Treasure Hunt all over the World

Chapter 2439 Jaguar Mask

Walker put the box on the table in front of Ye Tian, ​​then took the key from Isco, opened the lock, and opened the dark red box.

The next moment, the thing in the box appeared in front of everyone.

This is a black jaguar mask. To be precise, it is an obsidian jaguar mask. The carving is lifelike and extremely exquisite. It lies flat inside the box.

Like most Indian masks, this obsidian mask has an exaggerated shape. The engraved jaguar's eyes are wide open, full of murderous eyes, and its mouth is wide open, as if it wants to choose to eat someone.

In particular, the four upper and lower tusks of the jaguar protrude from the mouth, interlaced, extremely sharp and huge, completely out of proportion to the jaguar's mouth and head, and it is frightening to look at.

The surface of this obsidian jaguar mask is engraved with Mayan hieroglyphs and various exquisite patterns and patterns. In the center of the jaguar's forehead, there is also a huge top-level ruby ​​inlaid.

It's just that due to the age of the obsidian mask and the ruby ​​on it, the glossiness is not good, and the preservation conditions may not be very good.

But it doesn't matter, as long as they are treated with professional means, they will regain their dazzling light and amaze the world.

The moment they saw this obsidian jaguar mask, the eyes of everyone at the scene, including Ye Tian, ​​suddenly lit up, and everyone was very excited.

Especially when they saw the huge top-level ruby ​​on the mask, everyone immediately understood why Isco was so cautious and asked everyone to keep it secret.

In a country like Honduras, with Isco's identity and status, if he let others know that he has such a top ruby, it will definitely bring disaster, and there is no possibility of escape.

"Wow! It's actually an obsidian jaguar mask, and it's inlaid with a huge ruby. Whether it's the obsidian used to carve the mask, or the ruby, it looks like top-notch stuff!"

"There is no doubt that this is a valuable antique cultural relic, but I don't know what kind of mask it came from in the era of the Mayan Empire?"

There was a burst of exclamation at the scene, and everyone was so shocked by the obsidian jaguar mask that they all stood up and rushed over here quickly, looking at the obsidian mask in the box.

Ye Tian looked at the mask lying flat in the box,

Then he reached into the box and gently took out the mask.

Following his movements, everyone immediately saw that the inside of the mask was also engraved with Mayan hieroglyphs and various exquisite patterns and patterns, which is breathtaking.

"Mr. Isco, can you tell me how you got this obsidian jaguar mask? I can tell you very clearly that this is a top-notch antique relic of great value and very rare."

Ye Tian asked with a smile, looking at this obsidian jaguar mask fondly.

After the words fell, Professor Delgado immediately translated his words.

Isco looked at Ye Tian and the obsidian mask in his hand before giving an answer.

"Of course, Mr. Steven. This obsidian jaguar mask was dug out by my father from his cornfield. It has been dug out for more than thirty years and has been hidden in our house."

Hearing Isco's words, everyone at the scene nodded, and everyone was envious.

Such a priceless top antique cultural relic, why not own it, what a pity!

Ye Tian looked at Isco, then nodded with a smile and said:

"It turns out that this is a valuable antique cultural relic, anyone can see it, especially the top ruby ​​inlaid on the mask, which is of excellent quality and very high value.

I'm a little curious, why haven't you sold this mask for more than 30 years, and haven't pried off this top ruby ​​to sell it to improve your family's life?

In my estimation, if you had sold this obsidian jaguar mask, or pried off this ruby, you would have left Copan Valley for a better life.

Since you have never sold this obsidian mask, why do you want to come here for appraisal and try to sell this valuable antique relic today? Can you tell me the reason? "

Not only Ye Tian, ​​but also the question in the minds of other people at the scene. Everyone temporarily looked away from the obsidian jaguar mask, and all looked at Isco.

After listening to Professor Delgado's translation, Isco smiled wryly before saying helplessly:

"We've always wanted to sell this obsidian jaguar mask to improve our family's lives, maybe even get out of here and live in the city, but who can we sell this gem to in Honduras?

If we want to sell this obsidian jaguar mask, we must find someone to identify and value it. How many such professionals are there in Honduras? Even if there were, we didn't know any of them.

In Honduras, those who can afford this obsidian jaguar mask must be rich and powerful people. We can't afford to mess with such a person. In front of those people, we are a nest of ants.

In the process of finding someone for appraisal and evaluation, and in the process of dealing with the buyer, we don’t know the details of the other party at all. At that time, what our family will get is not wealth and happiness, but death.

You also know the security environment in Honduras. We dare not even tell anyone that we have this obsidian jaguar mask at home, and we dare not take it out, otherwise we may be robbed.

Starting from the Copan Valley where we live, no matter which road we choose, Honduras or Guatemala, El Salvador or Nicaragua, the security situation in each country is extremely poor and full of danger.

Choose to leave here by plane and go to another country to trade this treasure? That's impossible, we're just farmers without any power, every check along the way is a gate to hell

Under such circumstances, we can only keep this secret, hide this obsidian jaguar mask, wait for the right opportunity to come, and then sell this treasure, this wait is thirty years."

Hearing this, everyone at the scene couldn't help but nodded slightly, secretly feeling deeply, and secretly admiring the forbearance of Isco and his family.

Hernando and the other Hondurans who were also in the banquet hall, their faces turned green and pale, and their expressions were somewhat embarrassing!

However, they couldn't say anything to refute. They knew better than anyone else the security situation in Honduras and the social status of these Mayan farmers!

After a short pause, Isco continued:

"Last night, I heard that you will hold a treasure appraisal meeting here, and you will buy some valuable antiques at a reasonable price. After hearing this news, I took the risk to come here with this mask.

Before this, I have seen reports about you on TV, as well as a series of reports on this tripartite joint exploration of the Mayan Empire’s Golden City, to understand some of your background and situation.

I know that you are an exploration company from New York, USA, and you are the top treasure hunting company in the world. You have discovered many famous treasures, and most importantly, you have an excellent reputation.

Mr. Steven, you are the world's top professional treasure hunter and expert in the appraisal of antique works of art. You have a sharp vision, excellent reputation, and are very generous. Because of this, I choose to trust you!

I hope you can help identify this obsidian jaguar mask and give a reasonable valuation. If possible, I hope you can buy this mask, and we will be relieved! "

"Hahaha, Mr. Isco, thank you for your trust. It seems that I came at the right time. Otherwise, I would have missed this very rare antique cultural relic. I am very happy to help you out of this trouble!"

Ye Tian said with a smile, and nodded slightly at Isco.

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