Treasure Hunt all over the World

Chapter 2456 serial trap

Ye Tian pretended to look seriously at the green grass in front of him, pondered for a moment, then took the LCD monitor from another company employee, and began to check and analyze the detected data signals.

Professor Delgado, Hernando and others who came with him stood aside, looking at him expectantly, looking at the liquid crystal display in his hand.

After carefully analyzing the detected metal signal, Ye Tian just nodded with a smile and said:

"That's right, Jonathan, the metal objects you detected are indeed buried at a depth of about five meters below this grassland, and there are quite a few of them. It looks like a small treasure,..."

Before the words fell, there was already a burst of excited cheers on the scene, resounding throughout the ancient city of Copan.

"Wow! That's great, I didn't expect that there is really a treasure hidden here, but I don't know how valuable this treasure is, and what is buried inside?"

"This treasure is buried in the ancient city of Copan. Could it be the treasure of the Golden City of the Mayan Empire? But if it is the famous treasure of the Golden City, it is too small, and it seriously does not match the name!"

The cheers rang out, and everyone at the scene was very excited. Looking at the grassland where the treasure was buried below, everyone's eyes were extremely hot, and they wished they could immediately start digging and find this treasure.

Especially the group of Hondurans headed by Hernando and Hierro were ecstatic, their eyeballs were green, and their eyes were green!

"Steven, when shall we dig and see what is buried in this treasure? Is it a priceless antique or a dazzling gold and silver treasure?"

Jonathan said excitedly, obviously impatient.

Ye Tian looked at this kid, then glanced at the other expectant guys, then shook his head with a smile and said:

"Guys, although this is a treasure, I am not going to dig it. According to the tripartite joint exploration agreement we signed, this tripartite joint exploration operation does not include exploring the ancient city of Copan.

That is to say, no matter how many treasures we found in the ancient city of Copan, and how amazing the value of those treasures are, we will not excavate them, and the things hidden in the treasures have nothing to do with us.

The explorations we are doing now are just temporary decisions made by Lie Xin. I really want to see how many hidden secrets there are in the ruins of the ancient city of Copan, that's all.

The government of Honduras is qualified to excavate these treasures. The treasures belong to them. I have no desire to covet them. Of course, they have to coordinate with UNESCO before digging! "

"Hey! It's such a pity!"

There was a sound of sighs at the scene, the employees from the Fearless Exploration Company, and the guys from Columbia University, everyone was disappointed.

Looking at the many Hondurans and the two observers from UNESCO at the scene, everyone was so happy that they almost cheered.

At this time, their perception of Ye Tian had improved a lot, and their eyes were even full of admiration.

"Steven, you are a person who keeps your promise. Thank you very much. Now we really want to know what is buried in this treasure? Can you tell everyone?"

Hierro asked impatiently, and brought the topic back to the point.

Ye Tian looked at the LCD display in his hand again, and then said in a very positive tone:

"Judging from the explored signals, the buried deep in this grassland is probably some gold products. As we all know, the Mayans have never used metal tools, so metal tools can be excluded.

This treasure is buried at a depth of five meters underground. It should be very old, at least more than a thousand years. At that time, the Spanish colonists had not come here yet, and obviously metal weapons were not possible.

The ancient city of Copan was discovered by Spanish colonists in the 16th century, but it was quickly forgotten and was not rediscovered until the middle of the 19th century. It can be inferred that these metal objects were not buried at that time.

Since it is not a metal tool or a metal weapon, there is only one possibility. What is buried here is a pile of gold products. Although the Mayans did not know how to use metal tools, they used gold very early.

For the Mayans, gold was more used to sacrifice and enshrine the gods, unlike other ancient civilizations, which used gold as currency and was a symbol of wealth. In the eyes of the Mayans, gold had a completely different meaning.”

Hearing these words, everyone at the scene couldn't help but nodded in unison, and everyone agreed.

After a short pause, Ye Tian continued to say:

"After confirming that these metal items are gold, let's guess again, what are these gold items, are they ordinary gold nuggets, gold coins, or various items made of gold?

Judging from the distribution of these metal objects, combined with the living habits and religious customs of the ancient Mayans, I can basically be sure that these gold objects should be some religious objects.

Among the various objects left over from the Mayan civilization, religious sacrificial objects are often the most valuable. Most of them are engraved with Mayan hieroglyphs and various exquisite patterns and decorations, which are very worthy of study.

Well, that’s all I’ve seen. The specific situation of this treasure can only be known after the negotiation between Honduras and UNESCO is completed and this treasure is excavated.”

With that said, he turned his head to look at Hernando, Hierro, and the two UNESCO observers, and said to these guys with a smile:

"Gentlemen, it is up to you to excavate this treasure. Before excavating this treasure, you'd better strengthen the security force of the ancient city of Copan. No one can guarantee that this news will not leak out! "

"Of course, Steven, we will keep the ancient city of Copan tightly guarded. No one can enter the ancient city of Copan until we reach an agreement with UNESCO and decide to jointly excavate this treasure!"

Ye Luo nodded and said, his tone was decisive, very firm, and very excited.

And this is the answer Ye Tian wants to hear the most, and it is also one of the purposes of his insistence on launching exploration operations in the ancient city of Copan.

After all, Honduras is a small country in Central America with a limited number of troops. Naturally, the number of soldiers who followed the tripartite joint exploration team to the Copán Valley would not be there.

If some of these limited soldiers were stranded around the ancient city of Copan, the number of soldiers who followed the tripartite joint exploration team into the mountains would be much smaller.

If the joint exploration team really found the Golden City of the Mayan Empire, when Ye Tian and the others were about to evacuate directly with a large number of antique relics, the combat effectiveness of the Honduran army that intercepted them would definitely be greatly weakened!

As long as they can get rid of the Honduran army smoothly, quickly enter El Salvador, or go straight to the Caribbean coast, then the sea will be wide enough to jump, and it will not be a problem to get out with the treasure of the Golden City.

All of this was planned by Ye Tian, ​​one link after another, seamless.

At this time, Hernando and Hierro were already ecstatic, how could they think so much, they had already jumped into the trap dug by Ye Tian without knowing it.

Next, Ye Tian introduced this treasure buried deep underground, threw more baits to Hernando and the others, and led these guys into the ditch step by step.

After the introduction, he asked everyone to disperse, separate their actions, and continue to explore other places in the ancient city of Copan.

He himself took David and others, turned around and walked towards the main pyramid, where there are still many places that have not been explored.

Behind him, Professor Delgado and the others followed, while Hierro and the two UNESCO observers stayed where they were and began to report the situation to their respective superiors.

Soon, Ye Tian and the others came to the bottom of the main pyramid of Copan, and began to explore the ground here again, looking for clues to the treasure.

Not long after, another excited voice came from the walkie-talkie and entered Ye Tian's ears.

"Steven, I've found something, you'd better come and have a look!"

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