Treasure Hunt all over the World

Chapter 2444 Wasted Civilization

Downstairs of the hotel, the security was extremely strict, and the Honduran military police with live ammunition were everywhere, completely sealing off the area in front of the hotel.

Many vehicles of the tripartite joint exploration team have parked end to end at the entrance of the hotel, waiting for the joint exploration team to come out.

Although this town is very close to the ancient city of Copan, it doesn’t take much time to walk there, but for the sake of safety and the convenience of carrying a large amount of exploration equipment, the joint exploration team decided to go there by car.

Compared with when we arrived at Copan Ruinas two days ago, there are seven or eight more all-terrain vehicles in this convoy, which looks very conspicuous.

In the later exploration operations, it is necessary to enter the lush forests around the ancient city of Copan. At that time, vehicles such as SUVs will be useless and can only be parked outside the forests.

The only ones that can really play a role and carry a lot of exploration equipment and various materials are these all-terrain vehicles with extremely strong passing capabilities.

Not long after the convoy arrived in front of the hotel, the tripartite joint exploration team walked out of the hotel.

The first to appear was the Honduran military police responsible for protecting the joint exploration team on the periphery, followed by Mattis and the others in full armor.

After confirming that it was safe outside, Ye Tian, ​​David, Professor Delgado, Professor Douglas, and Hernando and others just came out of the hotel.

The last ones came out were the other members of the tripartite joint exploration team. There were a lot of people in total, and there were more boxes filled with various exploration equipment and other equipment, which seemed a bit imposing.

Especially Ye Tian, ​​who was fully armed and carried a short assault rifle in his hand, was even more eye-catching.

His appearance made those guys who stayed in the distance to watch the fun gasp, secretly startled.

"I'm going! Is this bastard Steven really going to explore the treasures of the Golden City of the Mayan Empire? Why does it look like he's going to fight in the rainforest? It's too exaggerated!"

"It seems that this guy has been prepared for a long time. Anyone who tries to snatch the treasure of the Golden City from him will become this guy's opponent, and he will kill those guys without hesitation.

If this tripartite joint exploration team really finds the treasure of the Golden City of the Mayan Empire, there is no doubt that there will be a bloody storm around the ancient city of Copan, and even corpses will be everywhere! "

In the voice of people's discussion,

Ye Tian and the others got into the car one after another and disappeared from people's sight.

Soon, the tripartite joint exploration convoy started briskly and slowly drove towards the ancient city of Copan outside the town.

As the convoy drove down the street, past the guys headed for the Golden City, the guys sprang into action.

"That greedy bastard Steven has moved. Ramos, we should do the same. Let's split up according to the plan we made before. We must not let that bastard Steven sweep away all the treasures of the Golden City!"

In a room on the second floor of a small hotel on the street, a Hispanic man standing in front of the window said in a deep voice, this guy's eyes are always fixed on the convoy on the street below.

Two or three meters away from him, Ramos stood with his arms folded in front of another window, also staring at the United Exploration Convoy on the street.

"Okay, Silva, I'll take the guys out now, we'll keep in touch at any time, everyone should be careful, this guy Steven is notoriously ruthless and extremely difficult to deal with!"

Ramos nodded, then turned and left the room.

Seeing his leaving back, the Hispanic man named Silva couldn't help flashing a look of jealousy and even a bit of hatred in his eyes.

If Ramos looked back and saw this scene, he would instantly understand where Silva's jealousy and hatred came from, of course it was because of the windfall that fell from the sky!

That crazy windfall fell on himself and several of his subordinates, but it had nothing to do with Silva. After the news was accidentally leaked, it immediately attracted jealous eyes, and even hatred!

The ones who are jealous and hate their lucky ones happen to be the other members of the Guatemalan Special Forces who came to Copan Ruinas to perform missions, including Silva, the leader of another special operations team!

As Ramos and Silva left the room one after another, these guys from the Guatemalan special forces quickly started their operations.

The same scene is happening in different places in Copan Ruinas. This border town has once again caused waves, and it feels a bit like a rainy day.


The ancient city of Copan is not far from the west side of the town, and the joint exploration convoy has arrived soon.

For today's joint exploration operation and for safety reasons, the Honduran military and police have blocked the ruins of the ancient city of Copan early on, prohibiting any tourists from entering or leaving.

When the tripartite joint exploration team arrived, it was very quiet here, and no tourist could be seen, only many Honduran military police with live ammunition.

After the convoy stopped and confirmed the safety of the scene, Ye Tian and the others just got off the car and landed on the square in front of the ruins of the ancient city of Copan.

The same goes for other members of the joint exploration team. Everyone got out of the car and landed on this ancient land, standing at the gate of the most splendid civilization in ancient American history, the Mayan civilization!

As soon as everyone landed on the ground, they looked up and saw the towering main pyramid in the ancient city of Copan, and a vicissitudes and mysterious atmosphere rushed over.

The ancient city of Copan, also known as the Mayan ruins of Copan, is located in Copan Ruinas in the west of Copan Province, Honduras. It is connected to the small town of Baglio in the west and is very close to the border between Honduras and Guatemala.

This famous Mayan civilization site is located in a dense forest that is artificially isolated and protected, covering an area of ​​0.05 square kilometers. The main pyramid of the site is in the northeast corner of the forest.

In fact, this is only the central area of ​​the ancient city of Copan, which archaeologists call the main building complex. As for the other buildings in the ancient city, they are scattered in the surrounding mountains and forests, or have long since disappeared.

In more than 200 BC, it was the capital of the Mayan Empire, one of the most important cities in the entire Mayan Empire, and the center of scientific, cultural and religious activities at that time.

According to research, as early as more than one thousand years BC, the ancient Mayans came to the Copan Valley and lived and worked in peace and contentment in this rich valley.

The rich volcanic ash here makes the land quite fertile, so the Mayans have been able to live here for thousands of years.

Later, with the continuous expansion of the Mayans and their continuous conquests, the capital of the Mayan Empire changed several times and moved to other places in Central America.

However, the position of the ancient city of Copan in the Mayan Empire is still very important.

In 426 A.D., a Mayan named Royal Blue Parrot, also known as the blue bird, traveled from Teotihuacan, the city of the gods in the north, to Copan and settled down here.

The sapphire parrot probably saw that the Mayan Empire on the highlands was gradually declining, so it came to the Copan Valley, which is rich in jade, to seek development.

The sapphire parrot himself is both a brave warrior and proficient in the art of sacrifice, which can help the local people live a better life.

In this way, the sapphire blue parrot was quickly supported by the local people, established the first large temple in Copan, and then established a Copan dynasty that has been hereditary for more than 400 years.

In the classical era of Mayan civilization, the Copan dynasty founded by the sapphire blue parrot lasted for fifteen generations, ruled the Copan Valley for more than 400 years, and built Copan into one of the largest cities in the Mayan Empire.

Later, after a series of internal and external wars, as well as food shortages caused by population surges and crop failures, coupled with other natural and man-made disasters that continued to occur, the Copan Kingdom gradually declined.

In 822, shortly after Copan's last king, Touk, came to the throne, Copan, like other Mayan cities, encountered a series of catastrophes.

Wars, diseases, floods and droughts mercilessly took the lives of a large number of Mayans. As a result, the peasants' belief in the ruling class was shattered, and everyone abandoned the city one after another.

King Took's enthronement monument was not even half-finished, and the craftsmen were gone.

The royal family of Copan, which lost the support of the people, has never disappeared since then. The rituals and hieroglyphs of the nobles have been lost since then, and civilization has declined.

Although the Copan Kingdom disappeared completely, there are still a small number of Mayans living in the Copan area.

Whether these Mayans came from the Copan kingdom that once ruled here has not been verified. Although they still grow corn on the land of Copan, they have forgotten their beliefs and temples.

Around 1200 AD, the once glorious ancient city of Copan gradually disappeared into the tropical rainforest and was completely swallowed up by the crazy growth of rainforest plants.

The time came to 1576. On the way from Guatemala to San Pedro Sula in Honduras, the Spaniard Diego Garcia discovered the ruins of this ancient city submerged in the grass.

The ruins of the ancient city at that time included pyramids, altars, squares, six temples, stone steps, thirty-six stone tablets and carvings, etc.

This is the first time that the ruins of the ancient city of Copan have appeared in the field of vision of non-Mayans, but this time it was called a great archaeological discovery and did not attract much attention.

In 1839, it was rediscovered again. At that time, the ancient city of Copan was already a desolate scene.

The stone stele engraved with Mayan hieroglyphs has long since broken and tilted, and the sacred and solemn temple has collapsed long ago. Towering trees have grown on the building, the cracks in the stone are full of roots of fig trees, and ancient vines are crawling all over the residual wall.

However, the rediscovered ruins of the ancient city of Copan have finally attracted the attention of the world.

Shortly thereafter, research and archaeological work on the ancient city of Copan began one after another.

In the 1960s, as many Mayan hieroglyphs engraved on stone tablets were deciphered one by one, people only understood the history of the Copan Kingdom and how glorious this deserted ancient city was.

In 1980, after realizing the great significance of the ancient city of Copan to the Mayan civilization, UNESCO included it as a cultural heritage of mankind and included it in the "World Heritage List".

At this time, the tripartite joint exploration team stood outside the gate of the ancient city of Copan, admiring the mysterious and brilliant Mayan civilization!

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