Treasure Hunt all over the World

Chapter 2457 Marching to the Golden City

In different places in the ancient city of Copan, the employees of the Daring One Exploration Company have successively discovered four or five metal objects buried deep underground, and there are quite a few metal objects.

After Ye Tian's research, it can be basically confirmed that these metal objects buried deep underground are all gold and gold products, which can be regarded as several small treasures.

In addition, in other places of the ancient city ruins and at different depths underground, some metal objects have also been found, but they are all isolated and of little value for excavation.

As before, the Mayan architectural ruins in the ancient city of Copan have not been explored. Perhaps the treasures hidden in those architectural ruins will continue to sleep, silently waiting to see the light of day.

Ye Tian didn't plan to dig these treasures found by scanning with a pulse metal detector, and left this opportunity to make a fortune to the Hondurans.

As these treasures were discovered one by one and confirmed by Ye Tian, ​​Hernando, Hierro, and the rest of the Hondurans all fell into a state of near madness, wishing to dig out these treasures immediately.

The two observers from UNESCO were also very excited and almost danced.

As for the Columbia University team, including Professor Delgado and Douglas, it is a pity that they cannot dig out these treasures with their own hands!

But where were they willing to give up, Professor Delgado and Professor Douglas directly approached Hierro and two observers from UNESCO, asking to participate in the excavation and research of these treasures.

Outside the ancient city of Copan, the alert level has been raised to the highest.

After receiving the news, the Honduran government and high-level military officials ordered the military police in charge of peripheral security to surround the Mayan civilization ruins so that no one could approach them.

The news that Ye Tian and the others discovered several treasures in the ancient city of Copan quickly spread to the outside, inevitably causing a commotion around the ancient city and Copan Ruinas.

When those guys who came for the treasures of the Golden City heard the news and were about to rush towards the ancient city of Copan, they found that every road leading to the ruins of the ancient city was blocked, and they couldn't enter it at all. They could only look at the ocean and sigh!

Soon, the time came to around two o'clock in the afternoon.

The interior of the ancient city of Copan has basically been explored. Next, everyone should pack up and enter the mountains and forests around the ancient city to explore the treasures of the Mayan Empire’s golden city.

at this moment,

Suddenly there was a roar of helicopter engines in the sky, and that kid Jason flew back from Tegucigalpa.

The helicopter stopped on the grass outside the gate of the ancient city ruins. After a while, Jason walked into the ancient city of Copan with two armed security personnel, and walked straight towards Ye Tian and the others.

When he came close, the kid immediately began to report the situation.

"Steven, the escort process went smoothly. The Mayan antiques you bought yesterday have all been successfully transported to Tegucigalpa Airport, and then all have been transferred to your private jet. Now they have been transported to New York.

The guy leading the escort is Derek. New York has received the news and is ready to pick up the plane. You can rest assured that there will be no problems with this batch of valuable Mayan antiques and they are very safe! "

After listening to the report, Ye Tian nodded in satisfaction, then smiled and said:

"Good job, Jason, go and get ready. Later we will enter the mountains and forests around the ancient city of Copan to explore the treasures of the famous Golden City of the Mayan Empire."

"Okay, Steven, to be honest, I can't wait"

Jason nodded excitedly, and then left with two armed security personnel.

When he left, Hernando, who was standing aside, immediately stepped forward, lowered his voice and asked curiously:

"Steven, don't you worry about your company employees and security personnel guarding and stealing? Just take those priceless Mayan antiques and fly away, and make a lot of money from them?

The head sculpture of the bird god and the obsidian jaguar mask you bought before are all priceless top-level antiques. You actually handed over those treasures to your subordinates for escort! "

Ye Tian turned his head to look at this guy, then smiled confidently and said:

"No need to suspect, no doubt to employ! For my company employees and security personnel, I trust them very much. I believe that they will not do things like stealing from others. For them, that is the most stupid behavior.

First of all, the remuneration of the employees of Daring One and all the security personnel employed by me is the best in the entire industry, and even in New York, far surpassing those financial elites on Wall Street.

This high income is legal and has seen the sun. It is no exaggeration. Every employee of my company is now a millionaire, and their wealth will increase rapidly in the foreseeable future.

Under such circumstances, what reason do they have to watch over themselves? That would be tantamount to cutting off one's own future and financial resources. Who would put away clean money and insist on earning wealth that they have no life to enjoy?

Even if there are one or two idiots who have done the thing of guarding and stealing, the antique cultural relics they get in their hands can't be sold through formal channels at all, and can only be sold on the black market at extremely low prices.

As long as I let it out, no auction house, museum, or antique dealer or collector in the world dares to accept the things in their hands, otherwise I will be mentally prepared to be madly retaliated by me.

Antiques that belong to me can appear in the antique art market only with my permission, and they can be traded fairly and openly, and stolen goods cannot be traded. This is also the consensus of antique art collections.

The moment those idiots guarded themselves and stole, they had already put themselves in a place of death, and the antique cultural relics that fell into their hands will become their death talismans, and in the end they will return to my hands."

Hearing Ye Tian's words, several people nearby felt chills coming from their backs, and they were terrified.

Hernando's face changed even more, his eyes were full of fear, even a little bit of fear.

After a short pause, the guy just said:

"I see, Steven, to be honest, I want to work for your exploration company, but I don't know if I have the qualifications? That kind of job that can make a lot of money and explore adventures is so desirable!"

Ye Tian just smiled softly, and didn't take Hernando's words seriously.

After chatting for a few more words, everyone returned to the topic and continued to explore the grassland in front of them.

It didn't take long for all the open spaces in the ruins of the ancient city of Copan to be explored, and the harvest was fruitful.

Afterwards, under Ye Tian's order, members of the tripartite joint exploration team withdrew from the ancient city of Copan one after another, and came to the square outside the ancient city to prepare for the upcoming exploration.

Representatives of the Honduran government and military, as well as other relevant people, flocked into the ancient city of Copan to see the grasslands where treasures were buried.

Even though they can't see anything now, only the green grass, those guys are still very excited, and everyone's eyes are shining green.

On the front square of the ancient city of Copan, after a hectic process, the tripartite joint exploration team finally made preparations.

At this moment, everyone was looking at Ye Tian who was standing in the front, to see where he was going to take this tripartite joint exploration team, and which mountain forest around the ancient city of Copan was buried with the treasure of the famous Mayan Empire Golden City!

Ye Tian was in a very relaxed state. He first raised his hand to look at his watch, then quickly scanned the crowd, and then said loudly with a smile:

"Guys, the exploration in the ancient city of Copan just now is a warm-up. Everyone has done a good job and found a few small treasures. The only pity is that these treasures have nothing to do with us.

Next, we will enter the mountains and forests around the ancient city of Copan to find the treasures of the famous Mayan Empire Golden City. I hope we will still be lucky this time and find the treasures of the Golden City smoothly.

According to my estimation, we are likely to spend the night in the tropical rainforest tonight. You'd better be mentally prepared. You should know the environment in the mountains and forests around the ancient city of Copan.

What everyone is most concerned about now is that the Golden City may be buried in the mountains in that direction, and where is the exact location? It's a pity that I don't know about these, we need to explore together! ..."

Before the words fell, everyone at the scene responded in unison.


Crazy boos suddenly sounded, resounding throughout the ancient city of Copan.

Everyone started booing wildly. Obviously, everyone didn't believe what Ye Tian said.

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