Treasure Hunt all over the World

Chapter 2474 Wandering Spider

The joint exploration team has come to the middle of the ridge, the road under our feet is getting narrower and narrower, only about two or three meters, and the terrain is getting more and more steep, so we must be careful every step we take.

If one is not careful, or even a slightly stronger mountain wind blows, everyone may roll down the hillside, or fall from the cliff, fall into the deep pool below the cliff, and be shot to death directly on the water.

For the sake of safety, the joint exploration team formed a long snake formation and passed through this narrow and steep ridge one by one, and everyone was tied with a safety rope just in case.

The other end of the safety rope is tied to several large trees that are as thick as a person's arms, which is very strong and safe.

The mountaineering bags, camping tents, and other exploration equipment and supplies that everyone originally carried were all unloaded and piled up on the ground behind.

After the joint exploration team safely passes through the narrowest part of the 50-meter-long ridge, these mountaineering bags, various exploration equipment and supplies will be transferred by Ye Tian's security team one by one.

At the front of the team were Gray Wolf and another Maya. The two of them were wielding jungle machetes to clean up the branches, shrubs, and various weeds on the road ahead.

At this moment, Ye Tian, ​​who was closely behind them, suddenly shouted in a low voice:

"Stop, gray wolf, you must not move, and then step back step by step, and move as lightly as possible"

Following his shout, Gray Wolf and the others stopped immediately, then turned their heads to look at Ye Tian in surprise, and at a Latin American security team member in charge of translation.

The next moment, the Latin American security team member translated Ye Tian's words.

After figuring out what Ye Tian meant, Gray Wolf and the others paused for a moment, and then began to back away slowly, looking rather nervous.

Although they didn't know what happened, they trusted Ye Tian immensely, thinking that he was omnipotent, and since he made himself retreat carefully, something must have happened.

While speaking, Gray Wolf and the others had already retreated about two meters and came to Ye Tian's side.

At this time, everyone on the scene looked at the dense bushes in front of them, and then at Ye Tian, ​​not understanding what he had discovered that made him so cautious.


Ye Tian let out a long breath,

Then he said loudly:

"Everyone, please see if there are a few gray spots on the leaves of the bush in front of you, which look like mud spots from a distance, or are there spots on those leaves.

In fact, it is not. Please look carefully, those spots are not mud spots, but a kind of gray spider. If I read correctly, those guys should be the famous wandering spiders.

Wandering spiders, also known as hunting spiders, are the top killers in the tropical rainforests of Central and South America. They are small in size and mostly gray in color. They are good at hiding and are extremely difficult to be detected.

This famous spider hunts at night and wanders around during the day. Once disturbed, it will attack immediately. Because of its appearance, it can be said that it is hard to guard against.

People who are bitten by wandering spiders will die of shortness of breath and heart paralysis. Many people in Central and South America die at the hands of wandering spiders every year. This is a famous top killer."

Following the direction of Ye Tian's finger, everyone quickly saw the gray spots attached to the leaves of the shrubs and crawling slowly. They were indeed a few fluffy little spiders, not mud spots or something.

When everyone heard that those guys were the famous top killers in the rainforest, wandering spiders, they couldn't help but gasped, and they were all terrified.

Especially Gray Wolf and the others were covered in cold sweat and their legs were trembling a little.

As the natives of the Copan Valley, they recognized those wandering spiders at a glance, and they also knew very well how poisonous those guys were, and they would die if they touched them!

They looked at the wandering spiders, then turned their heads to look at Ye Tian, ​​nodded gratefully at him, and thumped their respective chests heavily.

Ye Tian naturally understood what they meant.

He just nodded slightly and didn't say much.

At this moment, Jason who was standing a little behind suddenly asked:

"Steven, how are you going to deal with those tiny but extremely deadly wandering spiders?"

Ye Tian smiled softly, and then said his solution.

"When the Panther and I passed this ridge last night, we didn't find these wandering spiders, or they were hiding here, but I didn't find it. Fortunately, these guys didn't attack me and the Panther.

Now that we have found these guys, no matter how poisonous, dangerous, and deadly they are, they are no longer a threat. They can be eliminated with a fire, but I don't intend to do that.

I'm going to put these guys away and put them in a box. I might be able to use them in the process of exploring the Golden City of the Mayan Empire later. If they don't work, it's not too late to let them go."

With that said, Ye Tian stepped forward and walked towards the bushes in front, ready to put away those wandering spiders.

Hearing his words, everyone at the scene couldn't help but feel their hearts tighten, and their backs felt cold.

Everyone knows very well that those guys following the joint exploration team are likely to die under the venom of these wandering spiders.

Steven subdued these extremely poisonous wandering spiders, apparently to set up traps, and the target he was going to deal with was those annoying tails behind everyone.

Without any suspense, Ye Tian put a few wandering spiders into a metal box very smoothly, and locked it up.

Next, he pretended to check the bush carefully, and made sure that there were no more hidden wandering spiders and no other dangers, and then signaled Gray Wolf and the others to come up and continue to open the way for everyone.

Without any danger, the tripartite joint exploration team successfully passed the narrowest and steepest ridge, and the rest of the second half of the ridge suddenly became clear without any difficulty.

After all members of the exploration team had passed the ridge, Matisse immediately arranged for his men to transport everyone's hiking bags, camping tents, and other exploration equipment and supplies one by one.

Next, everyone picked up the mountaineering bags again, carried various exploration equipment and supplies, and continued to move along the ridge, approaching the famous Golden City of the Mayan Empire step by step.

Seven or eight minutes later, the joint exploration team finally passed the ridge and came to a secluded rainforest.

At this point, Ye Tian immediately called Matisse and Hernando over, and said to them:

"Hernando, go and coordinate with the leader of the Honduran military police, let them stay here, guard this steep ridge, and block the guys who follow behind.

Mattis was born in the famous American Delta Special Forces and has rich experience in jungle warfare. He will command the remaining Honduran military and police to deploy defenses to ensure nothing goes wrong.

I will lead the tripartite joint exploration team to move on, and when I find a relatively safe place away from here, I will let everyone rest and wait there, and return here by myself.

Those tails following the joint exploration team must be cleaned up in time, otherwise there will be a lot of trouble, and if they continue to follow, it will definitely interfere with the joint exploration operation.

The terrain on this ridge is very steep, obviously the most suitable place to do it, I decided to send those idiots to hell, or drive them all off the cliff right here."

Hearing this, Hernando's face immediately changed, and a bit of hesitation quickly flashed in his eyes.

Among the guys who followed the joint exploration team, there were quite a few people related to the Honduran government, even people from the government and the army, just in civilian clothes.

Hernando is naturally very clear about this.

However, he couldn't object to Ye Tian's proposal, there was no suitable reason.

After a short pause, he said hesitantly:

"Steven, we can stop those guys, as long as we don't let them continue to follow the joint exploration team, we don't have to kill those guys and drive them off the cliff.

Some of those guys were Honduran, and there were many people from all over the world with different identities. If they all died in this tropical rainforest, it would definitely cause a sensation.

In this way, we in Honduras will definitely cause a lot of trouble, and gangsters like Marash, as well as Guatemalan special forces, etc., will definitely retaliate.”

Ye Tian shook his head lightly, then said with a sneer:

"Stop those guys here? This is simply unrealistic. It will involve a lot of manpower and force. The Honduran military and police who followed you will have to stay here until the exploration operation is completely over.

Even so, the Honduran military and police may not be able to defend it. If there is enough time, those guys behind can completely detour and continue to follow the joint exploration team, it just takes more time.

If you want to solve the problem once and for all, then do it here, kill those guys, at least scare them, and never dare to follow. Only in this way can we explore the Golden City with peace of mind.

As for revenge, it is inevitable. I believe there are very few people who can get out of this tropical rainforest alive. If they still have the intention to take revenge, I don’t mind killing them completely.”


Hernando exclaimed in a low voice, his face became more and more ugly.

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