Treasure Hunt all over the World

Chapter 2445 Architectural Miracle

While looking at the main pyramid in the ruins of the ancient city of Copan, Ye Tian also secretly turned on the perspective, and quickly scanned the ruins of the ancient city full of vicissitudes of history.

In this perspective, his purpose is not to explore the secrets hidden in the ruins of the ancient city of Copan. When everyone enters the ancient city later, all the hidden secrets will be presented in his eyes, so there is no need to rush for a while.

His purpose was to see if there were any gunmen ambushing in the ruins of the ancient city, and how the security situation was, so as not to accidentally fall into someone's way, which would be too bad luck.

Under the perspective, the situation inside the ancient city is immediately presented, which is extremely clear.

In the ruins of the ancient city, except for some Honduran military police responsible for security, there is no one else in ambush. There is no tourist or archaeologist inside, and it is very quiet.

After seeing the situation inside the ancient city ruins, Ye Tian quickly scanned the mountains and forests around the ancient city of Copan, in case anyone was hiding in it.

On the edge of those lush forests, some heavily armed Honduran military police stood scattered, watching the situation inside the forest vigilantly.

In the forest, except for a few armed security personnel under him, and a few young Mayan men who acted as guides, Ye Tian didn't find anyone else.

Since the forest around the ruins of the ancient city is very dense, and there are many scattered and high and low ancient buildings in the ancient city blocking the line of sight, if someone wants to ambush in the forest, they can only ambush at the edge of the forest!

If the ambush site is too deep, then you don't even want to see the situation in the ancient city of Copan, and naturally there is no ambush.

In addition to the security personnel under his command and the few modern Mayans, in the surrounding forest, Ye Tian also saw the beautiful scenery of blooming flowers and many beautiful birds singing cheerfully, full of vitality everywhere!

But at this moment, he is not in the mood to appreciate the beauty of this tropical rainforest.

After confirming that the surrounding forest was safe, he withdrew his gaze and looked at the land under his feet.

In an instant, his sight penetrated the bluestone slab under his feet and the soil under the slab, and he saw the situation deeper underground.

At first, he didn't find anything. All he saw were some creatures living in the soil, such as earthworms, etc., and then the soil and stones of different sizes.


When his vision was more than two meters underground, nearly three meters deep, a broken granite stele suddenly appeared in his field of vision.

On that stele, it was engraved with Mayan hieroglyphs and various exquisite patterns and decorations. Some of the Mayan hieroglyphs should appear for the first time, at least he had never seen or recognized them before.

The first time he saw the stele, he deduced the age of the stele from the beautiful light emitted by the stele.

This is a stone tablet from around 100 BC. At that time, the ancient city of Copan was the capital of the Mayan Empire and was the most prosperous era.

Although he didn't know the Mayan hieroglyphs engraved on the steles, he didn't know what those ancient characters and patterns described, and whether they were related to the Mayan Empire.

However, from the more than ten layers of charming halo surrounding the stele, he can clearly judge that the stele is definitely a valuable top-level antique cultural relic, which is of great research value.

It can be inferred from this that this stele must have come from the master, and the things recorded on it are very likely to be very important.

It is a pity that the stele is buried deep underground, and it is difficult for people to dig here to dig out the stele from the depths of the ground until a suitable excuse or opportunity is found.

The result of doing that will only expose yourself and attract suspicion from others, nothing could be more stupid!

Ye Tian naturally wouldn't do such a stupid thing, he just admired it secretly, then turned his eyes to look elsewhere.

Near the stele, there are several other dilapidated antique relics, some of which are engraved with Mayan hieroglyphs and various patterns, and some of which are bare.

Compared with the valuable stone tablet, the value of the other antiques and cultural relics is relatively average, which cannot make Ye Tian's heart flutter.

Of course, this depends on the situation.

The antique relics that Ye Tian despises are likely to be priceless treasures and have great research value in the eyes of other historians and archaeologists who study the Mayan civilization.

In addition to a few antique relics, Ye Tian also saw several bones, including those of adults and minors, scattered deep underground.

After a long period of time, those bones have been integrated with the surrounding soil and rocks, and they only maintain the outline of a bone, but they cannot be collected at all.

Beneath these antiques and bones, nothing else has been found.

After all, this is the capital of the Mayan Empire and the Copan Kingdom. It is not a place where treasures are buried, let alone a mass grave. Naturally, there will not be many discoveries.

After quickly seeing through the situation underground, Ye Tian withdrew his gaze and ended the perspective.

And all of this happened in an instant, without attracting anyone's attention.

"Steven, Professor Delgado, gentlemen, let's go in and see if we can find clues about the golden city of the Mayan Empire in the ruins of the ancient city of Copan. If we find something, it would be great!"

Hernando said expectantly, and stretched out his hand as a gesture of invitation.

"Okay, Hernando, to be honest, I can't wait to see the ruins in the ancient city of Copan, and I want to feel the most splendid Mayan civilization in the ancient history of America."

Ye Tian smiled and nodded, looking full of expectation.

The same goes for the other people in the tripartite joint exploration team. Everyone nodded slightly, and everyone's eyes were full of expectation.

Next, Hernando and Hierro led everyone into the ancient city of Copan and the most important ruins left by the Mayan civilization in the world.

On the way, the person in charge of the site protection area that manages the ancient city of Copan will personally explain the situation of the ancient city of Copan to everyone.

"Ladies and gentlemen, the Copan Mayan ruins are located in the Copan Valley, covering an area of ​​about 15 hectares and at an altitude of about 600 meters. In terms of geographical distribution, they are located in the middle of the highlands and lowlands of Central America.

The Mayans who lived in Copan in ancient times used at least five million tons of building materials to build this city, many of which were heavy and unusually heavy boulders, before they built this magnificent city.

In ancient times without the assistance of engineering machinery, the Mayans of that era did not know how to use metal tools. Building a huge building complex of this scale is absolutely amazing.

In the Mayan civilization, Copan has a very important historical position. It is the oldest and most important ancient city site in the Mayan civilization. It was also the capital of the Mayan Empire and the Copan Kingdom,..."

While listening to professional explanations, everyone stepped forward and walked into this world-famous Mayan civilization site.

Passing through the gate of the ruins, a magnificent square immediately appeared in front of everyone.

In this square, there are square-topped pyramids of different heights, mysterious and solemn temples, stone pillars engraved with Mayan hieroglyphs and exquisite patterns, steles, and stone steps of different lengths, etc.

There are also huge statues of human heads representing the sun god, priests sitting cross-legged on the top of the altar, lion-headed statues holding the god of rain in their hands, and many other statues of various shapes and expressions.

In addition, there are also some mottled houses of different heights, which are distributed in different places on the square.

From their locations, as well as the height, decoration and shape of the houses, we can basically infer who were the people who used these houses, were they priests or merchants, nobles or poor people?

All these things are located in different positions of the square, standing quietly, lying on the ground in disorder, or already collapsed, telling people about the ancient civilization that has mysteriously disappeared.

Seeing the situation in the square, Ye Tian and the others who had just walked into the ancient city of Copan couldn't help but stop in their tracks, staring at everything in front of them in dumbfounded amazement.

Without exception, at this moment, they were all completely shocked by the scene in front of them!

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