Treasure Hunt all over the World

Chapter 2449 The pyramid pointing to the treasure

In the northeast corner of the ancient city of Copan, Ye Tian and the others were standing in front of the main pyramid, admiring this ancient and magnificent Mayan building, all of them were full of admiration.

Compared with the well-known ancient Egyptian pyramids, not many people know about the Mayan pyramids.

As far as the existing pyramids in the world are concerned, the Pharaoh’s Pyramids in Egypt seem to be larger and more magnificent. Regardless of their popularity or momentum, they have stabilized at one end of the Mayan Pyramids.

In fact, the Mayan pyramids are no worse than the ancient Egyptian pharaoh pyramids, and more mysterious, just like the Mayan civilization that disappeared mysteriously.

Two of the most famous pyramids, the Pyramid of Kukulkan and the Pyramid of Cholula, are even more impressive than those of the ancient Egyptian pharaohs that stand on the banks of the Nile.

The Cholula Pyramid in particular, with its base four times the size of the famous Giza Pyramid and twice its volume, is the largest known pyramid in the world.

But the Cholula Pyramid is often overlooked by people, so that when it comes to pyramids, the first thing people think of is the ancient Egyptian Pharaoh Pyramid, and the famous Giza Pyramid.

The reason for this is that a large part of the Cholula Pyramid is buried in the soil, and people cannot see its whole picture at all.

Because the Cholula Pyramid was too tall and looked like a mountain, it was overlooked by a Spanish explorer and built the church on this pyramid.

In addition to volume, the shapes of Egyptian pyramids and Mayan pyramids are also different. Mayan pyramids are mostly conical flat-top structures, and a temple or altar is usually built on the top of the tower to worship the gods.

There is another difference between the two kinds of pyramids. The Mayan pyramids are often engraved with hieroglyphs and various patterns to describe the history and civilization of the Mayans. It is a history book and an altar.

The ancient Egyptian pyramids are the tombs of the pharaohs. The outside is relatively simple, and the pursuit is tall and solemn.

In terms of these aspects, Ye Tian prefers the Mayan pyramids a bit.

Although various sacrificial ceremonies are often held on the Mayan pyramids, using livestock and even living people to sacrifice, the dead air is far less intense than that of the Egyptian pyramids.

The main pyramid of the ancient city of Copan in front of us is not as famous as the famous Kukulkan and Cholula pyramids, but in the history of the Mayan Empire, its status is no worse than those two pyramids, and even more important.

This Mayan pyramid is about 30 to 40 meters high, with seven floors up and down. There is a steep ladder leading to the top of the tower. There are 72 steps in total, and many hieroglyphs and various patterns are engraved on each step.

On the top platform of this Mayan pyramid, there is an ancient and dilapidated temple, which is used to worship the gods. It is also the most important temple of this pyramid and even the entire ancient city of Copan.

In addition, on the outside of this pyramid, on those mottled granite ashlars, there are also many Mayan hieroglyphs, various patterns, and ornamentation.

Ye Tian and the others standing in front of the main pyramid, one by one, were shocked by this magnificent Mayan pyramid, and even felt a little dazzled.

As before, the one who introduced and explained the main pyramid to everyone is still Professor Delgado, who has been here countless times and is very familiar with it.

"Gentlemen, the pyramid you see now is the main pyramid of the ancient city of Copan and the most important pyramid of the Copan Dynasty. It has an extremely important position in the history of the entire Mayan Empire.

In the past more than a hundred years, countless archaeologists have carefully studied this main pyramid, studying the characters and patterns carved on it, and studying the temple on the top of the tower, without missing a single one.

Through research, archaeologists have cracked many secrets hidden in this main pyramid, but all archaeologists agree that there must be more secrets hidden in this main pyramid.

This probably includes the secret of the Golden City of the Mayan Empire. The pyramid carved on the head of the hexagram gold scepter in Steven's hand is probably the main pyramid of the Copan Kingdom."

Having said that, Professor Delgado couldn't help looking at Ye Tian, ​​and nodded slightly at him, his eyes full of envy.

And Hernando and Hierro, who heard about this for the first time, as well as the other Honduras experts and scholars, as well as the two observers from UNESCO, immediately exploded.

"What? Steven's hexagram gold scepter is actually engraved with the pattern of the main pyramid. Could it be said that the main pyramid is the key to the golden city of the Mayan Empire?"

"Steven, you guys have been hiding it from us so hard, no wonder we haven't been allowed to appreciate and study the hexagram gold scepter head carefully, so it's because of this!"

Amidst the exclamation, Hernando, the other Hondurans, and the two UNESCO observers all turned to look at Ye Tian, ​​their eyes were extremely hot.

As for Hernando, who was most familiar with Ye Tian, ​​his eyes were not only burning, but also somewhat sad.

Ye Tian looked at these guys, then smiled and said loudly:

"Gentlemen, Professor Delgado is right, the hexagram golden scepter in my hand is indeed engraved with a pyramid pattern, and the hieroglyphs of the Golden City are engraved beside it.

After careful research and comparison, we have just determined that the pyramid pattern on the head of the golden scepter with the six-pointed star should be the main pyramid located in the ancient city of Copan.

Therefore, we presume that the Mayan Empire's golden city, which has been passed down for hundreds of thousands of years in Central and South America, should be in the mountains and forests near the ancient city of Copan, and we have also announced this discovery.

Everyone knows what happened next! It can be said with certainty that the hexagram gold scepter head in my hand is probably related to the Golden City of the Mayan Empire, which is a key clue.

For the sake of confidentiality, although I have publicly displayed the head of the golden hexagram scepter, I have never shown its details, so as not to reveal the secret, so you have not been able to see that treasure.

The head of the golden scepter with the six-pointed star is just a clue, and it does not clearly point out the location of the golden city of the Mayan Empire. If you want to find this famous treasure, you still need to explore.

After visiting the main pyramid later, I will climb the tower alone to verify some of my conjectures and see if I can find clues about the location of the Golden City, hoping to find something.

Now let's admire this pyramid, whether the main pyramid is related to the Golden City or not, it is a breathtaking and great building, and it is worth admiring! "

With that said, Ye Tian raised his hand to Professor Delgado and made a gesture of invitation.

Professor Delgado nodded slightly, then picked up the topic just now and continued to introduce the main pyramid.

"After the research of many archaeologists, everyone has unanimously concluded that this main pyramid should have been built during the period when the sapphire blue parrot ruled the Copan dynasty. It took decades to complete,..."

As the explanation started again, everyone looked at Professor Delgado and at the magnificent main pyramid of the Copan Kingdom.

At this time, Ye Tian had secretly turned on the perspective, and began to explore the secrets hidden in this main pyramid!

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