Treasure Hunt all over the World

Chapter 2440 the most beautiful dream

After listening to Isco's introduction, Ye Tian and the others began to appreciate and appraise the obsidian jaguar mask, interpret the Mayan hieroglyphs and patterns engraved on the mask, and see what was recorded.

In the process of appreciating and appraising, Ye Tian was also talking about his appraisal opinion.

"Aside from the Mayan hieroglyphs and patterns carved on this obsidian jaguar mask, the obsidian used to make the mask and the ruby ​​embedded in the mask are top-notch.

This ruby, in particular, has reached the level of pigeon blood red. With a little processing, it can emit an incomparably bright light. The only disadvantage is that the cutting method is relatively primitive and not perfect.

Based on the carving traces on this mask and the state of preservation, I can basically be sure that this obsidian jaguar mask should have been carved 1300 to 1400 years ago, which is the classical era of the Mayan Empire.

If what Isco said is true, and this obsidian mask was found in their cornfield, it is almost certain that this mask came from the Copan Kingdom, the Mayan Empire that once ruled here for a long time.

The Copan Kingdom was established around 426 A.D., 1300 years ago, that is, the seventh century A.D., which was the most prosperous period of the Copan Kingdom. With the specification of this mask, it is obviously not for ordinary people to use.

Inferring from these aspects, combined with the history of the heyday of the Copan Kingdom, I boldly speculate that the person who made and owned this obsidian jaguar mask may be the gray jaguar of the Copan King?

The name of the gray jaguar, the king of Copan, is highly compatible with this obsidian jaguar mask, and the gray jaguar is a long-lived king who ruled the kingdom of Copan for about seventy years in the seventh century.

In other words, for most of the seventh century AD, the entire Copan Valley was under the rule of the gray jaguar king. If this mask was carved in that era, it should belong to the gray jaguar!

Once my appraisal conclusion is established, there is no doubt that the value of this obsidian jaguar mask will double, and it is likely to be the only antique artifact left by the gray jaguar king in the world."

Listening to Ye Tian's analysis, everyone at the scene kept nodding, and there was no disagreement.

Without exception, the envy in everyone's eyes has also become more intense.

As soon as the words fell, Professor Delgado continued excitedly:

"You guessed right,

Steven, this obsidian jaguar mask indeed belonged to the gray jaguar king in the heyday of the Copan kingdom, and it was one of the tokens of the gray jaguar king.

According to the written records on it, this mask was carved around the age of eighty by the Gray Jaguar King, which records the life of the Gray Jaguar, including the battle to annex the city-state of Quirigua.

On some steps, steles and buildings of the ruins of the ancient city of Copan, some deeds of the gray jaguar are also recorded, which can be used to confirm that this is indeed the mask of the gray jaguar.

Steven, look at these Mayan hieroglyphs, which are the name of the gray jaguar king and his birth history, which mentions the royal blue parrot, the founding monarch of the Copan kingdom! "

As he spoke, Professor Delgado pointed to several Mayan hieroglyphs engraved on the inside of the mask, his tone extremely excited.

Ye Tian happened to know those Mayan hieroglyphs. When he was doing his homework before coming to Honduras, he had seen those Mayan hieroglyphs and knew their meanings.

Professor Delgado is right, that is the name of the gray jaguar king, and the royal blue parrot, the founding monarch of the kingdom of Copan.

Ye Tian looked at the Mayan hieroglyphs, then smiled and said:

"It seems that my guess is correct, this is indeed the mask of the gray jaguar king, so there is no doubt that the value of this obsidian jaguar mask must be extremely high, and it is a well-deserved top-level antique relic.

Professor Delgado, please help me to see if there are Mayan hieroglyphs, patterns, and decorations discovered for the first time on this obsidian jaguar mask, so that I can give the most accurate valuation."

"We're very lucky, Steven, there are some Mayan hieroglyphs and patterns on this mask that I've never seen before. For example, this hieroglyph is the first time I've seen it..."

Professor Delgado was talking excitedly, while introducing the Mayan hieroglyphs and patterns discovered for the first time on the mask, his eyebrows were beaming.

In just a few moments, he pointed out four Mayan hieroglyphs discovered for the first time, and two circles with unknown meanings, also discovered for the first time.

Ye Tian looked at the pictographs and patterns, then smiled and said:

"Professor Delgado, it's time for us to talk to Isco about the transaction. You can translate it for me. After I successfully take down this obsidian jaguar mask, you can appreciate and study it. There is plenty of time!"

"Okay, Steven, I'd be more than happy to help you"

Professor Delgado responded, and then put the obsidian mask back into the box, reluctantly.

Ye Tian once again looked at Isco, who was full of expectations, and said to this Mayan man who was looking forward to changing the fate of the whole family:

"Mr. Isco, regarding your obsidian jaguar mask, we have come to a basically accurate appraisal conclusion. First of all, I would like to congratulate you for owning a priceless top-level antique cultural relic.

Let's talk about the appraisal conclusion first, and then talk about the valuation. According to our appraisal, the obsidian and ruby ​​used to make this mask are rare and top-notch, and this ruby ​​is especially rare!

The value of this obsidian and ruby ​​alone is quite astonishing. In today's market, obsidian and ruby ​​of this grade are extremely rare, and I value it at $1.8 million!

When they are perfectly combined, together with the history and civilization hidden behind them, their value is even higher, and this is the true value of this obsidian jaguar mask.

I can be sure that this obsidian jaguar mask should come from the heyday of the Copan Kingdom more than 1300 years ago. It has a long history and is one of the most important antiques of the Copan Kingdom.

The person who ordered the carving and owned this mask was the king of the Copan Kingdom in its heyday, Gray Jaguar. He was a very famous king in the history of the Copan Kingdom, and he was also the king of longevity.

The carving technique of this mask is very high, it should come from the hands of a master sculptor, but the most valuable part of this mask is the hieroglyphs and patterns carved on the inside and outside of the mask

Among them are several Mayan hieroglyphs and patterns discovered for the first time, which are of inestimable value. By studying those hieroglyphs and patterns, we can learn more about the mysterious Mayan civilization!

Before you, we identified another antique cultural relic from the classical era of the Mayan Empire, which also had several hieroglyphic patterns and ornamentation discovered for the first time.

I value the Mayan hieroglyphs at $500,000 each for the first discoveries, $300,000 for each first-discovery pattern, and $100,000 for each new ornamentation, which is a fair price.

I would give the same estimate for the Mayan hieroglyphs and patterns first discovered on this obsidian mask, and then add the base value of $1.8 million and that's my estimate! "

While Ye Tian said these words, Professor Delgado was also translating non-stop, faithfully translating every word.

Looking at Isco again, he was completely dumbfounded. He stared dumbfoundedly at Ye Tian, ​​who was talking so eloquently, his eyes were filled with disbelief, and he thought he was dreaming, and it was the most beautiful dream ever!

Isco was the only one who was dumbfounded.

The rest of the people at the scene counted one by one, and they were completely stunned by the super high estimate given by Ye Tian. They looked at him and the obsidian jaguar mask in disbelief.

Especially those Hondurans who were at the scene, their eyes were red with jealousy, and they wished they could replace Isco!

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