Treasure Hunt all over the World

Chapter 2448 Feather snake god

Soon, more than an hour has passed.

Members of the scattered tripartite joint exploration team still visited the ruins of the ancient city of Copan, wandering among the many long-abandoned ruins, and feeling the mysterious and splendid Mayan civilization.

At this time, Ye Tian and the others had come to the front of a small hill, stopped in their tracks, and looked up at the top of the hill.

This hill is about 30 meters high and is made of earth and stones. On the top of the hill stands an ancient altar made of granite strips.

And the road leading to the altar on the top of the mountain is sixty-three granite steps.

These steps are made of 2,500 pieces of granite ashlar, about 30 meters high and 10 meters wide, with a slope of 60 degrees, from the foot of the mountain to the altar at the top, which is very steep.

On these steps, thousands of Mayan hieroglyphs and various patterns and patterns are engraved, and a statue of a human head is placed every twelve meters.

In addition, on both sides of this granite staircase, there are also two piebald giant pythons, with their heads at the bottom and tails at the top, hanging downside down, quite imposing and a bit weird.

As before, it is still Professor Delgado who introduced this Mayan ruins to everyone.

"Steven, David, gentlemen, the altar ladder you see now is the famous 'hieroglyphic ladder', the altar ladder is full of Mayan hieroglyphs.

It is through the study and translation of the Mayan hieroglyphs carved on this ladder that we have a certain understanding of the mysterious and splendid Mayan civilization and the history of the Copan Kingdom.

The Mayan hieroglyphs carved on this granite staircase record the history of the Copan Kingdom, as well as the history of other city-states and tribes of the Mayan Empire, as well as some ancient legends.

As far as the study of the Mayan civilization and the history of the Copan Kingdom is concerned, the "Stairway of Hieroglyphs" is an invaluable treasure, a treasure trove of Mayan hieroglyphics, a Mayan dictionary and history book carved on the ground,..."

As Professor Delgado said, this altar ladder is a treasure trove of Mayan characters, which is invaluable, and each step on the ladder is a top-level antique cultural relic.

Because of this, this "hieroglyphic ladder" was very tightly protected, and the hill was surrounded by iron railings, prohibiting anyone from climbing the ladder to the altar on the top of the hill.

In this way,

People can only stay at the foot of the hill and look up, unable to see the altar on the top of the hill, the Mayan hieroglyphs and patterns carved on the steps, and the sculptures of human heads in various shapes.

Of course, this doesn't include Ye Tian. The railings at the foot of the mountain can block his steps, but they can't block his incomparably sharp sight.

Through perspective, he saw this steep and famous "hieroglyphic ladder" instantly.

Every Mayan hieroglyph, every pattern, and every statue carved on the famous staircase was clearly presented to his eyes, without omission.

He also took a quick look at the ancient altar standing on the top of the hill, not letting go of any corner.

In these places, apart from seeing many Mayan hieroglyphs and patterns, and seeing the glory and splendor of the Mayan civilization, he didn't find any surprises.

This is normal. The "Pictographic Staircase" has been studied countless times by archaeologists and symbologists, and some secrets have been discovered long ago. How could it be preserved until now?

After quickly seeing through the stairs in front of him and the altar on the top of the hill, Ye Tian looked through the stairs and looked into the interior of the hill to see if there would be any surprising discoveries.

In the blink of an eye, his sight had penetrated five or six meters into the hill.

In the process, he saw a lot of rocks and soil, and even some human and animal bones, which were mixed together and rammed very firmly.

In addition, he also saw some creatures living inside the hills, as well as long-carbonized tree roots and so on.

Suddenly, a dark space flashed out and appeared in front of his eyes.

This is an inverted funnel-shaped conical space, just like the hills outside, with a small top and a large bottom. The bottom is a square, and the walls are made of granite strips, which are very strong. First Reading Network

The square at the bottom of the funnel is about 1.5 meters higher than the ground where the hill is, and has an area of ​​4 to 5 square meters.

Moreover, the height of this hidden space is also very limited, no more than four meters high, and it gets smaller as it goes up.

In the very center of this secret space, there seemed to be a marble column with a diameter of about thirty centimeters, running through the entire space from bottom to top.

A giant python is wrapped around this stone pillar, but this giant python is covered with feathers, and has a human face and a pair of huge wings. The wings spread out, posing a posture of volleying.

"Wow! Feathered Serpent God! I didn't expect that there is such an exquisite and unusual sculpture hidden under the 'Stairway of Hieroglyphics'. It is a priceless treasure!"

Ye Tian secretly exclaimed in his heart, and a hint of surprise flashed in the depths of his eyes.

The Feathered Serpent God is a deity widely believed in many ancient Indian civilizations in Central and South America, and its image is generally depicted as a big feathered snake.

In the Mayan civilization, the Feathered Serpent God, also known as Kukulkan, is known as the incarnation of the sun, the sun god.

It is the god who brings the rainy season in the minds of the Mayans and is related to sowing, harvesting, and harvesting.

According to the legend of the Mayans, the feathered snake god dominates the morning star, invented books and laws, and brought corn to mankind. The feathered snake god also represents death and rebirth, and is the protector of priests.

For the Mayans, the Feathered Serpent God is paramount. Not only the Mayans, but also the Aztecs, one of the three major ancient Indian civilizations, also believed in the Feathered Serpent God.

Today, in many places in Central and South America, many people still believe in the Feathered Serpent, and temples and sculptures of the Feathered Serpent can be seen everywhere in Central and South America.

One of the largest and most famous pyramids in the Mayan civilization, the Kukulkan Pyramid in the Yucatan Peninsula in southern Mexico is a pyramid built for the Feathered Serpent.

The altar in front of us was obviously also built for the Feathered Serpent God, but the Copan people hid the statue of the Feathered Serpent God inside the altar under the steps engraved with hieroglyphs, the structure is very ingenious and concealed.

Judging from the shape of the statue of the Feathered Serpent God, it was carved around the sixth century AD, and it has been more than 1,400 years since then.

At that time, the Copan Kingdom had just been established and was on the rise, thriving.

By extension, this altar used to worship the Feathered Serpent God should also have been built in that era.

As for the hieroglyphs and patterns on the altar and the thousands of hieroglyphs and patterns carved on the stairs, they may not have been engraved at that time, but may have been engraved successively in the following hundreds of years.

For the Mayans of the Copan Kingdom, the "hieroglyphic ladder" is their history book, which records the history of the Copan Kingdom.

In fact, the light in Ye Tian's eyes from the statue of Feathered Serpent God and the altar and stairs outside also confirmed his judgment, and it is naturally impossible to make mistakes.

There are many Mayan hieroglyphs and various exquisite patterns engraved on this Feathered Serpent sculpture, some of which are seen for the first time.

And these Mayan hieroglyphs and patterns discovered for the first time will undoubtedly greatly enhance the value of this Feathered Serpent statue, and will also allow people to better understand the ancient Mayan civilization.

It's a pity that this priceless statue of Feathered Serpent God has nothing to do with Ye Tian, ​​he can only appreciate it secretly, and firmly remember the words or patterns found on the statue for the first time, which may be useful in the future.

Apart from the Feathered Serpent statue, there is nothing else in this hidden space, only endless darkness.

After admiring secretly for a moment, Ye Tian then withdrew his gaze and ended the perspective.

Next, they admired the towering altar and the words engraved on the steps for a while, before they left here and walked towards the main pyramid not far away.

It is the most important building in the ruins of the ancient city of Copan, and it is also the most magnificent and tallest building, which is shocking.

But in Ye Tian's eyes, that is the gate leading to the treasures of the Mayan Empire's Golden City!

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