Before everyone could react, the Indian tomahawk thrown from Ye Tian's hand had passed through a distance of about ten meters like lightning, and slashed fiercely on a big tree beside Gray Wolf. deep in the tree trunk.

Following Ye Tian's movements, everyone couldn't help becoming nervous, thinking that they were attacked by someone.

Mattis, who was in charge of security, and the Mayans, as well as many Honduran military police, reached for their weapons one after another, or quickly opened the safety of the gun, and they were ready to respond.

But the scene that happened next made everyone instantly understand what happened.

While the tomahawk was cutting into the trunk of the big tree, everyone saw that a viper about 1.5 meters long, which was very similar in color and pattern to the trunk, was cut into two pieces and fell from the tree. down.

The few people who were closer could see it very clearly. It was a highly poisonous spearhead viper. The part where it was hit by the Indian tomahawk was exactly seven inches, the most deadly part of the snake.

Obviously, this extremely poisonous spearhead viper perched on the big tree beside the gray wolf, and the big tree and the surrounding area were its territory.

The arrival of the three-party joint exploration team inevitably disturbed the Viper, and the sudden arrival of several all-terrain vehicles completely aroused the ferocity of the Viper.

The Spearhead Viper immediately launched an attack. Its target was the gray wolf who was standing next to the big tree and had already let down its guard after being attracted by the all-terrain vehicle.

Fortunately, Steven's vision was very sharp and sharp, and he discovered the danger in time, and he shot immediately, saved Gray Wolf, and dragged that guy back from the gate of hell.


The head of the spear-headed viper fell to the ground first, followed by the snake's body, making two soft noises in succession.

Although the spearhead viper had been cut in two by the Indian tomahawk, it did not die immediately, and was still wriggling and struggling frantically after it fell to the ground.

Especially the snake's head, which is still open, with two sharp fangs completely exposed, it is frightening to look at.


Gray Wolf and several other Mayans jumped to the side. After standing still, these guys all looked at the spearhead viper struggling on the ground with lingering fear.

They live in the Copan Valley,

They know better than anyone how deadly the lancehead viper is. It is no exaggeration to say that each of them feels like they have turned around at the gate of hell and returned to the world again.


After figuring out what happened, there was a gasp in the scene immediately.

Everyone was terrified and terrified by this extremely dangerous situation, and they were also extremely shocked and admired by Ye Tian's lightning-fast reaction and thunderous means of killing with one blow.

Before everyone came back to their senses, Ye Tianqing's clear voice came out and reached everyone's ears.

"Grey wolves, and everyone else, everyone must always be alert and never relax. This tropical rainforest is far more dangerous than we imagined. If you are not careful, you may be attacked.

This time I was able to discover this spearhead viper in time and kill this guy in the first place to save the gray wolf, but I may not be so lucky next time, so everyone should be more vigilant.”

Hearing his words, everyone in the joint exploration team nodded slightly, and everyone had an expression of lingering fear.

Look at that Gray Wolf guy again, he first slapped the spearhead viper to death with the jungle machete, then stuck the machete on the ground, stretched out his hand to pull the Indian tomahawk from the tree trunk, and walked towards Ye Tian.

When he came close, this guy held the Indian tomahawk with both hands, and brought it to Ye Tian, ​​and looked at Ye Tian gratefully, with admiration in his eyes.

While returning the tomahawk to Ye Tian, ​​this guy also said a lot of words in broken Spanish, as if thanking Ye Tian for saving his life.

After Ye Tian took the tomahawk from him, the guy knelt down on one knee again, pulled out the brightest and most beautiful quetzal feather from his crest, and gave it to Ye Tian .

"Steven, Gray Wolf is thanking you for saving his life. He said that you are the strongest warrior he has ever seen. You are a hero and the real king of the jungle. He is willing to submit. A precious quetzal plume!"

Professor Delgado, who caught up with him, translated Gray Wolf's words, and his words were full of envy.

It was not only Professor Delgado who was envious, but the rest of the people, especially Hernando, also had red eyes with envy.

Everyone knew very well that with the support of Gray Wolf and several of the largest Mayan tribes in Honduras behind him, in the Copán Valley and the surrounding forests, Steven could walk sideways.

Ye Tian smiled softly, then took the quetzal feather from Gray Wolf's hand, and solemnly inserted it into the breast pocket of the Kevlar body armor.

"Okay, Gray Wolf, I accept your gift and friendship, and I accept this beautiful quetzal feather, but we can't talk about who surrenders to each other. I hope we can become friends who trust each other. good"

Following Professor Delgado's translation, Gray Wolf nodded vigorously, then stood up, shook hands with Ye Tian, ​​and patted himself on the chest to show his loyalty.

Ye Tian also smiled and nodded, and clenched his fist and beat his chest a few times, accepting Gray Wolf as a friend.

Afterwards, Gray Wolf turned around and walked towards the front of the team, ready to continue leading the way.

At the same time, several other all-terrain vehicles have all arrived and parked in a row on the left side of the joint exploration team. Each vehicle is filled with various exploration equipment and supplies.

Ye Tian quickly glanced at these all-terrain vehicles, and thoroughly examined each vehicle and its driver, as well as the exploration equipment and supplies covered under the rope net, without missing a single piece.

After confirming that there were no omissions, he said loudly:

"Guys, go ahead and see how many surprises are waiting for us in the depths of this tropical rainforest. As long as the golden city of the Mayan Empire is indeed hidden near the ancient city of Copan, we will definitely find it."

Before the words fell, there was a burst of cheers at the scene, and every voice was full of confidence and expectation.

Immediately afterwards, this huge tripartite joint exploration team set off again, lined up in a long line, and continued to walk deep into the rainforest.

As everyone gradually went deeper into the rainforest, coupled with the fact that it was already afternoon and blocked by the surrounding mountains and dense forests, the light conditions in the depths of the rainforest became even worse.

Not long after walking, under Ye Tian's signal, everyone turned on their headlights and searchlights to illuminate the road ahead and avoid danger or going astray.

In a blink of an eye, this meandering team turned into a long dragon radiating bright light, wandering in the depths of the rainforest, awakening this inaccessible but dangerous tropical rainforest little by little.

As time passed, some of those guys who came for the treasures of the Golden City had also entered this dense tropical rainforest, and followed in the footsteps of the joint exploration team.

Among them are the guys from the Guatemalan special forces, two special operations teams led by Ramos and Silva, who entered the forest from different directions.

Not far into the forest, Ramos and the others encountered a deadly trap.

And they also triggered this trap, almost losing one man. Fortunately, they are all well-trained special forces, especially good at fighting in the jungle, so they saved the day.

After narrowly avoiding this trap, they had to stop, carefully check the surrounding situation, and study whether the way ahead was safe.

At this moment, in the depths of the rainforest ahead, there was an extremely shrill scream. It was a sound of dying and full of despair, and it was creepy to hear.

The moment they heard the scream, Ramos and the others changed their expressions and became extremely ugly.

"Don't ask, someone must have stepped into the trap. Judging from the screams, the guy caught in the trap is not far from death. The bastard Steven is really ruthless. Just following them Pay the price with your life!"

"Are we really going to follow? To snatch the treasures of the Mayan Empire's Golden City from Steven, that devilish guy? To be honest, that would be tantamount to asking for death!"

There was a lot of discussion at the scene. Obviously, these battle-tested special forces somewhat hesitated.

And this is the power of sugar-coated cannonballs!

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