Treasure Hunt all over the World

Chapter 2458 Devil's Lair

The tripartite joint exploration team entered the ancient city of Copan again, passed through the ruins of the ancient city mightily, and came to a mountain forest located in the southwest corner of the ancient city.

The all-terrain vehicles transporting all kinds of exploration equipment surrounded the past from outside the ancient city, and entered the mountain forest southwest of the ancient city, waiting for the group of people in the forest.

Among the forests around the ancient city of Copan, the mountain forest in the southwest looks the most dangerous, and the vegetation is the densest, with all kinds of tall tropical rainforest plants covering the sky and the sun.

Due to the tall and dense vegetation, the lighting conditions in this mountain forest are much worse. Even if it is daytime, the inside of the mountain forest looks like dusk, which undoubtedly greatly increases the difficulty of exploration.

Standing still in front of this forest, Ye Tian quickly glanced at the situation in the forest, then turned around and said loudly:

"Guys, we are about to enter this forest, everyone should check your attire and the equipment you carry with you, especially the cuffs and trousers. You must stab them to prevent being bitten by various poisons.

There are also collars and hats, which cannot be ignored. Mosquitoes and leeches in the rainforest are not easy to mess with. Every tree we pass and every ancient vine we see may have all kinds of dangerous guys entrenched on it. .

After entering the rainforest, everyone must maintain a good formation, take care of each other, follow us forward, and my armed security personnel and I will do our best to protect everyone's safety. You can rest assured about this..."

Next, Ye Tian said a few more things to pay attention to before finishing his speech.

After the words fell, everyone immediately began to check their attire and equipment. Everyone was very serious, lest there be any omissions.

Mathis walked up to Ye Tian and whispered to him:

"Steven, the guys we arranged in the rainforest in advance, as well as the Mayans under Gray Wolf, have all gathered in the mountain forest in this direction, and spread out in several groups, searching forward in a carpet style.

In addition to the heavily armed guys, we also released a few small drones with infrared cameras to follow the tripartite joint exploration team in the air to avoid tracking or sneak attacks under the cover of the rainforest.

At present, the mountains and forests in the southwest are relatively safe, and no hidden guys have been found. Those guys outside the ancient city of Copan have not yet reacted. By the time they come in, we have already gone far! "

After listening to the announcement,

Ye Tian immediately nodded with a smile and said:

"Good job, let the guys cheer up, the next exploration operation must be very exciting, the good show is about to be staged, and I am also very much looking forward to fighting those guys who covet the treasure of the Golden City!"

After chatting with Matisse, Ye Tian called Gray Wolf and Professor Delgado who was in charge of the translation.

When they came close, Ye Tian immediately whispered:

"Grey Wolf, we are going to enter this mountain forest in the southwest next, and then climb to the peak in the distance. You are very familiar with this place, and you guys will be responsible for leading the way. I will decide the direction of travel."

As soon as he finished speaking, Professor Delgado translated it in Highland Mayan.

Hearing these words, Gray Wolf's expression immediately changed, and there was even a hint of fear in the depths of his eyes.

After a short pause, the guy just said worriedly:

"Mr. Steven, this mountain forest in the southwest is very dangerous, full of various poisonous insects, such as pythons and leeches, and some people have seen more than one jaguar in this mountain forest.

This is still the second, the most important thing is that the terrain in this mountain forest is very dangerous. On the high mountain in the distance, there are several bottomless caves, which seem to go straight to the center of the earth, and the poisonous gas is permeating inside.

The Mayans living in the Copan Valley rarely set foot in the mountains here, especially the high mountain in the distance. According to our Maya legend, it is the devil’s lair.”

Professor Delgado translated these words, and his face changed, somewhat worried.

Ye Tian smiled softly, and said confidently:

"Don't worry, Gray Wolf, from the moment our expedition team enters the mountain forest in the southwest, it is the beasts and poisonous insects living in this forest that should be worried about safety, not us.

You may have also heard that I can become friends with any animal and gain their trust. All kinds of beasts and poisonous insects living in this mountain forest are no exception, and they will also become my friends.

I am very interested in those bottomless and poisonous caves on the high mountains in the distance, and I really want to explore them. You Mayans say that they are the devil's lair, so I want to explore them even more.

The reason why I asked you to lead the way is very simple. According to my speculation, the Golden City of the Mayan Empire may be hidden in this mountain forest in the southwest. It is because it is very dangerous here that the Golden City survived! "

"Okay, I listen to you, Mr. Steven, we will go wherever you tell us to go"

Gray Wolf nodded in response, his tone decisive.

In a blink of an eye, everyone has completed the final inspection and is ready to enter the forest.

Ye Tian quickly scanned the crowd, nodded to Hernando and Professor Delgado respectively, then pulled out the jungle machete hanging on his waist, and pointed directly at the dense forest nearby.

"Ladies and gentlemen, let's go! Let's find the treasures of the Mayan Empire's Golden City that have been passed down for hundreds of thousands of years in Central and South America, and bring a huge surprise to the world!"

Before he finished speaking, he had already stepped out, walking towards the dense forest in front of him.

The gray wolf standing at the front of the team, and the other Mayans also pulled out their jungle machetes and walked into the forest first.

The task of these Mayans is not only to lead the way, but also to remove the branches and vines blocking the way, and to drive away all kinds of poisonous insects hidden in the bushes or hanging on the branches.

The armed security team led by Mattis and some Honduran military police are responsible for protecting the joint exploration team.

Ye Tian's previous plan has worked. Nearly half of the Honduras military and police have stayed around the ancient city of Copan to protect the treasures that have just been discovered and haven't been excavated yet.

In this way, there were a lot fewer Honduras military and police officers following the tripartite joint exploration team, and the pressure on Ye Tian and the others was also reduced a lot.

Following Ye Tian's order, the security personnel and military police who were in charge of protecting the joint exploration team either drew out jungle machetes or armed with automatic rifles, and walked towards the southwest forest.

The other members of the tripartite joint exploration team, each carrying a huge mountaineering bag, followed Ye Tian and walked into the forest with confidence.

Soon, this huge exploration team walked into the mountains and disappeared from the ruins of the ancient city of Copan.

At this time, in some places around the ancient city of Copan, some people received the news belatedly.

"Steven led the team into the forest and officially launched an operation to explore the Golden City of the Mayan Empire. Judging from the trajectories of those all-terrain vehicles, the joint exploration team entered the southwest forest!"

"It seems that the Golden City is in that direction, and it's time for us to act. We must not let Steven, that bastard, sweep away the Golden City of the Mayan Empire. Even if we do our best, we have to grab some of the treasures."

The same scene was played out in Copan Ruinas, in the forests around the ancient city of Copan, and in Ballio, with similar contents.

Immediately afterwards, all these places became restless.

Countless guys who came to the Golden City set off one after another, detoured from different places, followed the tripartite joint exploration team, and walked into the depths of the jungle full of expectations.

But how do these guys know that what awaits them is not dazzling gold and silver treasures, nor priceless Mayan antiques, nor a beautiful and luxurious new life.

In front of them, there is only danger everywhere, only death, and a gate leading to hell.

Far away in the Honduran presidential palace in Tegucigalpa, several dignitaries and senior military officials who received the news were also closely watching every move of the tripartite joint exploration team, with green lights in everyone's eyes.

At this time, these guys seem to have seen the dazzling treasures of the Mayan Empire's Golden City, right in front of their eyes, and they can get anything they want!


From the depths of the forest in the dim light, Ye Tian suddenly swung the jungle machete in his hand, and slapped a vine next to him hard.

Following his movements, a huge black centipede suddenly fell from the vine and fell straight to the ground.


There was a sound of exclamation at the scene, and everyone was shocked by this sudden scene.

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