
Accompanied by crisp footsteps, Ye Tian stood firmly on the first step of the main pyramid of Copan.

The moment he stepped up the steps, he seemed to feel that he was walking into the splendid and splendid Mayan civilization, and gradually uncovered the mysterious veil shrouded in this great civilization.

Involuntarily, a sense of mission arose spontaneously, which lifted his spirits, and his steps became heavier.

In the blink of an eye, Ye Tian had walked up more than ten steps, and came to the first platform of the main pyramid closest to the ground, and then stopped.

The moment he stood still, he quickly turned around and scanned the surrounding situation condescendingly, especially the dense forest around the ancient city of Copan, which was the focus of attention.

The situation around the main pyramid and the ruins of the ancient city is very calm, and there is no danger in the three directions that can be seen, as well as in the lush forest, such as hidden gunmen and so on.

Always pay close attention to Mattis here, and promptly reported the situation through the wireless invisible headset.

After confirming the safety, Ye Tian then retracted his gaze and looked at the platform he was on, as well as the many Mayan hieroglyphs and various patterns and decorations carved on the platform.

It has been studied countless times by archaeologists and symbologists. There are no secrets, and naturally there are no surprising discoveries.

But compared to other people, Ye Tian saw more things, and he saw clearly the internal situation of the pyramid within the scope of perspective, without missing anything.

Unfortunately, he didn't find any surprises.

As far as the eye can see, there are a large number of granite stones piled on top of each other, as well as some small creatures, and several bones left by the Mayans, all buried in the pyramid.

Apart from these, there is nothing else.

Due to the huge size of the main pyramid and limited perspective ability, Ye Tian still couldn't see the innermost part of the pyramid this time.

After pretending to explore, he continued up, walking up the steep stairs to the top of the tower.

Next, every time he goes up to a floor, he will stop, observe the surrounding situation, and after confirming that it is safe, he will pretend to be serious about exploring.

See if you can find something.

While speaking, he had arrived at the fourth floor of the main pyramid and began to explore the situation here.

When his sight swept over a piece of granite engraved with several Mayan hieroglyphs, a dark hole hidden behind the granite suddenly appeared in his eyes.

Seeing this scene, surprise flashed across Ye Tian's eyes, but no one noticed.

The location of this hole is more than one meter to the right of the stairs. Outside is a walkway about 80 centimeters wide. There is a drainage ditch on the walkway, which effectively avoids rain and water accumulation, and also prevents this hole from being exposed.

The granite blocking the entrance of this cave is very large, about 80 centimeters wide, 60 to 70 centimeters high, a little over a meter thick, and weighs at least a ton. I don’t know how the Mayans transported it up.

The hole hidden behind this boulder is only about 60 centimeters wide and about 40 centimeters high, allowing only one person to climb in, and with a slight upward slope, it leads directly to the center of the pyramid.

Entering from this hole is a dark secret passage, about 1.5 meters inward, the space inside this secret passage gradually becomes larger, the slope disappears, and it becomes very flat.

The line of sight extended along the secret passage, and not far ahead, a secret dark space suddenly appeared in Ye Tian's vision.

This is a secret room, square and square, completely built with granite strips, and there are several granite pillars that are as thick as a person's arms to support it, so it is very strong and strong.

The space of the secret room is not large, only thirty or forty square meters, there are stairs connecting the upper and lower to the other secret rooms, and there is a corridor at the height of one person at the back, which leads to the deeper part of the pyramid.

Obviously, this secret room is an integral part of the internal building of the main pyramid. As for the scale of the internal building of the main pyramid, it is still unknown for the time being, and it needs to be carefully explored.

In this secret room, there are two sculptures, one large and one small.

The big one is a marble sculpture with a bird's head and a human body, or it should be said that it is a sculpture of a bird god, and the other one is a head of a sun god. The gold star between its eyebrows is a proof of identity.

From the light emitted from the two statues, Ye Tian could tell at a glance that they came from different eras.

The statue of the bird god is even older, from around the first century AD, and somehow fell into the hands of the royal family of the Kingdom of Copan, and was later hidden in the main pyramid.

The other head of the sun god came from around the fifth century AD. It should have been carved by the royal blue parrot after the establishment of the Copan Kingdom to worship the sun god.

On these two sculptures, some Mayan hieroglyphs and exquisite patterns and decorations are more or less engraved. As for the content of the records, it is unknown.

Especially on the sculpture of the bird god, Ye Tian saw several unfamiliar Mayan hieroglyphs, all of which had never been seen before, and it was very likely that they were the first discovered hieroglyphs.

The walls around the secret room and the stone pillars are also engraved with Mayan hieroglyphs and various patterns. Those patterns are more like murals, engraved with various scenes of fighting, hunting, and sacrifices.

In addition to the two marble sculptures, the chamber contained several corpses, as well as some tarnished and uncut rough gemstones.

The number of those rough gemstones is quite considerable, including rubies, sapphires, obsidian, and emerald rough stones, etc., all of which are of excellent quality and valuable.

The corridor behind the secret room does not lead directly to the deeper inside of the pyramid. There are many turns in the corridor, which prevent Ye Tian's vision from continuing to go deeper, making him unable to see the situation deeper in the pyramid.

In the blink of an eye, Ye Tian saw the situation in this secret room clearly, then retracted his gaze, and ended the perspective.

Undoubtedly, the statues and gems hidden in this secret room inside the pyramid are all of great value and are a very considerable wealth. Those Mayan hieroglyphs and murals are more valuable for research.

However, Ye Tian didn't intend to tell anyone about the existence of this secret room, that would only attract a lot of greedy Hondurans and destroy this magnificent pyramid that existed for more than 1,500 years.

As far as he is concerned, he has no coveted heart for this little treasure, and naturally he will not cheapen some greedy Hondurans in vain!

Ye Tian found something in the next few floors.

Inside the main pyramid, there is a large-scale hidden space connected to several layers, which hides many things, including statues, gems, several stone tablets, and some bones.

Many of them are of great value, especially those engraved with Mayan hieroglyphs, statues, steles, and murals, which are of great research value and can be called top-level antiques.

Although he found these things and knew how to get out the treasure safely, Ye Tian didn't intend to say anything, telling the expectant guys under the pyramid that it might not be a good thing!

In fact, even if these things hidden in the pyramid are related to the Golden City of the Mayan Empire, he does not intend to tell others and then release these things.

For him, as long as the Golden City of the Mayan Empire is near the ancient city of Copan, he will definitely be able to find it. It's just a matter of time.

After more than ten minutes, Ye Tian finally climbed to the top of the main pyramid.

The moment before climbing to the top of the tower, he quickly scanned the situation on the top of the tower, and thoroughly looked through the half-collapsed temple on the top of the tower, not letting go of any corner.

He also thoroughly checked the mottled stone slabs on the ground of the tower top platform, just in case.

After confirming that the top of the tower was safe and there was no danger, Ye Tian stepped out, climbed the last step to the top platform of the tower, came to the temple on the top of the tower, and stood at the commanding height of the ancient city of Copan.

Immediately afterwards, he made a quick turn around the top of the tower, scanning the situation around the pyramid and the lush forests around it.

At this moment, above his head was the blue sky, and under his feet was the main pyramid of the Kingdom of Copan, and even the entire ancient city of Copan!

The dotted and scattered Mayan civilization ruins in and around the ancient city of Copan are all within his field of vision and clear at a glance.

At this moment, he felt that he was standing on the commanding heights of the Mayan civilization, overlooking the land, and witnessed the whole process of the birth, prosperity, glory, decline, and mysterious disappearance of the Mayan civilization.

And David and Professor Delgado, who were staying under the main pyramid, all looked up at Ye Tian standing on the top of the tower, everyone's eyes were full of expectation.

Standing high on the top of the pyramid and bathed in the golden sunlight, Ye Tian even gave them a sense of sacredness!

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