Treasure Hunt all over the World

Chapter 2441 Sugar-coated Cannonballs

Escorted by Walker and Peter, Isco left the banquet hall with a huge amount of wealth that would make countless people crazy, and his legs seemed to be fluttering when he walked.

The obsidian jaguar mask he brought remained in this banquet hall, and changed owners. It has become Ye Tian's private collection and was put into the dark red box.

Looking at the back of Isco leaving, Professor Delgado asked puzzledly:

"Steven, I don't quite understand why Isco refused your help? You arranged for the security personnel to take him home and took his family out of Honduras on a private jet for safety.

Is there anything better than this? In this way, he will not have to worry about being ransacked, and he can leave Honduras safely with his family, go to a place where no one knows them, and start a happy life.

Isco refused your help, I'm really confused, what is this guy thinking? Could it be that he was completely dazzled by the huge amount of wealth and couldn't see the imminent danger? "

Ye Tian looked at the entrance of the banquet hall, then turned his head to look at Professor Delgado, then smiled and said in a voice that only a few people around him could hear:

"The reason is very simple. Isco is very cautious and suspicious. He is guarding against me. He is afraid that I will let my subordinates take back the huge fortune he just acquired, and I will lose everything!"

"Oh! So that's the case, this guy is too careful!"

Delgado sighed with emotion, with a suddenly realized expression on his face.

After a short pause, Ye Tian continued to say:

"Don't look at Isco as just a Mayan farmer with no culture, but this guy is very cunning and scheming, we can't treat him as an ordinary Mayan farmer, that would only be ridiculous.

It can be seen from the fact that their father and son have hidden this priceless obsidian jaguar mask for more than 30 years without leaking any news! How many people can match his forbearance? "

"That's right, if I had such a top-notch antique cultural relic, it would be impossible for me to be like Isco, with a priceless treasure, but living an extremely poor life, and it would take thirty years to pass, it's unimaginable!"

Douglas sighed with emotion in a low voice, his eyes couldn't help showing a bit of admiration.

The same goes for Professor Delgado and David next to him,

They all nodded.

"I'm sure that before he came here with this obsidian jaguar mask for appraisal and tried to sell this treasure, Isco had already made perfect arrangements and made a retreat plan.

All his family members may be waiting somewhere nearby. As long as the transaction is successfully completed and a huge amount of wealth that can change the fate of the whole family is obtained, he will immediately take his family and flee away from home.

To be on the safe side, he wouldn't even tell his family the truth, and he wouldn't use that huge sum of money until the family arrived in a new place, settled down, and was sure it was completely safe.

In this regard, it can be seen from the bank account he took out that he is just a Mayan farmer, but he has an offshore bank account in the Cayman Islands. He has obviously planned this transaction for a long time.

He is very confident in his retreat plan, thinking that he can leave Honduras with the huge sum of money and his family, go to a safe and beautiful place, and live a happy new life.

Because of this, he refused my help and chose to leave by himself with his family. As for his home in the Copan Valley and even their land, it is estimated that they have been sold or rented out!

In this way, without using the huge wealth, they also have travel expenses, and then their family will travel long distances to start a new life in the place they have already planned.

His arrangement is not bad, as long as you are careful, there should be no problem. All we can do now is to wish their family safe, smooth arrival at their destination, and enjoy life! "

Ye Tian smiled and said in a low voice, analyzing the mind of that fellow Isco.

In fact, Isco did exactly that.

Isco, who left the hotel, immediately turned back into an ordinary Mayan farmer, hunched over, lowered his head, and walked out of the town without any haste, without any special features.

His performance successfully fooled all the professional treasure hunters, explorers, mercenaries from all over the world on the street, as well as many gangsters and drug dealers from Honduras and surrounding countries.

How could those people with ulterior motives expect that this vicissitudes-faced, timid-looking Mayan farmer who walked past him was actually a newly promoted millionaire with huge wealth!

Fortunately, those guys didn't know, otherwise, Isco would never have gotten out of Copan Ruinas alive, let alone a beautiful new life.

And outside the town, a dilapidated pickup truck that had been used for decades was parked on the side of the road, waiting for Isco to come back.

The driver was a Mayan man in his 60s and 70s, who was Isco's father, and the people inside the car who were looking forward to him were his wife and children.

Soon, Isco appeared in the sight of his family. He had walked out of the town and walked quickly along the road to his family, with a bright smile on his face.

Seeing this scene, Isco's father suddenly showed a gratified smile on his face, and secretly heaved a sigh of relief, but his wife and children were just happy and didn't know what happened.

In the blink of an eye, Isco has come close.

He first nodded slightly to his father, then jumped into the car, and hugged his wife and children respectively, so excited that he couldn't control himself.

Next, the dilapidated pickup started up, dragging a puff of black smoke along the road, and drove the impoverished Mayan family to a new life.

In front of this road is the border between Honduras and El Salvador, and beyond that is the vast Pacific Ocean. I don’t know where the beautiful home in Isco’s dream is!


Not long after Isco left, Walker brought another treasure appraiser into the banquet hall. The guy was carrying a heavy black backpack, which apparently contained antique artifacts to be identified.

Seeing a new treasure appraiser coming in, Ye Tian and the others stopped talking and started a new round of treasure appraising.

In the blink of an eye, it was already around 12:30 noon, and it was lunch time.

After sending away another treasure appraiser who was full of disappointment, Ye Tian and the others stood up, preparing to leave the banquet hall and go to the restaurant for dinner.

At this moment, Matisse's voice suddenly came from the walkie-talkie.

"Steven, that guy Ramos came over with a few of his subordinates. According to that guy, they agreed to sell the sculpture of the bird god to you. They came here together to get the money.

The guy from Ramos also said that he has passed on your attitude to the Guatemala Presidential Palace and the top officials in Cabilis, and he has something to bring to you, hoping to meet you! "

Hearing the notification, Ye Tian immediately sneered and said:

"Okay, you bring those guys in and complete this antique art deal. I just want to hear what the Guatemalan Presidential Palace and Cabilis executives want to say. Don't forget to search when you come in. No one Let go!"

"Got it, Steven, leave it to us"

Mattis responded, and then acted.

A moment later, the door of the banquet hall opened again, and Mattis and Walker walked in with Ramos and several other members of the Guatemalan special forces.

It can be seen that these sturdy guys are all very excited, their eyes are shining brightly, but they are just forcibly controlling their emotions, so as not to let themselves behave too badly.

It's no wonder that a huge wealth of several million dollars is within reach, and each of them has more than one million dollars distributed to each of them. Can you not be excited about it!

When they came in through this door, they were still penniless soldiers who licked blood on their knife-edges every day. When they walked out of this banquet hall later, everyone would become a veritable millionaire.

Such a huge identity change would be crazy enough for anyone else.

Seeing these excited Guatemalan special forces members, Ye Tian couldn't help laughing softly.

He knew in his heart that these tough guys were no longer a threat, and they would never risk death to work for those guys in the Guatemala Presidential Palace.

This is the power of sugar-coated cannonballs! Especially for these impoverished members of the Guatemalan special forces who work for money, the power is even greater, enough to disintegrate their fighting spirit and determination.

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