Treasure Hunt all over the World

Chapter 2477 The Road to Death

Seven or eight minutes later, the gunshots from the rainforest at the eastern end of the ridge suddenly became much sparser and finally stopped.

At the same time, Mathis was also updating Ye Tian on the latest situation.

"Steven, the other team of the Guatemalan Special Forces, that is, the special warfare team led by Silva, has arrived at the woodland on the opposite side of the ridge, and those guys are all in a panic.

As soon as he arrived at the woodland, Silva came forward to mediate, prompting the three parties who were fighting frantically to reach a temporary ceasefire agreement. It has to be said that Silva's brain is very clear.

After this period of frenzied firefights, the three parties involved in the firefight all paid a high price and suffered heavy casualties. Unfortunately, Silva and those guys came too early and interrupted the good show."

Hearing the announcement, Ye Tian pondered for a while, then sneered and said in a low voice:

"Don't ask, those guys will try to pass this ridge next, the real good show will be staged soon, for those idiots, this narrow ridge is an insurmountable natural moat.

Next, I will leave here and go around under the steep slope on the south side of the ridge, so as to catch those guys by surprise, and also prevent those guys from going around under the steep slope, so as to avoid fish slipping through the net.

This is up to you, Matisse, better wait for those idiots to climb the ridge, get to the middle of the narrowest section of the ridge, and then warn those idiots to retreat immediately and get out of this rainforest.

Faced with such a dangerous and dangerous situation, some of those idiots can't help but fire, to embolden themselves, once they shoot, everyone can fire back and send them to hell.

Even if those guys refrained from firing, among the many Honduran military police ambushing here, there should be some people who can't bear the pressure and will take the initiative to shoot, this fight is destined to be inevitable."

After the words fell, Matisse immediately nodded and said:

"No problem, Steven, don't worry, those guys on the opposite side will never try to cross this ridge"

Next, Ye Tian whispered a few words to Matisse, and then walked down the steep slope on the south side of the ridge, and soon disappeared into the rainforest of the steep slope mountain.

In the sparse woodland on the other side of the ridge, the three parties that had exchanged fire before, under the mediation of Silva and the others, stopped shooting and came to the edge of the woodland.


These guys are still in a state of high vigilance, holding their automatic rifles tightly in both hands, staring at the other two parties, their eyes shooting fire, wishing to kill those guys on the opposite side immediately.

Although the gunfire stopped, the choking smell of gunpowder and blood pervading the rainforest has not dissipated. It only takes one spark to detonate this place again.

In addition to the three parties who exchanged fire before, the special operations team led by Silva, and other people from all walks of life also came to the edge of this woodland one after another.

Without exception, everyone here is on high alert, holding the gun tightly in their hands, staring at everyone around them, ready to raise their guns and fire at any time.

Among these people, there were also several security personnel under Ye Tian's orders. They were respectively disguised as professional treasure hunters or gangsters, standing on the edge of the woodland, watching other people on the scene vigilantly.

In addition, there are many Mayans wearing feather crowns, holding shotguns and jungle machetes. They seem to be locals, and they are obviously coming for the treasures of the Mayan Empire's Golden City.

Seeing that the situation on the scene had eased slightly, Silva immediately stepped forward and said loudly to everyone on the scene:

"Guys, don't deny it, we all came here for the treasure of the Golden City of the Mayan Empire, and it is undoubtedly a very stupid act for us to fight here before we find the treasure of the Golden City.

This kind of situation is exactly what that bastard Steven wants to see the most. That bastard wants us to keep killing each other and kill each other. In that case, he can sweep away the Golden City.

We can't let that bastard Steven succeed, let alone let that bastard sweep away the Golden City. The most important thing we should do now is to unite and keep up with the three-party joint exploration team.

When the tripartite joint exploration team finds the legendary treasure of the Mayan Empire's Golden City, we can rush forward, kill Steven and his bastards, and then carve up the Mayan Empire's Golden City.

After getting the treasure of the Golden City, if there is any unresolvable hatred between everyone, if you insist on a fight to the death, it will not be too late to fight again, the winner takes all, it will depend on everyone's strength at that time.

The three-party joint exploration team is in the depths of the rainforest ahead, and it is estimated that it is not far from the Golden City. We have followed all the way here, and it would be too stupid to give up because of cannibalism,..."

As he said that, Silva stretched out his hand and pointed to the side of the ridge, with a greedy light in his eyes and full of unforgettable hatred.

Hearing what he said, the anger in the eyes of the three parties who had exchanged fire immediately disappeared a lot, replaced by endless greed.

The rest of the people at the scene were the same, they all looked towards the ridge, and everyone's eyes were full of greed.

The only exception was those Mayans wearing feather crowns. When those Mayans looked at the ridge, their eyes were not only greedy but also fearful.

As local aborigines, even if they haven't walked that steep ridge, they have heard about the situation there.

They knew in their hearts that as long as someone set up an ambush on that narrow and steep ridge to block fire, it would be a death road to hell, and they would not be able to fly over even with wings.

Thinking of this, the Mayans couldn't help hesitating a bit. The guys standing behind the team even retreated slowly, step by step into the rainforest.

Although these Mayans had no education, they were not stupid. They knew that they were going to die, so they naturally didn't want to venture into it. That's what idiots do.

They also didn't inform other people. For them, all the guys who came to the Copan Valley from outside and tried to rob the treasure of the Mayan Empire's Golden City were their enemies.

Since you are the enemy, then go die, why should I tell you that there is danger ahead!

After Silva's instigation, all the horses who rushed to the surrounding woodland temporarily put aside their grievances, and refocused their attention on the joint exploration team and on the Golden City of the Mayan Empire.

Silva called together the leaders of several parties, introduced each other, and quickly formed a temporary ally, and determined a common goal, and decided to work together to achieve the goal.

Next, these guys discussed in a low voice, and then dispersed, each returning to their own side.

Immediately afterwards, the gang of mobs started to move again, setting off one after another, walking towards the ridge not far away.

It was Silva's special operations team who took the lead in front of the team. These guys were all experts in jungle warfare, and it was not difficult for them to follow the joint exploration team in the rainforest.

More importantly, there are fewer traps in this rainforest, almost none, the safety factor has been greatly increased, and everyone's travel speed has also been much faster.

As the mob emerged from the sparse woodland, they did not notice that the Mayans, the weakest of them, armed only with shotguns and bush machetes, had not followed.

The Mayans acted in unison, and all stayed on the edge of the woodland, and even slowly retreated into the rainforest, in the opposite direction of the marching group.

If someone observed closely, they would definitely be able to see that in the eyes of those Mayans, they were full of disdain, and some guys even showed a bit of gloating expression on their faces.

From their point of view, the gang of mobs walking towards the ridge ahead are stepping into hell step by step. No one can leave this tropical rainforest alive, let them stay here as fertilizer!

Soon, these Mayans withdrew into the rainforest, walked the way they came from without hesitation, and stayed away from this dangerous tropical rainforest.

At the same time, out of everyone's sight, Ye Tian was descending rapidly along the steep slope on the south side of the ridge like a nimble jaguar.

In order to avoid excessive speed and failure to brake the car, which would cause unnecessary danger, during the descent, he constantly changed direction and used the trunks of big trees and rocks to slow down the descent to ensure safety.

Not only that, but he also needs to be vigilant at all times, try to avoid disturbing the poisons hidden in the dark, lest those guys suddenly violently hurt people, which will cause extra problems.

In the blink of an eye, he had descended nearly a hundred meters along the steep slope, and then stopped.

Afterwards, he looked at the surrounding environment, then looked up to see the situation on the ridge, and then sneaked eastward.

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