Treasure Hunt all over the World

Chapter 2453 The location of the Golden City

Standing on the top of the pyramid and admiring the scenery for a while, and experiencing the feeling of looking down on the Mayan civilization, Ye Tian finally collected his emotions and looked at the stone slab under his feet and the half-collapsed temple on the top of the tower.

The stone slabs on the top of the tower are all engraved with Mayan hieroglyphs and various exquisite patterns and decorations. Each slate has them and they are arranged in an orderly manner, which looks like a book carved on the slate.

Over the past hundred years, through the research of countless archaeologists and philologists, these Mayan hieroglyphs and patterns have already been translated.

These texts describe the history of the Copan Kingdom, as well as some myths and legends of the Mayan Empire, as well as some sentences for offering sacrifices to gods and praying for blessings.

The many patterns carved on the stone slabs include not only scenes of sacrifice, but also scenes of farming, hunting, and war, which vividly reflect the life scenes of the ancient Mayans.

On the four corners of the platform on the top of the tower, there is a statue about half a meter high.

These four statues are all incomplete, and two of them are only half left, but they can still be recognized vaguely.

They are a mighty cougar, a colorful parrot, a sea eagle about to fly, and a dangerous python.

The four marble statues are located at the four corners of the top of the tower, and the tigers and dragons are on the top, overlooking the entire Copan Valley, guarding the main pyramid.

Most of the temple located in the center of the top of the tower has collapsed, and the condition of the rest is not much better, it looks crumbling.

In front of this temple, there stood a half broken totem pole, on which was carved a statue of the Feathered Serpent God. Unfortunately, the upper half of the statue had long since disappeared, leaving only the lower half.

In addition to the Feathered Serpent God, some Mayan hieroglyphs and patterns are also engraved on this totem pole, which have long been translated by archaeologists.

The temple behind the totem pole is also engraved with many Mayan hieroglyphs and various patterns, mainly various sacrificial patterns, and some astrological patterns.

In those astrological patterns, you can vaguely see several famous constellations, such as Orion.

Obviously, the temple at the top of the tower is not only a temple for offering sacrifices, but also an astronomical observatory for observing the sky.

It is conceivable that after the completion of the main pyramid, the priests and scholars of the Copan Kingdom,

I used to look up at the sky here all year round and explore the secrets of the universe.

The result of this is that the Mayans have made extremely astonishing achievements in astronomy and mathematics, which are breathtaking.

Ye Tian quickly glanced at the top of the tower, and he knew the situation here in a blink of an eye.

Immediately afterwards, he turned on perspective and began to explore the secrets hidden on the top of the pyramid.

In the half-collapsed Mayan temple, he saw several interesting patterns, telling people an ancient story.

What the pattern depicts is a group of Copan Mayan warriors leading a group of captives or slaves through the rainforest. Those prisoners of war and slaves seem to be carrying heavy things, trekking hard, and even crawling on the ground.

It is a pity that this group of murals is incomplete. It is impossible to see where the Copan Mayans set off and where they finally arrived.

The reason is very simple. Only the middle part of this group of murals remains, and the parts at the first and last ends have long since disappeared. Naturally, this mystery cannot be solved.

In addition to this group of murals, Ye Tian also saw many murals and characters inside and outside the temple, as well as many symbols and decorations with unknown meanings, but there were no surprises.

Next, he looked at the ground again, and began to explore the top of the tower under his feet and the secrets hidden inside the pyramid.

The first thing he saw were the Mayan hieroglyphs and various patterns carved on the ground at the top of the tower. These things have been studied countless times, and there is no secret at all.

Then, his sight penetrated the stone slab on the ground of the top of the tower, and looked into the interior of the pyramid.

At first, what he saw were all granite boulders piled together tightly together, showing him the mysterious and outstanding architectural art of the Mayans, which was amazing.

The line of sight has been extended down for about four meters, and the picture presented in his eyes has just changed.

A stone slab with a pattern carved on it, which is different from other granite boulders, suddenly broke into his field of vision.

The pattern engraved on that stone slab is a huge cave located in a dense alpine forest. The mountain where the cave is located seems somewhat familiar.

At the entrance of the cave, stands a statue of the sun god. Looking in the direction where the statue of the sun god is gazing, you can see a pyramid-shaped building and many Mayans kneeling on the ground to pray.

The moment Ye Tian saw this pattern, ecstasy flashed in Ye Tian's eyes, and he almost burst into cheers.

He knew all too well what this pattern, engraved on the granite slab and buried deep inside the pyramid, meant.

In all likelihood, what it pointed to was the famous Golden City of the Mayan Empire, which was the goal of his exploration in Honduras during this trip.

Ye Tian took a serious look at the pattern, imprinted it deeply in his mind, then quickly adjusted his mood, and continued to see through.

Immediately afterwards, he saw a granite pillar as thick as a human's arms, topping the granite slab with the location of the Golden City engraved on it.

The location of this granite pillar is a dark space with a small area, just below the top of the pyramid.

On this granite pillar, there is a huge Feathered Serpent carved, the shape is the same as the sculpture of Feathered Serpent he saw for the first time on the fourth floor of the pyramid, only more exquisite.

It is very close to the temple at the top of the pyramid, and only the Feathered Serpent God most admired by the Mayans is eligible to be placed here.

In addition to the Feathered Serpent statue, in this dark space, Ye Tian saw several other sculptures, most of which were head sculptures, including human heads and animal heads, such as jaguars and sea eagles.

In addition, on the ground of the secret room, there are many dazzling gemstones of various colors.

Unlike rough gemstones found before, these gemstones have been cut and ground to take shape, making them more beautiful and valuable.

Because of the age, the surface of these gemstones seems to be covered with a layer of dust, which looks black, and with a little treatment, they can emit an incomparably bright light.

On the wall of this secret room and on the stone pillar engraved with the Feathered Serpent God, many Mayan hieroglyphs, various exquisite patterns, and many complicated decorations are engraved.

Although Ye Tian didn't know the Mayan hieroglyphs, he could recognize which hieroglyphs he had seen before and which hieroglyphs were discovered for the first time.

There are several hieroglyphs discovered for the first time in this secret room, which is undoubtedly of great research value.

And those exquisite patterns are not difficult to recognize. What they depict is the history of the Copan Kingdom and the Mayan Empire. Among them is a man wearing a mask of a bird god. The image looks very tall and conspicuous.

That guy should be the founder of the Copan Kingdom, Royal Blue Parrot.

At the bottom of this secret room, there is a staircase leading to the lower secret room, which should be a larger space.

However, Ye Tian's perspective vision did not continue downward, but retracted, ending the perspective.

The reason why he did this was very simple, because he already knew the situation in the secret room below.

During the process of climbing the tower before, he had thoroughly seen through there, so naturally he didn't need to explore again.

After finishing the perspective, Ye Tian first looked at the guys who were eager to see through the pyramid, then took off the backpack behind him, opened it, and took out the head of the golden hexagram scepter.

Next, he pretended to study the head of the hexagram gold scepter, then turned and walked towards the temple, and came to the half broken totem pole.

The next moment, he looked down at the head of the hexagram gold scepter in his hand, and then looked up at the lush forest in the distance.

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