Treasure Hunt all over the World

Chapter 2450 Evolution of Civilization

In the blink of an eye, Ye Tian's line of sight penetrated into the main pyramid of Copan, and he could see clearly everything within the range of perspective.

What he saw was a history of the Mayan civilization and the Copan Kingdom, splendid and brilliant, breathtaking and shocking.

On this main pyramid, he saw many Mayan hieroglyphs and various patterns and decorations carved on stones, telling people about the most brilliant great civilization in ancient American history that had mysteriously disappeared long ago.

And inside the pyramid, he saw countless layers of boulders that were tightly stitched together, saw many bones embedded between the boulders, as well as endless suffering, blood and tears, and devout beliefs!

For a moment, such a series of pictures seemed to flash before Ye Tian's eyes.

About 1,500 years ago, tens of thousands of Copan Mayans and their captured prisoners of war and slaves transported countless boulders weighing several tons or even more than ten tons from various places to the ancient city of Copan.

Next, they built up these giant stones one by one and pushed them to the top of the tower tens of meters high by means that modern people would never guess, until they built this magnificent main pyramid.

During this process, the priests of the Copan Kingdom danced non-stop in the surrounding open spaces, in temples, and on the tops of other pyramids, praying to the gods and praying for the early completion of the main pyramid.

The army of the Copan Kingdom frequently haunted the surrounding mountains and forests, constantly attacking other Mayan tribes and even hostile city-states, capturing prisoners of war and slaves, and replenishing fresh labor for the construction of the main pyramid.

After more than ten years, even decades, this magnificent main pyramid was finally built, which is amazing.

What followed was a grand and bloody celebration ceremony. Those prisoners of war and slaves who built the pyramids became sacrifices, paying homage to the pyramid they built with tears and blood.

Next, the priests of the Copan Kingdom began to worship and observe the sky in the temple on the top of the pyramid, and carved hieroglyphs and patterns on the pyramid, describing the history of the Mayan Empire and the Copan Kingdom.

Hundreds of years later, after a series of natural and man-made disasters, as well as crazy cannibalism, the once glorious Copan Kingdom gradually declined, and the Copan royal family was also abandoned by their subjects.

The Mayans of Copan all moved out of the city and hid in the surrounding forests. They never looked back. The vigorous tropical rainforest quickly swallowed up the city until it was completely annihilated.

The same is true of this tall and magnificent main pyramid,

Completely swallowed by the tropical rainforest, it has since disappeared from people's sight, and the city has become deserted and a forgotten ruin.

Hundreds of years later, when a group of European colonists passed by, they accidentally discovered the ruins of this ancient city buried in the tropical rainforest.

At that time, the ancient city of Copan was in ruins! Like an ancient ship that fell apart, stranded in the vast forest!

In this ruins, the steles were broken and tilted, the temple collapsed, towering trees grew on the buildings, the cracks in the stones were full of fig tree roots, and the ancient vines also covered the residual walls, making it extremely desolate.

As time went by, the ancient city of Copan and the main pyramid, which reappeared in the eyes of the world, finally bloomed with brilliant light of civilization, shocking everyone who saw them.

So far, people have truly realized that America, which has always been regarded as a wild land, once had an extremely brilliant and splendid ancient civilization, that is, the Mayan civilization.

Under the perspective, the evolution history of the Mayan civilization and the Copan Kingdom is like slides, flashing quickly one by one in front of Ye Tian's eyes, which is extremely clear.

It's a pity that the main pyramid is too big, and when his line of sight penetrates six or seven meters into the pyramid, he can no longer advance further, reaching the limit depth of perspective.

Whether there is a hidden space inside this kind of main pyramid, and whether there are any major secrets hidden, it is impossible to know.

For Ye Tian, ​​if he wants to see the deeper part of the main pyramid and find out whether there are any major secrets hidden in it, he can only wait for the future.

In the blink of an eye, Ye Tian had finished seeing through, and then retracted his sight, ending the see through.

At this time, his understanding of the main pyramid of Copan has rapidly surpassed everyone on the scene and all archaeologists in the world, including Professor Delgado and Professor Douglas.

Next, he became a pure visitor, listening to Professor Delgado's explanation with relish.

Soon, ten minutes passed.

Everyone circled the main pyramid and returned to the starting point, which is the front of the pyramid, and ended the visit.

As soon as he came back here, the moment he stopped, everyone on the scene turned their heads to look at Ye Tian. Everyone's eyes were extremely hot and full of anticipation.

"Steven, we have finished visiting the main pyramid now, are you going to climb to the top of the tower to find clues about the Mayan Empire's golden city? I hope you can find something!

At this time, can you take out the hexagram golden scepter head from the Mayan Empire in your hand and show it to everyone? Everyone wants to see that priceless treasure! "

Hernando said expectantly, obviously impatient.

Not only him, but everyone else at the scene counted as one, and they all felt the same at this moment.

Ye Tian looked at Hernando, then glanced at the crowd, then nodded with a smile and said:

"Indeed, next I will go to this main pyramid to verify some of my conjectures and judgments, look for clues about the treasures of the Mayan Empire's Golden City, and hope to find something.

As for the hexagram gold scepter head that symbolizes the royal power of the Mayan Empire, it’s okay to show everyone, but for the sake of confidentiality, everyone can only admire it, and cannot use mobile phones or cameras to take pictures! "

"Don't worry, Steven, we will never take pictures with our mobile phones and spread the relevant pictures. To be honest, I can't wait to see that priceless treasure and see what secrets it hides?"

The curator of the National Museum of Honduras continued, his face full of excitement.

The rest of the people at the scene also nodded and accepted Ye Tian's conditions.

But Hernando and Hierro, who were standing next to them, had a look of disappointment in their eyes, but they were very helpless.

Seeing that everyone agreed, Ye Tian took off the backpack behind him and opened it.

On the way to the ancient city of Copan, he took out the hexagram gold scepter head and the golden scepter from the previous backpack and put them into this smaller backpack so that he could carry it with him when visiting the ancient city of Copan.

Such two priceless treasures, he would never let them out of his sight, that would be tantamount to stealing.

Following Ye Tian's movements, everyone at the scene looked over, and everyone's eyes shone brightly.

Ye Tian first took out a G36C short assault rifle from his backpack and hung it by his side, then took out a delicate metal box and displayed it in front of everyone.

Immediately afterwards, he opened the metal box, took out the head of the hexagram gold scepter inside, and handed it to Hernando.

"Hernando, you can appreciate the hexagram golden scepter head that symbolizes the royal power of the Mayan Empire, and then pass it on to the next person, let everyone appreciate it one by one, whether you can find something depends on everyone's eyesight!

Professor Delgado can explain the words and patterns engraved on the head of the hexagram golden scepter. It was Professor Delgado who translated these hieroglyphs, so I won’t explain it.”

"Okay, Steven, let me appreciate this priceless treasure!"

Before he finished speaking, Hernando stretched out his slightly trembling hands, and took over the head of the hexagram golden scepter that radiated bright light.

At this moment, his eyes were already green, he was extremely excited, and his eyes were full of greed!

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