Hernando turned and left, returning to where the Honduran expedition was.

He went to discuss with Hierro and the leader of the Honduras military police, and he must report to his boss, the President of Honduras, before he can make a decision.

When he left, Ye Tian immediately whispered to Mathis:

"Matisse, when you are here to snipe those guys who are coming up later, you must remember to film the entire sniping process, and then use the satellite network to transmit the relevant video data to the cloud for storage.

The most important thing is that our people must not be the first to open fire, and must firmly stand on the standpoint of self-defense. This is to prevent the Honduran government from pouring dirty water on us afterwards and framing us.

After I have settled the tripartite joint exploration team, I will return here and fight side by side with you. At that time, we must cover each other, not only to kill the tails that follow behind, but also to be careful of the Hondurans."

After the words fell, Matisse immediately nodded and said:

"Understood, Steven, we know what to do. The high-definition cameras on everyone's bodies will be turned on all the time, and I will deploy a few small drones in the sky to monitor the entire battlefield,..."

Mattis murmured his plan, which was very thorough, with few loopholes.

A moment later, Hernando and the leader of the Honduran military and police came over together. Both of them had very solemn expressions, and their faces were very ugly.

Coming closer, Hernando immediately whispered:

"Steven, we discussed it and reported it to Tegucigalpa. We decided to accept your suggestion, and the Honduran military police will stop the guys following here.

Since Matisse was born in the Delta and has rich experience in jungle warfare, he can participate in this operation and take part in the command, but we have a request that you must refrain from using force.

Many of the guys following behind are from Honduras, and some guys come from all over the world with different identities. If they all die here, there will be an uproar! "

"Restrain the use of force? It depends on the situation, but I can guarantee one thing, my armed security personnel will never fire the first shot. This is already the limit of what we can do!"

Ye Tian smiled lightly and said,

There was a bit of disdain in his tone.

Hearing this, the two senior Honduran officials could only smile wryly, but they couldn't say anything! You can't ask Ye Tian and Mathis to be beaten passively, but they can't fight back!

After chatting for a few more words, Ye Tian said to the people present:

"No time to wait, gentlemen, start to act now, you can deploy your defenses here, the front end of the defense line, it is best to reach the western end of the narrowest ridge, and occupy a favorable position.

It is estimated that the guys behind will come up in a short time. Before that, some of my security team members will come up first, and Matisse will identify their identities.

I will continue to move forward with the tripartite joint exploration team, and after finding a suitable place to stay and setting up the exploration team, I will return here and fight side by side with everyone.”

After the words fell, Hernando and Matisse nodded in unison without saying anything more.

Afterwards, Ye Tian turned around and left, leading the tripartite joint exploration team to move on.

The many Honduran military police who originally came with the exploration team and were in charge of security all stayed here, ready to snipe those who followed.

In this way, only Ye Tian's armed security personnel are left to protect the tripartite joint exploration team.

And this is exactly the result Ye Tian wants to see, and it is not in vain for him to calculate it painstakingly.

The tripartite joint exploration team set off again, and soon disappeared into the depths of the rainforest, heading for a higher place in the mountain range.

Mattis and the others who stayed on the ridge, as well as many Honduran military police, began to deploy their defenses, preparing for a rainforest fire.

At the same time, part of the exploration equipment and some supplies left in the sparse woodland on the other side of the ridge have all been hoisted onto the two medium-sized helicopters hovering in midair.

Immediately afterwards, the two medium-sized helicopters quickly raised their altitude, then turned around, and flew straight back to Copan Reinas down the mountain.

After watching the two medium-sized helicopters leave safely, the security team members who remained in the forest drove a few all-terrain vehicles into the depths of the rainforest and hid them.

Afterwards, they picked up their backpacks and started heading towards the ridge not far away.

Not only them, many security team members and Mayans scattered in this tropical rainforest and obeying Ye Tian's orders have all received orders at this time and are gathering from different directions.

Everyone's goal is the same, it's that steep and unusual ridge.

Of course, there were still a few security team members who stayed in the rainforest below the ridge, pretending to be treasure hunters who coveted the golden city of the Mayan Empire, secretly observing the situation in the rainforest.

About ten minutes later, the security team members who stayed behind to transfer the exploration equipment and supplies came to the ridge first, preparing to cross the ridge.

At the other end of the ridge, under the command of Mattis, many Honduran military and police have completed the deployment and deployed two lines of defense.

As Ye Tian said, the first line of defense is at the western end of the narrowest part of the ridge, dominated by the Honduran military and police.

Each of these guys had an automatic rifle, either hiding behind a big tree, or hiding behind a rock, and each of them was loaded, watching the narrow ridge ahead vigilantly, ready to fire at any time.

The second line of defense is relatively far behind. In the rainforest at the end of this ridge, there are mostly Honduran military police, and there are also a few security personnel under Ye Tian.

Mattis, the leader of the Honduran military police, and Hernando and others all stayed here, observing the situation on the ridge through drones and high-definition cameras.

At this moment, a familiar voice suddenly came from the intercom.

"Matisse, this is Jack, we are going to cross this ridge soon, let me inform you, so that those Honduran military police don't open fire on us"

After the voice fell, Matisse immediately picked up the walkie-talkie and said:

"Got it, Jack, don't worry, I will notify the Honduran military police who are on guard, and there will be no misunderstanding"

Next, Mattis asked Hernando to notify the Honduran military and police on the first line of defense to avoid misunderstandings.

Immediately afterwards, Jack and the others walked out of the rainforest, appeared at the eastern end of the ridge, and appeared on the surveillance screen.

Following the footprints left by the tripartite joint exploration team, Jack and the others quickly crossed the ridge, came to the ridge, and joined Mathis and the others.

Almost immediately, Ye Tian also returned here, while the tripartite joint exploration team stayed in the tropical rainforest far away, very safe.

Seeing him coming back, Hernando immediately stepped forward, ready to ask.

At this moment, the voice of Ye Tian's security team came again from Matisse's walkie-talkie.

Like Jack and the others, this guy also informed Matisse that he was going to pass this steep ridge.

After receiving the news, Matisse immediately notified the Honduran military and police guarding the first line of defense and asked them to let this secret operation team over.

Moments later, two armed security guards in jungle camouflage and a Mayan wearing a feather crown and also wearing jungle camouflage appeared at the eastern end of the ridge and began to pass the ridge.

The same scene was staged six or seven times in the following time, and each time there were three people, two armed security guards and a Mayan, and they were all heavily armed and extremely tough.

More importantly, these guys were all unfamiliar faces. Hernando and the Honduran military and police leader had never seen these guys before, and they didn't know their identities.

Seeing these strange faces that suddenly appeared through the surveillance screen, Hernando couldn't help but froze in place, dumbfounded.

After a long time, this guy just woke up, and then asked curiously in a low voice:

"Steven, how many of your men are hidden in this tropical rainforest? When did these heavily armed guys come to Copan Valley, and when did they sneak into this tropical rainforest?"

Ye Tian turned to look at this old friend, then smiled and said:

"There are not many people, you can see almost all of them. The reason why I let them lurk in the depths of the rainforest is of course to protect the tripartite joint exploration team..."

Hearing these words, Hernando immediately rolled his eyes angrily, and complained secretly.

"Cheat ghosts! You cunning bastard, I don't think even ghosts will believe your nonsense!"

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