Treasure Hunt all over the World

Chapter 2442 Mayan Wizard

This small treasure appraising meeting lasted until 6:30 in the evening before it ended.

Even so, there are still quite a few people who came here with antiques and relics full of hope, and are still waiting for identification outside the banquet hall and hotel, many of whom are Mayans living in the Copan Valley.

Compared with the people living in this small town and the Mayans in some villages near the town, those Mayans and others who lived farther away spent a lot of time on the road.

When they rushed to Copan Ruinas and this hotel with their babies, they could only be at the end of the line.

When this small treasure appraising meeting was coming to an end, many of them hadn't entered the banquet hall of that treasure appraising, and naturally they didn't have the opportunity to display the antiques they brought.

Seeing this situation, Ye Tian asked Jason and Mathis to go outside to make statistics to see how many unidentified antique relics were left, and then numbered them one by one.

Next, Jason and the others took all these numbered antique cultural relics into the banquet hall and placed them on the floor. Ye Tian quickly identified them, but no conclusions were given.

After the appraisal is completed, he will point out the antiques that are indeed valuable and exciting, and give a rough estimate, and let Jason and the others negotiate a deal with the relevant owners later.

As for those antiques or handicrafts that were not of much value, he asked Jason and the others to take out the banquet hall and hand them over to the treasure appraisers waiting outside, and let those guys leave with their own things.

In this way, the speed of appreciating treasures is undoubtedly much faster.

It took only about 20 minutes for Ye Tian to complete all the identification work, pointing out some of the antique cultural relics worth collecting, and giving a rough estimate.

This is the result of his deliberate control of the speed, lest the appraisal speed be too fast, thereby frightening the other people in the banquet hall.

Among the last batch of antiques, Ye Tian still found a few good things and wanted to keep them in his pocket.

He told Jason and the others the valuation of these antique relics, and asked them to split up and negotiate deals with different owners to see if they could get these antique relics.

As for himself, he left the banquet hall with David, Professor Delgado and others, and returned to the guest room upstairs to rest.

Before dinner, Jason and the others completed a series of transactions,

He returned to the floor where the company lived with the few antique cultural relics he had just acquired.

They also missed two or three antique relics. The owners of those antique relics wanted to sell them at a higher price, or they had doubts about the valuation and appraisal conclusion given by Ye Tian, ​​so the transaction could only fall through the cracks.

Ye Tian didn't take these two or three missing antique relics to heart. These antique relics were not top-notch items like the obsidian jaguar mask, otherwise he would have taken them himself.

So far, this small treasure appraising meeting has come to a successful conclusion, some people are happy and some are worried!

The ones who rejoice are naturally Ye Tian, ​​who has gained a lot, Isco, who has fled far away, as well as Ramos and the other members of the Guatemalan special forces.

Especially for Isco and Ramos, this is an extremely perfect day. After today, their lives have completely changed, and a beautiful and happy life is beckoning to them.

As for the people who worry, it's the guys who got nothing.

When they found out that those antique cultural relics that they had been collecting as their treasures were actually worthless or not of much value, they felt depressed, and you can imagine how depressed they were!

Soon, night shrouded the small border town.

Under the cover of night, because of the small treasure appraisal meeting during the day, Copan Ruinas caused another wave of waves.

The few guys who had just sold the antiques in their hands during the day died quietly in this border town without even getting over their excitement.

The fortune they got from selling antiques and relics, they had just put it into their pockets, and before they warmed it up, it fell into someone else's pocket after a cruel torture.

In comparison, Isco, who left Copan Reinas immediately with his family during the day, seemed much wiser.


One night passed, and another day.

Under the blowing of the morning wind, the bloody smell that permeated the streets of the town last night has completely dissipated.

Instead, there are wisps of breeze blowing from the surrounding mountains and forests, as well as the scent of birds and flowers, everything is so refreshing.

As soon as they got up early in the morning, the people living in the small town found that a dozen Mayans wearing national costumes, feather crowns, and carrying jungle machetes and shotguns came from outside the town.

These Mayans are all in their twenties and thirties, sturdy and full of vigor, and everyone is full of fighting spirit, and their eyes are full of expectations.

After entering Copan Reinas, these young Mayans went straight to the hotel where the tripartite joint exploration team stayed, with a very clear purpose.

Seeing this scene, people in the small town immediately flocked out, looking curiously at these young Mayans who suddenly appeared, not understanding what these Mayans were going to do.

But one thing is very clear to everyone, if these Mayans seek trouble with the tripartite joint exploration team and stop this joint exploration of the Mayan Empire's Golden City, it will be tantamount to hitting a stone with an egg and seeking their own death!

Not to mention Steven's ruthless guy and his brutal subordinates, only the Honduran military police with live ammunition and high alert can easily kill these Mayans.

The many Honduran military police patrolling the streets immediately became nervous when they saw these armed Mayans coming, and stared at these sudden guys vigilantly.

Soon, the dozen or so young Mayans came to the front of the hotel.

The Honduran military police guarding the hotel decided not to wait any longer, so they were ready to do something to ensure safety and prevent the Mayans from attacking the hotel.

At this moment, the leaders of the Honduran military police outside the hotel suddenly received an order to let them let the Mayans into the hotel.

Immediately afterwards, several security personnel and a translator under Ye Tian came out of the hotel, and after confirming their identities one by one, they brought the dozen or so Mayans into the hotel.

Seeing this scene, everyone inside and outside the hotel was confused and did not understand what happened.

Didn't the Mayans always oppose this tripartite joint exploration operation? Isn't it a strong request to share the treasures of the Golden City? Isn't it the most violent protest, a posture that is at odds with that guy Steven?

How come now, the Mayans seem to have forgotten everything that happened before, and started to cooperate with that guy Steven, how ridiculous is this world?

It is absolutely impossible for that guy Steven to give in. When did that cruel bastard back down? Never heard of it!

From this point of view, the only ones who make concessions are the Mayans and the Mayan tribe behind them! I don't know what benefits they got to make such a huge concession.

Just when people were feeling confused, Ye Tian, ​​who watched the pictures on the street through the surveillance video, picked up the walkie-talkie and said:

"Matisse, when the gray wolves come up, take them to change into a set of camouflage combat uniforms and combat boots. The national costumes on them are too verbose and not suitable for jungle warfare.

Equip everyone with pistols and sabers if they ask, and GPS and comms, we've got to arm these Mayan guys, maybe they'll be useful! "

After the words fell, Matisse's voice came from the walkie-talkie immediately.

"Okay, Steven, leave these things to us"

Just after the arrangement here, Hernando knocked on the door and walked into this luxurious suite.

As soon as he came in, the guy couldn't wait to ask:

"Steven, what happened to the dozen or so Mayans who just entered the hotel? Why did they appear here?"

Ye Tian looked at this old friend, then smiled and said:

"Why did they appear here? The reason is very simple. These Mayan men are the guides I invited. The joint exploration operation will start today. We need to invite some guides.

Who better guides than the Mayans who lived in the Copán Valley? They know the environment like the back of their hands, which is why I asked these Mayans! "

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