Treasure Hunt all over the World

Chapter 2461 Tiger Roaring In The Forest

The sun was setting, and the twilight rose up little by little, covering the whole land.

This tropical rainforest covered by dense vegetation is darker than the outside, as if it is already night.

The rainforest that just entered the night, not only did not calm down, but became even more noisy.

Countless birds that went out to hunt for prey have all flown back at this time, and some of them landed on the high treetops, enjoying the last ray of sunshine, chirping and singing happily.

Some birds flew straight into the depths of the rainforest like suckling swallows, and flew back to their respective nests.

In their dens, there may be a few little guys waiting to be fed, waiting for the food they bring back.

Various other animals living at the bottom of the rainforest are also on their way back to their nests. They either jump and fly in the forest, or sneak on the ground with lush vegetation, making a burst of rustling sound.

But those nocturnal animals that inhabit this tropical rainforest go in the opposite direction.

They are coming out of their lairs, either in groups or alone, ready to go out to hunt for prey, or to patrol their territory to see if there are any intruders.

At this time, the tripartite joint exploration team is still exploring and advancing in this tropical rainforest, like a long dragon radiating bright light, walking into the depths of the rainforest step by step.

Wherever this joint expedition went, there would be a commotion, and the animals that lived here would scatter and flee into the surrounding darkness.

In fact, it is far more than this huge exploration team that disturbs the tranquility of this tropical rainforest.

Around this joint exploration team, in the depths of the invisible dense forest, there are many heavily armed security personnel and Mayans, secretly protecting this joint exploration team and removing some obstacles and troubles.

And in the distance behind this joint exploration team, there were many guys who came to the Golden City of the Mayan Empire with ulterior motives and fantasized about getting rich overnight, and none of them were good.

These overconfident guys are trekking hard in the depths of the rainforest, and it is no exaggeration to say that they are struggling.

Especially after nightfall, the situation they face is more complicated and difficult, and it is extremely dangerous. Every step forward has to pay a high price, and they may lose their lives if they are not careful.

on the road ahead of them,

It is full of deadly traps, making it impossible to guard against.

It has only been three or four hours since entering this tropical rainforest, and seven or eight people have already triggered the trap and lost their lives here, turning them into fertilizer to nourish this tropical rainforest.

During the daytime, it was difficult for them to find those delicate yet deadly traps. People kept getting caught, and the screams kept coming and going. Everyone who heard them was terrified.

At night, except for a few elites, it is even more difficult for others to discover those traps.

But under the huge temptation of the Mayan Empire's Golden City, none of these guys would quit, so they could only try their best to try their luck. here.

The problem is that there are not only deadly traps here, but also many ferocious beasts and all kinds of highly poisonous animals. The real owners of these tropical rainforests will naturally not be polite to intruders.

In just a few hours, many people have already been recruited, and some even lost their lives due to poisonous poison. The situation of those who have not been recruited is not much better, and they are all in a mess!

While speaking, the tripartite joint exploration team passed through a dense forest again, and came to a relatively sparse and flat forest land.

Standing in the middle of this woodland, looking up, you can just see a fiery red sky against the setting sun, and a crescent moon that just revealed its figure.

At the edge of this woodland, there is a gurgling stream, only about one meter wide, and some fish swimming comfortably can be seen in the stream, which adds a bit of poetry to the place.

Walking here, Ye Tian looked at the surrounding situation, and then told Matisse to stop the tripartite joint exploration team, take a rest, and discuss tonight's camping plan in the wild.

As Ye Tian's order came out, this huge tripartite joint exploration team immediately stopped and gathered in the center of the woodland.

In fact, after several hours of non-stop trekking, everyone is already tired.

What's more, everyone in the exploration team is carrying a large or small mountaineering bag, which is full of various equipment and supplies. Every mountaineering bag is heavy. Can you not feel tired?

Hearing Ye Tian's order to rest, everyone breathed a sigh of relief, and some of them even cheered directly.

Amid the cheers, Ye Tian called Gray Wolf over and asked:

"Grey Wolf, do you know the situation in this woodland? Is it safe here? If possible, I would like to set the camp here for tonight."

After listening to the translation, Gray Wolf immediately nodded and said:

"Mr. Steven, I know a little bit about the situation here. If the Mayans living in the Copan Valley enter this tropical rainforest and cannot leave in time before nightfall, they will also choose to camp here.

Compared with other surrounding places, the terrain here is relatively flat, with sparse forests, which is convenient for camping, and there is no need to worry about mountain torrents, the light conditions are better, there are water sources here, and the fish in the stream can be used as food.

However, that is when there are a large number of people and they are carrying weapons. If the number of people is small, or there is no weapon at hand, it is better not to camp here. In that case, it may be very dangerous.

The reason why this happens is that on the creek at the edge of the woodland, some beasts living in this mountain forest may come here to drink water at night, such as pumas and wild boars, etc."

As soon as Gray Wolf finished speaking, Professor Delgado translated his words.

After hearing these words, Ye Tian pondered for a moment, then nodded with a smile and said:

"For our tripartite joint exploration team, beasts like jaguars are no threat at all. To be honest, I even hope that a jaguar will come here to drink water, so that I can subdue it.

The conditions here are not bad. Let’s camp here tonight and spend a unique tropical rainforest night. It must be very interesting and memorable. Let’s continue to explore the treasure tomorrow.

Everyone has worked hard all day, and they must be very tired. More importantly, after nightfall, this tropical rainforest becomes even more dangerous. We have plenty of time, so there is no need to take everyone to take this risk.

As for the guys following us, with their skills, they can't follow at night. It's tantamount to asking for death. By the time they arrive in this woodland tomorrow morning, we've already left.

Even if they follow up overnight, they won't attack us here, and they won't do anything until they find the treasure of the Mayan Empire's Golden City, so we can take advantage of this."

"Okay, Steven, I will inform everyone to unload the equipment, rest in place, and then choose a suitable place to camp and arrange security tasks"

Matisse nodded in response, then turned around and immediately went to assign tasks.

The same goes for Professor Delgado and the others. They returned to their respective teams and went to arrange camping.

Soon, everyone was busy.

It didn't take long for more than a hundred colorful tents to appear in this sparse woodland, and they were basically concentrated on the highest small mound in the woodland, some distance away from the creek.

In the center of this campsite are the tents of the members of the tripartite joint exploration team, on the outside are the tents of many armed security personnel headed by Mattis, and on the outermost are the tents of the Honduran military and police.

For safety reasons, the all-terrain vehicles transporting exploration equipment and supplies were arranged at the outermost edge of the camp, forming a metal barrier.

Moreover, the headlights of these all-terrain vehicles can also be used as searchlights to deter beasts and other small animals that come here to drink water in the dark.

Once something happens, these all-terrain vehicles can be started immediately, and armed security personnel will rush into the surrounding mountains and forests to kill those guys who are watching here.

In addition to these, on the outskirts of the camp, Matisse and the others also sprinkled highly effective snake repellents and drugs to disperse various other animals, just in case.

Of course, they also arranged a lot of deadly traps, the purpose is to deal with those guys who come here in the dark.

Busy and busy, this large-scale campsite has taken shape. It seems chaotic, but in fact it is very organized.

Ye Tian also set up the tent, and then walked out of the tent, ready to admire and check his work.

At this moment, a passionate roar of a tiger suddenly came from the depths of the rainforest, resounding through the entire rainforest.

Hearing this sound, everyone immediately looked to the mountains and forests in the southwest, where the roar of the tiger came from.

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