Treasure Hunt all over the World

Chapter 2437 One word ten thousand gold

"Steven, look at this Mayan hieroglyph. We have never seen it before, and naturally we don't know the meaning of this character. I can say with certainty that this is the first time that this Mayan hieroglyph has been discovered.

On this head sculpture of the bird god, there are several Mayan hieroglyphs discovered for the first time, as well as several patterns and decorations discovered for the first time. In this regard, this sculpture of the head head of the bird god is of great research value.”

Professor Delgado pointed to a Mayan hieroglyph on the forehead of the bird god sculpture and said, his excited voice was trembling slightly.

The same was true for Professor Douglas standing next to him, his eyes were shining brightly with excitement, and his body almost jumped onto the sculpture.

Hernando and Hierro, as well as the other Honduras experts and scholars, as well as two UNESCO observers, all rushed forward.

Following Professor Delgado's instructions, everyone looked at the Mayan hieroglyphs.

Of course, no one here understands the meaning of the first discovered Mayan hieroglyph, but everyone admires the mysterious script with great interest.

Although they don't understand the meaning of the Mayan hieroglyphs, everyone knows very well that these Mayan hieroglyphs and patterns discovered for the first time will definitely cause a huge sensation in the academic circle.

By studying and deciphering these newly discovered characters and patterns, people's understanding of the long-lost Mayan civilization and the kingdom of Dos Pilas will be further improved.

Next, Professor Delgado pointed out several Mayan hieroglyphs, patterns and decorations discovered for the first time.

While these experts and scholars were excitedly studying the pictographs and patterns, Ye Tian pulled out, looked at Ramos who was standing outside the cordon, and said loudly with a smile:

"Ramos, the head of the bird god you brought is indeed an antique cultural relic with great research value and collection value. It comes from the Kingdom of Daus Pilas more than 1,200 years ago and is very precious.

The most precious thing about this bird god head is the Mayan hieroglyphs and patterns discovered for the first time. By studying those characters and patterns, we will learn more about the mysterious Mayan civilization.

After talking about the appraisal conclusion, let’s talk about the value of this bird god statue. If there were no Mayan hieroglyphs and patterns discovered for the first time, I would value this bird god statue at $1.5 million.”

Before the words fell, Ramos was completely dumbfounded, and he froze on the spot with a dumbfounded look.

Immediately afterwards, the guy exclaimed in a low voice in despair.

"$1.5 million! Did I hear that right? It's unbelievable that this broken Bird God statue is worth $1.5 million!"

Not only Ramos, Hernando, the other Hondurans, and the two UNESCO observers were also taken aback by the valuation given by Ye Tian, ​​and all exclaimed.

Ye Tian glanced at the crowd, then smiled and said:

"I give this estimate because of its artistic value and cultural research value, and because it comes from the completely destroyed kingdom of Daus Pilas, which is extremely rare.

Rare is more expensive! This is the golden rule of antique art collection. In the world, there are still some relics of Mayan civilization, but the antique relics from the Kingdom of Dos Pilas are very rare!

1.5 million US dollars, just the basic value, plus the Mayan hieroglyphs and patterns discovered for the first time, the value of this bird god statue is even higher, because those words and patterns are the most valuable.

For the Mayan hieroglyphs, patterns, and decorations discovered for the first time, an additional $500,000 can be added for each character, an additional $300,000 for each new pattern, and $100,000 for ornamentation.

Ramos, I want to acquire this bird god sculpture from the Dospilas Kingdom. The purchase price is based on the valuation I gave. I hope you can transfer this sculpture to me to conclude this deal.

For both of us, this is a win-win antique art transaction. Of course, you can also refuse and leave with this valuable bird god sculpture. No one here will stop you.

Afterwards, you can sell this bird god sculpture to others, or send it to auction, maybe you can get a higher price, but it may also pass the auction, or even sell at a lower price, it's your choice."

Following Ye Tian's words, Ramos's face immediately showed a look of ecstasy, and he was so excited that he was about to dance.

With a base value of $1.5 million, add those first-ever discovered Mayan hieroglyphs and patterns, and ornamentation, and the bird god is worth well over $5 million.

Even if the head of the special operations team is divided equally, each person can get more than one million US dollars, or even more! What a huge fortune this is!

With more than one million dollars in hand, people like myself still use it to work for money, and they still use it to fight people in the depths of the tropical rainforest. After retiring, they don't need to become thugs of Mexican drug lords!

Thinking of this, Ramoston's whole body trembled with excitement, and his two eyeballs instantly turned red.

The Hondurans and the two UNESCO observers who were present at the scene all looked at Ramos enviously, wishing they could replace him and take this bird god sculpture as their own.

Ramos didn't respond immediately. After the excitement, the guy lowered his head and fell into deep thought, and began to struggle ideologically.

After a while, he raised his head to look at Ye Tian, ​​and said in a deep voice:

"Mr. Steven, I can't decide whether to sell this bird god statue to you. This bird god statue belongs to our entire special operations team. We need to discuss collectively whether to sell it or not.

After leaving here, I will discuss with my special forces members whether to sell this bird god sculpture to you, and I will inform you later, if everyone agrees to sell, we can trade later."

Ye Tian nodded slightly, then smiled and said:

"This bird god sculpture belongs to you. It is your right to sell it to me. I can only look forward to hearing good news and accepting this valuable bird god sculpture as I wish.

One thing I have to remind you, because this bird god statue is of high value, you must do a good job of keeping it secret and doing a good job of security, so as not to be coveted or robbed by others.

One more thing, the Mayan hieroglyphs, patterns, and decorations discovered for the first time on this bird god sculpture must not be leaked. Once leaked, the transaction value will be greatly reduced.

It is precisely because these hieroglyphs and patterns are discovered for the first time and are of great research value that I am willing to pay a high price for each of them. Once they are leaked, they will not be worth the price.

Here I have a proposal, if you trust me, you can leave this bird god statue here, leave the hotel and go back to discuss with your companions, so you don't have to worry about leaking secrets.

After discussion, if you agree to sell this sculpture, you can come and take away the agreed transaction money at any time. If you don’t agree to sell, you can also come and take away this sculpture at any time.

I can guarantee that before the transaction is completed, these hieroglyphs and patterns discovered for the first time will never be revealed, and if you do not agree to the transaction, we will not reveal these secrets."

Hearing this, Ramos's eyes immediately flashed with emotion.

Although I have no clear friends and foes with this guy, Steven, but one thing is very certain. This guy, Steven, has always kept his word and has a good reputation.

Even if this guy wants this valuable sculpture of the bird god, he will not use such unappealable means to count people like himself.

The most important thing is that this guy is a super rich man with money in his pocket, and millions of dollars are just a drop in the bucket to him.

To him, the value of several million dollars is far less important than reputation.

Thinking of this, Ramos immediately nodded and said:

"Okay, Mr. Steven, this bird god sculpture can be placed with you first, and after we discuss the results, we can trade with you or take this bird god sculpture away."

After the voice fell, Ye Tian immediately continued:

"That couldn't be better. I look forward to hearing good news from you, Ramos. Now I can tell you what those people in Guatemala asked you to bring. I am very interested!"

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