Treasure Hunt all over the World

Chapter 2459 Deep in the Rainforest

The giant centipede that fell to the ground was black and twenty to thirty centimeters long. It had a red head and a pair of jaws like sharp pincers. Both sides of its body were densely covered with legs.

Moreover, this giant centipede moved very fast and was very aggressive. As soon as it landed, this guy assumed an offensive posture and raised his pair of mandibles to Ye Tian.

Such a giant centipede makes one's scalp tingle and one's hair stand on end, no wonder everyone was taken aback.

Ye Tian sized up the giant centipede, then smiled and said loudly:

"Guys, this is a giant Amazon centipede, one of the largest centipedes in the world, very venomous and aggressive, and can easily kill animals much larger than it, including people.

It was somewhat beyond my expectation to meet a giant Amazon centipede here, so it can be seen that this mountain forest is very dangerous, it can be called dangerous, everyone should be more careful.”

As he said that, Ye Tian suddenly made a quick move, and directly provoked the giant Amazon centipede with the jungle machete in his hand, and flew the poisonous guy far away, and threw it into the depths of the jungle.


Seeing his movements, everyone at the scene heaved a sigh of relief and immediately relaxed a lot.

After this small episode, the tripartite joint exploration team continued to move forward, going deeper into the forest.

Leading the way in front of the team were several young Mayans led by Gray Wolf.

These guys have a sharp jungle machete in their hands. As they move forward, they slash the branches, vines, and various plants in front of and on both sides of the body, and drive away various animals encountered along the way. A path to travel was cleared.

Followed by Ye Tian's armed security personnel, each of them is fully armed, holding an assault rifle, watching the surrounding situation vigilantly, ready to respond at any time.

After that, there are Ye Tian, ​​David and others, as well as a group of employees of the brave and fearless exploration company, and a dozen or so armed security personnel who are scattered around the periphery of the team and are responsible for safety.

The Columbia University School of History team, headed by Professor Delgado and Professor Douglas, is located in the middle of this huge exploration team, and this position is undoubtedly the safest.

who walks last in the line,

It was the many Hondurans led by Hernando, as well as the many Honduran military police who followed the joint exploration team and were responsible for the safety of the exploration team.

For safety's sake, Ye Tian also arranged for a group of armed security personnel and several Mayans to drag behind the tripartite joint exploration team more than 30 meters away, keeping a certain distance from the brigade.

The main task of these guys is to supervise the Hondurans at the end of the team to prevent the Hondurans from thinking anything wrong, and to remove the traces left by everyone when they walked by.

Although they can't remove all the traces, they can also erase most of them, making it more difficult for those stalkers with ulterior motives behind them, and slowing down the pace of those guys' stalking.

In addition, these guys also have two other secret missions, that is, laying traps and placing pinhole cameras along the way.

Anyone who follows the tripartite joint exploration team and breaks into this mountain forest will face one deadly trap after another, and they will have to pay huge energy and price every step forward.

In this way, the speed at which they tracked the tripartite joint exploration team will become very slow, and the distance between the two parties will also drop further and further.

Numerous pinhole cameras arranged in hidden corners in the rainforest will make subsequent stalkers invisible!

Once they break into this dense tropical rainforest, every move of each of them will be exposed to Ye Tian and the others, without any secrets at all.

In such a dark tropical rainforest, especially after nightfall, these unpredictable guys will become lights in the dark night, as long as Ye Tian and the others want to do something, they can kill them at will!

In the sky above the tripartite joint exploration team, several small drones carrying infrared cameras were hovering all the time, monitoring the situation around the joint exploration team and in the forest from the air.

Under the monitoring of these small drones, no one can hide in the depths of the rainforest and try to attack this tripartite joint exploration team, even sneaking up.

Even the large beasts living in this rainforest, such as jaguars, could not approach this tripartite joint exploration team silently.

The joint exploration team composed of three parties is quite large. If the security personnel and the Honduran military police are counted, the number is close to 150.

Such a huge exploration team, walking in the depths of the dimly lit rainforest, looking down from a height, looks like a long snake winding forward, and the scene is spectacular.

But this is only the situation on the surface, and it is the situation that the other two parties of the joint exploration team can see.

In the depths of this tropical rainforest, Ye Tian has sent out many people, scattered all over the rainforest, hiding from everyone's sight, secretly protecting this tripartite joint exploration team, and clearing up some obstacles and troubles.

And in the mountains and forests around the ancient city of Copan, in Copan Ruinas, in Ballio, and other places, he also deployed many security personnel and other back-ups, who can be activated at any time as long as necessary.

Of course, the Honduran government and military, as well as the rest of the guys who came for the treasures of the Golden City, also left behind, with their own plans.

As soon as the tripartite joint exploration team finds the Golden City of the Mayan Empire and the news is leaked, the Honduran side and those guys will immediately launch.

At that time, the most exciting drama will be staged, and who will win the game will be decided at that time!

As this huge exploration team entered the mountain forest, there was a commotion in this inaccessible and dimly lit mountain forest.

Wherever the exploration team passed, many small animals living here scattered and fled to the distance one by one, looking in horror at these uninvited guests who broke into their territory.

Those small animals who had no time to escape, and those who thought they were fierce and defended their territory to the death, were either cut in half by the sharp jungle machete, or were picked up and flew out, or could only hide in the bushes and shiver.

In the blink of an eye, the joint exploration team has entered the rainforest for about one or two hundred meters.

The ground here has become more rugged, and the vegetation has become more lush. As far as the eye can see, there are towering trees piercing the sky everywhere. The tall tree crowns block the sunlight tightly, making the mountain forest like dusk.

On the ground, it is covered with dead branches and leaves, and the feet are soft, like stepping on cotton. The vegetation here is also dense, with low trees and shrubs coming one after another, and there is no way to follow.

Under such circumstances, the speed of the tripartite joint exploration team also slowed down, and everyone could only move forward while exploring a safe path.

The joint exploration team moved forward for another distance. Suddenly, there was a roar of engines coming from the mountain forest on the left side of the team, and they were rapidly approaching here.

Everyone stopped and turned their heads to look at the dense forest on the left. Some guys who didn't know the situation even felt a little bit worried and fearful.

The next moment, Ye Tianqing's clear voice came out and reached everyone's ears.

"Don't worry everyone, these are a few all-terrain vehicles carrying a large amount of exploration equipment and supplies. In the next time, these all-terrain vehicles will follow us forward.

If the terrain behind is very rough and all-terrain vehicles cannot enter, I will transfer the helicopter to transfer these exploration equipment and supplies to reduce everyone's burden."

Before the words were finished, the first all-terrain vehicle had passed through the forest on the left and broke into everyone's field of vision.

The other ATVs were also rapidly approaching, and the roar of their engines became louder and louder.

At this moment, Ye Tian, ​​who was standing in the middle of the team, suddenly took off a tomahawk from his waist, and threw the tomahawk with lightning speed, directly in front of the team!

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