.

Some nobles of the Dos Pilas Kingdom hid in the nearby city of Aguadica, and were wiped out after 40 years of lingering. In this war, almost all the people in the Dos Pilas Kingdom were slaughtered.

Shortly after the war, that is, after 820 AD, the Mayans who suffered from the war had to abandon the birthplace of their brilliant civilization and disappeared in a corner that people will never know.

By AD 900, the Mayan Empire, the greatest and most splendid empire in the ancient American history, officially came to an end, and the glorious Mayan Empire completely disappeared, leaving only fragments of ruins to future generations.

This bird god sculpture was obviously smashed, and only the head remains. From this point of view, combined with relevant historical records, it is basically certain that the one who smashed this statue should be the Tomari Tito .

If this can be confirmed, then the value of the head of the bird god will be immeasurable, and it is no exaggeration to say that it is worth a city, because it records the history of the Mayan Empire from prosperity to decline, and even to extinction."

Following Professor Delgado's words, the eyes of everyone at the scene suddenly became brighter, shining brightly!

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