Under the main pyramid, Hernando and the rest of the Hondurans, as well as the two UNESCO observers, were gathering to study the head of the hexagram gold scepter.

Professor Delgado and Professor Douglas are explaining to them the meaning of the Mayan hieroglyphs and patterns engraved on the head of the golden scepter.

Ye Tian looked at these focused guys, then walked a few meters away with a chuckle, and started talking to Matisse through the wireless invisible headset.

"Matisse, next I will go to the main pyramid of Copan alone to verify some of my conjectures and judgments, and look for clues about the treasures of the Golden City of the Mayan Empire.

The main pyramid is about 30 to 40 meters high. Once I climb this towering pyramid, I will be exposed to everyone's vision, and safety will be a problem.

It stands to reason that no one should plot against me before finding the Golden City of the Mayan Empire, but no one is sure whether someone will take this opportunity to attack from a long distance.

Just in case, we still have to do some work. The forests around the ancient city of Copan, especially the forests where you can see the steps on the front of the pyramid, must be carefully inspected.

The mountains and forests in the other directions must not be let go, they must be checked again, and other places around the ancient city must be carefully checked, and the Honduras military and police must be guarded.”

After the words fell, Matisse's voice came over immediately.

"Got it, Steven, leave these matters to us, you don't have to worry, in fact, the mountains and forests around the ancient city of Copan are under our control and quite safe.

In the mountains and forests around the ancient city, our buddies and the Mayans brought by gray wolves were secretly on guard. We also arranged a lot of pinhole cameras in advance to monitor all areas!

Not long after we arrived in the ancient city of Copan, those guys from the Guatemalan special forces appeared in the mountains and forests on both sides of the north and south, trying to approach the ancient city of Copan secretly.

As soon as those guys arrived, we found them. I contacted Ramos directly and warned them to leave immediately. Those guys were quite clever and quickly evacuated.

Except for those guys from the Guatemalan Special Forces, no one else was found. It is estimated that the rest of the mob is still trying to figure out how to get through the military and police blockade! "

"Okay, Mattis, I'll leave the security around the perimeter to you, don't be careless, I don't want any accidents!"

Ye Tian smiled and said in a low voice,

The call ended immediately.

Next, he returned to the position just now, standing aside with a smile on his face, looking at those guys who were concentrating on studying the head of the hexagram golden scepter.

It wasn't until more than ten minutes later that everyone admired and studied the hexagram gold scepter head carefully before Ye Tian spoke.

"Gentlemen, the time is almost up. I wonder if you have discovered something? You can tell it for everyone to hear, and you can also discuss it and share your own discoveries.

Now please return this hexagram golden scepter head to me. After everyone's discussion is over, I will take this golden scepter head to the main pyramid to find clues to the treasure! "

As he said that, Ye Tian walked up to a UNESCO observer, and extended his right hand to this guy. The head of the six-pointed golden scepter was in this guy's hand.

The observer could only hand over the head of the hexagram gold scepter, with a look of reluctance on his face, as if the hexagram gold scepter head belonged to him, and Ye Tian was a robber who ransacked himself.

Ye Tianchong, the observer, nodded with a chuckle, and reached out to take the head of the hexagram gold scepter.

Meanwhile, the director of the National Museum of Honduras said with a wry smile:

"Steven, apart from what Professor Delgado explained, you didn't find anything new, maybe because we are not professional treasure hunters and don't have a sharp eye!

After research, we only know that the head of the hexagram gold scepter, which symbolizes the royal power of the Mayan Empire, is indeed related to the legendary Golden City of the Mayan Empire and the ancient city of Copan.

What is mentioned here is only the words and patterns engraved on it. As for the clues pointing to the Golden City of the Mayan Empire, we can't see it at all. Can you tell everyone? "

Not only the director of the National Museum of Honduras, but also the rest of the people at the scene were at a loss. They didn't know why, so everyone looked at Ye Tian, ​​expecting his answer.

"Of course you can't see it. If you can easily see the mystery, why would my buddy give you the head of the hexagram gold scepter for study!"

Ye Tian complained secretly, then turned his head to look at the curator of the National Museum of Honduras, glanced at some other people, then shook his head with a smile and said:

"I'm very sorry, Sanchez. Due to the need for confidentiality, I can't disclose more things. In fact, my findings are only speculations based on my own judgment, and it is not certain whether they are accurate.

So I want to board this main pyramid to verify my judgment on the spot and find clues about the Golden City of the Mayan Empire. I hope my speculation is accurate and I can find clues about the Golden City here.”

Hearing his words, everyone could only nod helplessly, and there was no disagreement.

In fact, there are not many people who really believe Ye Tian's words.

Most of these guys believed that he must know the location of the Golden City of the Mayan Empire, or at least the approximate direction, otherwise he would never come to Honduras to hunt for treasure with great fanfare and at any cost.

But what if you don't believe it? No one can change the situation in front of them.

The initiative of this tripartite joint exploration operation is firmly in Ye Tian's hands from the beginning to the end, and the others can only obey orders and obey orders!

Next, Ye Tian put the six-pointed star gold scepter head back into the box, turning a blind eye to the hot and reluctant eyes around him.

A moment later, Matisse's voice came again from the wireless invisible headset.

"Steven, we quickly checked the mountains and forests around the ancient city of Copan, as well as other places where you can snipe from a long distance, and found no gunmen in ambush.

The Honduran military and police inside and outside the ancient city of Copan are all under our surveillance. There should be no accidents. You can rest assured to climb the tower and look for clues to the Golden City! "

Hearing the notification, Ye Tian didn't respond aloud, but just nodded lightly, indicating that he knew.

Immediately afterwards, he said to the crowd:

"Gentlemen, next I will go to this magnificent main pyramid to explore clues about the golden city of the Mayan Empire. I hope to find something, that would be great.

For the sake of confidentiality and safety, I am the only one climbing the tower this time, so everyone just wait below. I believe I will come down from the top in a short time.

Everyone is not idle. If I see pictographs and patterns that I don’t recognize on the top of the tower, I will send pictures to Professor Delgado’s mobile phone, and everyone can translate and decipher them together.

In this way, everyone can participate in it, and you won’t be so bored that you have to wait with your neck up. Let us act together to uncover the layers of fog that shrouded the Golden City of the Mayan Empire! "

"Well, Steven, that's the only way to go, I hope you can find something"

Hernando continued, with a helpless face.

The rest of the people also nodded and accepted the arrangement helplessly.

Afterwards, Ye Tian put his backpack back on his back, checked the G36C short assault rifle hanging by his side, then turned around and walked out, stepping onto the first step of the main pyramid!

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