After coming over the ridge smoothly, Jack and the others just nodded to Ye Tian and Mathis, and then walked into the depths of the rainforest, disappearing from everyone's sight.

The same goes for the other groups of security personnel and the Mayans who came over. They entered the depths of the rainforest again and continued to operate secretly to protect the tripartite joint exploration team.

Seeing the actions of these guys, the eyelids of Hernando and the Honduran military and police leader jumped wildly, and their eyes were full of worry.

They knew very well in their hearts that this tripartite joint exploration of the Golden City of the Mayan Empire, from the moment it started until now, the initiative has always been in the hands of Steven, a bastard.

Even if this is the territory of Honduras, even if there is a brigade of Honduran military and police closely following the tripartite joint exploration team in the name of protection, this fact has not been changed.

More importantly, what I see now is probably only a small part of what you, Steven, want to let you see, and only a small part of the powerful strength this guy possesses.

In this tropical rainforest, God knows how many armed and fully armed security personnel, or elite mercenaries, this guy has under his command and hidden.

And in other places inside and outside the Copan Valley, this guy may also have arranged a lot of backups, and he is recharging his energy for emergencies.

This damn bastard is really too big and cunning, no wonder he can be so unscrupulous, it turns out that everything is under control!

Hernando and the leader of the Honduran military and police team made complaints secretly at the same time. They were both worried and a little frightened!

The ridge became quiet again, but the atmosphere became more and more tense. The air seemed to be filled with the smell of gunpowder, and there was a feeling that the mountain rain was about to come and the wind filled the building.

Even the birds that inhabit here, as well as various other animals, seemed to sense the danger, and flew away one after another, or moved to other places.

"Steven, the guy who followed up first has already arrived at the place where we rested and transferred supplies and equipment. In at most ten minutes, those guys will appear at the eastern end of this ridge."

Mathis informed Ye Tian of the situation and handed over the IPAD in his hand.

Ye Tian reached out to take the IPAD, and looked at the monitoring screen on it.

appear on the screen,

It was seven or eight ragged and embarrassed gangsters, and each of them was wounded and disheveled, similar to refugees fleeing famine.

The location where these guys are located is the sparse woodland not far from the east end of the ridge, and it is at the edge of the woodland at this time.

It can be seen that these guys have become frightened birds, and everyone is cautious, checking the ground under their feet and the surrounding environment carefully every step forward.

As soon as they entered the woodland, they stood back to back in a circle, each pointing their automatic rifles at the surrounding rainforest, lest something would be thrown from the rainforest, or a bullet would be shot from a certain corner.

After confirming that there was no ambush around, those guys looked at the ground and the trees in the woodland, as well as the bushes, etc., for fear of stepping into a hidden deadly trap again and throwing their lives here.

Seeing the actions of those guys, Ye Tian couldn't help laughing softly, but a murderous intent flashed in his eyes.

He returned the iPad to Mattis, then smiled and said:

"Gentlemen, it's time for us to perform. If those idiots insist on seeking death, we will grant their wishes and send them to hell. Let's go!"

With that said, Ye Tian stepped out, carrying the G36C short assault rifle and walked towards the middle of the ridge.

However, this time the panther was not by his side, but was released into the rainforest by him, and as long as he wanted to summon it, he could summon it back with a whistle.

Behind him, Mattis followed with several armed security personnel and walked towards the ridge ahead.

As for Hernando and the Honduran military and police leader, they stayed here, watching the show and directing operations.

Seeing the back of Ye Tian and the others leaving, Hernando couldn't help feeling emotional.

"May God bless those guys who came with the joint exploration team, they better wake up in time and don't set foot on this ridge, otherwise, they will all die here, at the hands of this guy Steven"

Hearing this, the Honduran general next to him nodded slightly, obviously feeling the same way.


"bang bang bang"

The sound of gunfire suddenly shattered the tranquility of the rainforest in an instant.

Before Ye Tian and the others reached the first line of defense, in the rainforest on the other side of the ridge, there was a sudden burst of automatic rifle fire, mixed with bursts of shouting.

Hearing the gunshots, Ye Tian immediately stopped in his tracks, and Mathis who followed behind him immediately informed him of the latest situation.

"Steven, those guys who followed behind started killing each other, and one of the guys who just opened fire was the guys we saw on the video surveillance screen before, entering the sparse woodland.

Those guys may have been too nervous, or they may have been frightened by the series of traps they encountered before, and they regarded the other people who rushed to the woodland as enemies and shot them directly.

The guys who followed were a group of Maras gangsters from Tegucigalpa. Although everyone was in a mess, the number seemed to be quite large, and they should be the largest group of stalkers.

Caught off guard, those Marash scumbags were caught off guard, and a few of them died on the spot. Immediately afterwards, those Marash gangsters launched a counterattack, and the fight between the two sides was very lively.

Judging from the strength comparison between the two sides, if no one comes forward to mediate, those guys who first entered the sparse forest land will be in danger, and it is very likely that they will be killed by the Marash scum later."

After listening to the report, Ye Tian immediately sneered with disdain and said:

"It couldn't be better. Let those idiots eat dogs. If they all die on the side of the ridge, it will save us from doing it. Is there anything better than this?"

"Hahaha, Steven, you are right"

Matisse nodded with a smile, and the rest of the guys laughed too.

Next, Ye Tian and the others continued to move forward, walking towards the first line of defense at the eastern end of the narrowest part of the ridge.

And in the woodland on the other side of the ridge, the fighting situation has become more and more intense, and it has entered a white-hot state in a blink of an eye. Both sides are firing wildly, and the fight is exhilarating.

All of a sudden, bullets flew everywhere in this woodland, and the sound of gunshots was deafening. Shouts, curses, and miserable screams rang out one after another.

Under such circumstances, the flowers, plants and trees growing in this woodland and the surrounding rainforest were all in bad luck. They were ravaged by the rifle bullets flying around, and they were scarred and even broken in the blink of an eye.

What was originally a quiet woodland filled with birdsong and flowers has turned into a bloody battlefield.

This is not over yet, the fire that happened here soon spread to other places and involved other people who came later.

A group of guys who had just rushed to the vicinity of this woodland and stayed in the distance to watch the excitement were involved in this bloody fire and became a third party in this bloody fight.

These guys were originally watching from the sidelines, watching the excitement with great interest, suddenly a bullet flew from a distance, passed through the obstacles in the rainforest, and came straight to them.

As good as it gets, the rifle bullet hit one of the guys right in the forehead, sending that guy straight to hell.

These guys who were suddenly attacked were still in the mood to watch the excitement. They quickly got down and found places to hide, so as not to be killed by someone inexplicably, it would be too worthless.

As for where the bullet that killed their companion came from, they couldn't tell at all, and the blame could only be placed on the two gangs of bastards who were fighting not far ahead.

After stabilizing their emotions a bit, these guys also raised their automatic rifles and started shooting wildly, trying to avenge their companions.

With the joining of these guys, this muddled and bloody fight suddenly became more tragic.

Ye Tian, ​​who heard this change in the invisible wireless headset, couldn't help laughing softly.

At this time, he had already arrived at the first line of defense on the ridge, and was looking at the eastern end of the ridge.

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