Treasure Hunt all over the World

Chapter 2455 new discovery

Still the same as the previous exploration operations, the employees of the brave and fearless exploration company who participated in this operation were still in groups of two, divided into several groups, and started exploring in the ancient city of Copan with pulse metal detectors.

And those exploration team members from Columbia University, as well as members from Honduras, also dispersed to explore with the various groups of the Bravery and the Fearless Exploration Company, each with great interest.

Of course, the main responsibility of these guys is still on-site supervision.

Ye Tian was also holding a pulse metal detector, ready to launch an exploration operation to see what he could find.

There were many people following him, besides David holding the LCD monitor, Professor Delgado, Hernando, and an observer from UNESCO.

The rest of the Honduran officials and many experts and scholars have dispersed, some have followed other groups to explore, and some have gone to prepare for the next step of exploration.

"Steven, why do you want to emphasize that you don't let your company employees scan these Mayan civilization architectural ruins with pulse metal detectors? For what reason?"

Professor Delgado asked curiously, and the rest of the people at the scene were also at a loss and quite puzzled.

Ye Tian turned to look at Professor Delgado, then smiled and said:

"The reason is very simple. These architectural sites and even the ruins are all the evidence of the Mayan civilization in this world, proving that the Mayan civilization once existed, and it is not a illusory legend.

These Mayan civilization ruins cannot be destroyed, which is the consensus of everyone, including you and me. If I let the employees of my company scan these historical architectural ruins, the results will be hard to say.

If we don't find out, then these historical sites will not be destroyed; if we find something in these Mayan civilization sites, such as treasures, then these civilization sites will be doomed.

Even if we do not excavate the discovered antiques or treasures, once the news spreads, treasure hunters from all walks of life who are eager to make a fortune will surely come in droves, and the ancient city of Copan may be completely destroyed.

You and I are very clear about the current situation of the ruins of the ancient city of Copan, the surrounding environment, and the security situation here. I don’t want to destroy this cultural relic because of my own pleasure.

Because of this, I have strictly limited, only let my staff explore the open ground, and the edge of the forest, must not touch any building sites or ruins,

This is to protect them! "

"Indeed, Steven, you are very thoughtful. This can prevent unnecessary damage to the ancient city of Copan. Let some secrets remain silent! They will naturally appear at the right time!"

The UNESCO observer continued, obviously agreeing with Ye Tian's approach.

The rest of the people were the same, all nodded, and there was no disagreement.

After chatting for a few more words, Ye Tian and the others launched an exploration operation, scanning the ground around the main pyramid with a pulse metal detector to see if they could find anything.

Behind them, Professor Delgado, Hernando and others followed suit, staring at them with bright eyes, expecting a miracle to happen.

It is a pity that the miracle did not appear, to be precise, it did not appear on the side of the main pyramid.

Ye Tian scanned the ground very quickly with the pulse metal detector. It didn't take long for him to roughly scan the grass on the east and south sides of the main pyramid, and found nothing surprising.

During the period, he also scanned several metal objects buried at different depths in the ground, but those metal objects existed in isolation, obviously not related to the treasure.

Through the buried depth, length, shape and other characteristics of those metal objects, Ye Tian can basically guess what those metal objects are and whether they are worth excavating.

Without exception, those metal objects are things of the past few hundred years, including discarded muskets, agricultural tools, and Indian tomahawks with metal texture, etc., which are basically of no collection value.

In view of this, these metal objects buried at different depths in the ground naturally do not need to be laboriously excavated.

As I said before, Ye Tian didn't explore any of the main pyramid and the large and small architectural ruins around it. When he got to the front of those architectural ruins, he would take the initiative to bypass them.

After exploring the grassland on the southeast side of the main pyramid, they were going to go to the west side of the pyramid and continue to explore the grassland on that side.

At this moment, an excited voice suddenly came from the intercom, from an employee of Fearless Exploration Company.

"Steven, you'd better come and have a look. We scanned a piece of quite strong metal signal, which is buried at a depth of about five meters underground. From the analysis of the detected signal, it may be a small treasure!"

Hearing the notification, Ye Tian immediately burst into a smile, and so did David standing next to him.

Hernando, who was standing two meters behind them, had an expression of ecstasy and almost cheered.

This guy knew very well in his heart that if these metal objects buried five meters deep in the ground were indeed a treasure, then this treasure belonged to Honduras without a doubt.

This guy Steven just said in public that he has no desire to covet any treasures found in the ruins of the ancient city of Copan. Naturally, it is impossible to renege on his promise and get rich. This is really great!

Ye Tian put away the pulse metal detector, then smiled and said through the walkie-talkie:

"Great job, Jonathan, let's go over there right away to see what those metal objects you found are? Is it a treasure, or some other antique relic?"

After finishing speaking, he quickly glanced at the guys around him, and then made a gesture of please.

"Let's go, gentlemen, let's go over and see what treasure Jonathan and the others found? If it is really a treasure, it would be great!"

Professor Delgado, Hernando and others nodded together, and then followed Ye Tian to the southwest, where Jonathan and his team were exploring.

At the same time, Professor Douglas and Hierro, as well as other experts and scholars, also received the news and rushed there together. Everyone was extremely excited and walked quickly.

Soon, Ye Tian and the others arrived at their destination.

This is a meadow behind a small temple, with several fig trees beside it, and several stone piers of different heights, some with hieroglyphs engraved on them, and some are bare.

At this time, the place was already full of people, and everyone was excitedly discussing and guessing, what are those metal objects buried deep underground?

Seeing Ye Tian and the others coming, those guys surrounded here immediately flashed a passage.

Ye Tian nodded to these guys, then led David and the others through the crowd, and came to Jonathan, the two-person group, and stood still.

Before he could stand still, Jonathan said excitedly:

"Steven, the metal objects I just mentioned are buried under the grass, about five meters above the ground. The signal is quite strong, and the number is obviously quite a lot. It is very likely to be a treasure!"

With that said, Jonathan pointed to the ground in front of him, and stepped on the green turf vigorously, with a look of joy on his face.

Following the direction of his fingers, Ye Tian looked towards the ground, and so did David.

In the eyes of David and the others, there is nothing unusual about this grassland. The same grassland is everywhere in the ancient city of Copan.

But what Ye Tian saw was completely different from what they saw.

What was hidden under this vibrant lawn, whether it was a priceless antique, a treasure, or a pile of scrap iron, he knew it in an instant, and he could see it clearly.

Ye Tian pretended to look at the grass carefully, then raised his head and said with a smile:

"Jonathan, it's hard to say what are those metal objects under this lawn. Scan the lawn again and let me see the detected signals for analysis!"

"Okay, Steven"

With that said, Jonathan turned on the pulse metal detector in his hand again, and stretched the coil towards the grass.

The next moment, a whistle sounded at the scene, which sounded very moving.

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