Treasure Hunt all over the World

Chapter 2446 Head of the Sun God

After a moment of stunned appreciation, everyone came to their senses.

Immediately afterwards, there was a sound of exclamation at the scene.

"Wow! The ancient city of Copan is really spectacular. I thought it was just a ruined wall, but I didn't expect it to be so shocking!"

"It's hard to imagine how the Mayans built this magnificent city without modern machinery or even metal tools? Could it be that the Mayans really came from outer space?"

Just when everyone was amazed, Ye Tian had turned on the perspective again, and had a quick perspective of several ancient Mayan buildings nearby, as well as the land under his feet.

As far as the line of sight is concerned, all the inside and outside of these ancient buildings, every detail, and the situation deep underground are immediately presented with incomparable clarity.

The next moment, a look of surprise appeared in the depths of Ye Tian's eyes, but it was fleeting.

Apparently, he had found something, and a surprising one at that.

But it is a pity that the ruins of the ancient city of Copan are a cultural heritage of mankind, listed in the "World Heritage List", under the jurisdiction of the Honduran government, and UNESCO has the obligation and responsibility to supervise.

More importantly, although the tripartite joint exploration of the treasures of the Golden City of the Mayan Empire was carried out in the Copan Valley, it did not include the ruins of the ancient city of Copan.

That is to say, even if Ye Tian finds some valuable treasures in this ancient Mayan city, he can't dig them casually, and needs to go through a series of complicated procedures.

In view of this, Ye Tian could only secretly admire the antique cultural relics discovered by the perspective, but he didn't intend to point out the location of those treasures so that they could be excavated.

After quickly scanning the nearby area aside, he retracted his gaze and ended the perspective.

Immediately afterwards, Hernando's expectant voice came from the side.

"Steven, we are now in the ruins of the ancient city of Copan. You said before that if you want to successfully find the legendary golden city of the Mayan Empire, you must start with the ruins of the ancient city of Copan.

Now can you tell everyone how to find the Golden City of the Mayan Empire? If the clue to the Golden City is hidden in the ancient city of Copan, what exactly is it and where is it? "

Not only Hernando,

Everyone else at the scene wanted to know the answers to these questions, including Professor Delgado and David.

Without exception, everyone at the scene looked at Ye Tian, ​​and everyone was full of expectations.

Ye Tian turned his head to look at Hernando, then glanced at the crowd, then shook his head with a smile and said:

"Don't worry, Hernando, and other ladies and gentlemen, there is plenty of time, we can explore slowly, as long as the golden city of the Mayan Empire is indeed hidden near the ancient city of Copan, we will definitely be able to find it.

I believe that many people here are like me. This is the first time to visit the ancient city of Copan and the first time to see the most important Mayan civilization ruins in the world. Now that everyone has come here, it is natural to have a good visit.

Only in this way, everyone will have a worthwhile trip, even if they did not find the Golden City of the Mayan Empire in the end, it is not a waste of time, and there will be things to remember after returning, and at the same time, it can improve everyone’s understanding of the Mayan civilization.”

Hearing this, everyone at the scene nodded slightly, and there was no disagreement.

Faced with this situation, Hernando and the rest of the Hondurans could only endure and nodded in agreement.

After a short pause, Ye Tian continued to say:

"After everyone has visited the ruins of the ancient city of Copan, we will start a joint exploration operation to find clues about the golden city of the Mayan Empire. I can also let my staff use various high-tech equipment to thoroughly explore the ancient city of Copan.

Although the ancient city of Copan has been explored countless times by countless historians and archaeologists, as well as professional treasure hunters, and discovered a lot of information and secrets about the Mayan civilization, I believe there are still many secrets hidden here.

The clues about the Golden City of the Mayan Empire is one of the secrets, and it is probably the biggest secret. We, the Fearless Exploration Company, have the most advanced exploration equipment in the world and have extremely rich experience.

Now that we have come here, we naturally have to explore it thoroughly, and maybe there will be surprising and important discoveries. I know that the ancient city of Copan is a cultural heritage of mankind, and even if we find something, it has nothing to do with us.

It doesn't matter, as long as we contribute to Honduras and the study of Mayan civilization, in the ancient city of Copan, if we really have any major archaeological discoveries, that would be great, and I am happy to see it! "


The two observers from UNESCO both breathed a sigh of relief and immediately relaxed a lot.

As long as you guys don't have the idea of ​​the ancient city of Copan, you can explore here as you please. If you can make major discoveries, that would be great.

Afterwards, everyone chatted for a few more words, and then dispersed, and each formed a team to visit the most important ancient city ruins left by the Mayan civilization in the world.

The same was true for Ye Tian. He formed a team with David, Professor Delgado and others, and walked towards a Mayan temple not far from the entrance.

In two or three steps, they had arrived in front of the temple and stopped to admire it.

This is a temple that has been abandoned for a long time. The whole body is made up of granite strips of different sizes. Most of them have collapsed, and only about one-third of the temple is still standing. It has long been a broken wall.

Because the deserted age is too long, trees, ancient vines, and various other plants used to grow on this dilapidated Mayan temple, as well as inside the temple, and even in the crevices of the stones.

Due to the powerful growth of plants, it caused great damage to the temple. Some heavy and unusual stones were pushed aside by some trees and grass, making the temple look crumbling.

At the end of the nineteenth century, after people rediscovered the ancient city of Copan and carried out related research and exploration activities, the destructive trees, grasses, and other plants were cleared away.

The various animals that originally inhabited the temple were also driven away by archaeologists and explorers who came to investigate in an endless stream, and could only hide in the lush tropical rainforest around them.

For more than a hundred years, the people who managed the ancient city of Copan would clean up the regrown trees and grass every year to prevent these extremely vigorous guys from completely destroying the ruins of the ancient city.

Because of this, the ancient city of Copan has been preserved, and this crumbling Mayan temple has been able to persist until now.

It can be seen that on the outer wall of this Mayan temple, many Mayan hieroglyphs, as well as various patterns and decorations are engraved.

Due to the long history and various factors such as weathering, these pictographic characters and patterns are quite blurred, and some even have only an outline left, and it takes a lot of effort to speculate on the specific meaning.

And on the steps in front of this temple, there is a huge head portrait with a ferocious expression and exaggerated shape, which looks weird.

In addition, there are many dilapidated granite strips of different sizes scattered in front of and around the temple, some of which are engraved with Mayan hieroglyphs and patterns, while others are bare.

These granite strips come from this Mayan temple, which was once a part of the temple. After the temple collapsed, it was scattered here, and people did not restore it.

Everyone stood in front of the temple and admired it for a while. Professor Delgado, who had been to the ancient city of Copan countless times and came here for archaeological research, began to introduce this Mayan temple to everyone.

"Steven, David, the temple you see now has a very important position among the many architectural sites in the ancient city of Copan. It used to be one of the most important temples in the Kingdom of Copan.

The statue with a human head on the steps is the sun god. This is not the sun god Apollo in ancient Greek mythology, but the sun god of the Mayans, with a gold star engraved between his brows! ..."

Following Professor Delgado's introduction, everyone looked at the statue of the sun god and the Venus between the eyebrows of the sun god!

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