Treasure Hunt all over the World

Chapter 2443 The Holy Land of the Mayans

At 9:30 in the morning, the tripartite joint exploration team was ready to set off and officially launch operations to explore the famous treasures that have been passed down in Central and South America for hundreds of thousands of years, the legendary Golden City of the Mayan Empire.

The first stop of the tripartite joint exploration team, which is also the real starting point of this joint exploration operation, is the ruins of the ancient city of Copan not far from the town.

In the luxury suite, Ye Tian was fully armed.

He was wearing a jungle camouflage combat uniform, covered with a Kevlar camouflage body armor, and was carrying a G36C short assault rifle, with a jungle machete and two Indian tomahawks hanging on his waist on both sides.

In addition, in the holster on the chest of the body armor and in the holster on the outside of the left thigh, there are two M9 pistols, a dog leg is tied on the outside of the right thigh, and a German army knife is tied on the calf.

Behind him is a medium-sized black backpack, which is full of various weapons and ammunition, as well as a small amount of exploration equipment, as well as a first aid kit, etc., which are full.

In addition, there are some changes of clothes, personal identification documents, bank cards and cash in the backpack, as well as the hexagram gold scepter head and golden scepter from the Mayan Empire.

At this moment, he looked like he was going to explore the treasures of the Golden City! It was clear that he wanted to go to the battlefield, go to the depths of the rainforest to start a bloody and cruel fight with someone!

As for the antique cultural relics purchased yesterday, they were escorted away by Jason and several armed security guards early this morning, and transported to Tegucigalpa Airport by helicopter.

At the Tegucigalpa Airport, Ye Tian's private plane was ready to take off, and the antiques would be transferred to New York as soon as they arrived at the airport.

In this way, the worries of the future are solved, and there is no need to worry about someone playing with those antique cultural relics.

After arming, Ye Tian checked all kinds of equipment on his body again to avoid any negligence.

After confirming that there was no problem, he said to Mattis, who was also heavily armed:

"Matisse, what's the situation over there at the Baglio? Tell the guys over there and the convoy to be ready and ready to pick us up when we leave, along with other guys pretending to be tourists and professional treasure hunters.

Then there are those Raytheon guys and those American soldiers cruising in the Pacific Ocean, tell them, from now on, everyone must be ready, ready to respond and cover us for a quick evacuation"

Mattis nodded slightly,

Then he said confidently:

"Don't worry, those guys in Baglio have already prepared, and the transport convoy is well hidden, the Honduran side didn't notice it at all, and the same goes for the other guys who appeared in various identities.

Raytheon Security Company and the Marine Corps, I will contact them later and make them ready to respond. As long as we pay enough, those greedy guys will definitely work hard.

Also, the guys who gathered in Copan Ruinas and Ballio, who coveted the treasures of the Mayan Empire's Golden City, are all under our surveillance. Once they take action, we will know in a blink of an eye..."

Next, Matisse reported on all aspects of the situation, detailing everything.

After he finished his report, Ye Tian raised his hand to check the time, then smiled and said:

"Okay, Mattis, you go and inform all the guys and company employees who participated in today's exploration operation, as well as Columbia University and Honduras, that we will leave in ten minutes and go to the ancient city of Copan!"

After the words fell, Matisse immediately nodded in response, then turned around and left the luxury suite, and went outside to arrange actions.

After he left, Ye Tian immediately took out his cell phone, went into the next bedroom to make a call.

The call was to old Chris, the old guy from Alaska, who is enjoying the warm Caribbean sun in the Cayman Islands, time to wake him up!


Ten minutes passed quickly, and Ye Tian, ​​who was fully armed, walked out of the luxurious suite where he was staying with David and others.

As soon as he came out, he saw Mattis and the others, as well as many armed security personnel and company employees who participated in today's exploration operation.

Everyone is scattered in the corridor, carrying backpacks or lugging boxes, ready to go, everyone excited and full of anticipation.

In the middle of the crowd, there were a few Mayans with feathered crowns or feathers on their heads. They were gray wolves and others who had come to act as guides.

These guys have taken off their national costumes at this time, and they have changed into a jungle camouflage combat uniform and boots, which looks like it.

There were more than a dozen Mayans who came to the hotel in the morning, but there were only a few of them here. The rest of them had set off early and scattered into the forest around the ruins of the ancient city of Copan.

These Mayans are very familiar with the environment around the ancient city of Copan, especially after changing their clothes, they will enter the tropical rainforest and their whereabouts will be more secretive.

Following the Mayans into the forest, there were also some armed security personnel under Ye Tian. Their task was to search the forest around the ancient city of Copan to prevent someone from ambush.

After standing still in the corridor, Ye Tian quickly glanced at the many security personnel and company employees, and then said loudly with a smile:

"Good morning, folks, today is bound to be a big day for us at Valorant Exploration Company, maybe even a day that will go down in history, I hope you all enjoy this wonderful day.

We are about to launch an action to explore the Golden City of the Mayan Empire. This huge legendary treasure that has been passed down in the Americas for hundreds of thousands of years may be revealed by us.

If we really find the Golden City of the Mayan Empire this time, there is no doubt that our company will forever be recorded in the annals of history because of this major archaeological discovery and bring a huge surprise to the world.

Everyone may be a little numb to the matter of being recorded in the annals of history. Our company has made many major archaeological discoveries of this level, such as the operation to explore the treasure of the Knights Templar."


There was a lot of laughter at the scene, and everyone laughed out loud, and everyone's eyes were full of pride.

After the laughter subsided, Ye Tian immediately went on to say:

"Then let me talk about something practical. If you find the Golden City, each of you guys will be rewarded with a generous reward. How rich it is, you can let your imagination run wild and guess as much as you want!..."

Before the words fell, the scene immediately boiled.

Cheers and applause suddenly sounded, resounding through the entire corridor, everyone was excited and full of expectations.

In the thunderous applause, Ye Tian said loudly:

"Let's go, guys, the Golden City of the Mayan Empire may be in the mountains and forests around the ancient city of Copan, waiting for us to discover it! As long as the Golden City does exist, then we can find it!"

With that said, Ye Tian had strode forward, leading David and the others towards the stairwell.

The guys standing in front of the doors of the rooms on both sides of the corridor followed up one after another. Everyone was firm and full of confidence!

Soon, Ye Tian and the others came to the stairs.

Just arrived here, Professor Delgado and Professor Douglas led a group from Columbia University, as well as the two UNESCO observers, just walked down from upstairs.

Seeing Ye Tian and the others, Professor Delgado walked over immediately, and whispered excitedly:

"Steven, we have almost figured out the basic meaning of those Mayan characters and patterns carved on that obsidian jaguar mask, and there are surprising new discoveries.

On that mask, in addition to recording the life story of the gray jaguar, king of the Copan Kingdom, there is also a mysterious religious sacrificial ceremony, which is probably related to the Golden City.

The religious sacrificial ceremony took place shortly after the Copan Kingdom annexed the city-state of Quirigua. In order to celebrate the victory, the Copan Kingdom held grand celebrations and sacrificial ceremonies.

According to records, during that sacrificial ceremony, the gray jaguar ordered all the prisoners of war in the city-state of Quirigua to be sacrificed, that is, to be executed. The sacrificial place is called a holy place by the Copan people.

In addition to the prisoners of war in the city-state of Kirigua, the gray jaguar also ordered that most of the property seized from the city-state of Kirigua be sent to the so-called holy place to pay homage to the gods.

Among the seized property are a large amount of gold, emeralds, gemstones of various colors, etc., as well as many steles recording the history of the city-state of Quirigua, as well as other antique cultural relics.

If the Golden City is really near the ancient city of Copan, then this holy place is likely to be the Golden City. Unfortunately, we have no way of knowing where this holy place is.

The Mayan characters and patterns discovered for the first time on the obsidian jaguar mask may hide the location information of the Golden City, but it will take a while to translate it! "

Hearing Professor Delgado's words, Ye Tian and David's eyes lit up suddenly, and they were both very excited.

After pondering for a while, Ye Tian pretended to be excited and said:

"Professor Delgado, this is indeed a surprising discovery. If what is recorded on the obsidian jaguar mask is true, the Golden City is in the Copan Valley, then we will definitely be able to find it!"

When he said these words, Ye Tian's tone was extremely firm and full of confidence.

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