Treasure Hunt all over the World

Chapter 2480 The Mayans who gloated

Thanks to the ceasefire of the Honduran military and police, those idiots on the ridge, who were completely enveloped in despair and fear, receded along the way they came like a tide, or jumped down the steep slope cautiously, and each found a place to hide.

Only the sound of gnashing of teeth and crazily cursing continued to resound, resounding throughout the entire mountain ridge, and the object of the curse was naturally Ye Tian.

Of course, what filled everyone's ears was the extremely shrill wails, as well as the screams full of despair and fear, which were on the verge of death.

After a while, the voice of the Honduran military and police leader came out again through the tweeter and reached everyone's ears.

He once again warned the idiots who followed the joint exploration team and had just suffered heavy losses, telling them to retreat immediately, get out of this tropical rainforest, and stop coveting the treasures of the Mayan Empire's Golden City.

If not, the massacre just happened will be staged again, and no one can save them.

But the answer to him was bursts of hysterical and crazy cursing. The eight generations of ancestors of the high-level Honduran military were pulled out by those guys on the ridge and cursed one by one.

At the same time that the Honduran military high-ranking man was shouting, the guys who had just been severely injured, as long as they could move, they all used their hands and feet to withdraw from the ridge, and no one dared to stay on it again.

As for those who were seriously injured and completely incapacitated, they could only lie down or lie down, howling and screaming on the ridge, desperately waiting for death to come.

Not to mention the scum who died on this steep mountain ridge, who can take care of collecting their bodies?

Before the sound of crazy cursing fell, piercing gunshots sounded, and the fighting that had just stopped for a moment resumed in a blink of an eye.

Those guys hiding behind rocks or big trees immediately started shooting wildly after the initial shock, in order to vent their anger and fear in their hearts, trying to avenge their hatred.

"bang bang bang"

Accompanied by the rapid gunfire, a dense rain of bullets flew out at high speed from the steep slope on the south side of the ridge and various places at the east end of the ridge, heading straight for the rainforest at the other end of the ridge.

The many Honduran military police hiding in the rainforest were caught off guard immediately. Several careless guys were hit directly and screamed loudly.

Under conditioned reflex, these Honduras military police immediately discarded all the ideas they shouldn't have,

They put on new magazines one after another and began to fight back violently.

In the blink of an eye, the battle has become intense, the gunshots are rapid and deafening, and the bullets are flying in all directions, crazily ravaging this mountain ridge and this tropical rainforest.

The difference from before is that this battle has changed from a one-sided bloody massacre to a back and forth, with both sides firing fiercely, trying to send the bastards on the other side to hell.

The severely wounded guys at the eastern end of the ridge were particularly crazy. They didn't spare ammunition, cursed angrily, and fired wildly, pouring revenge bullets.

Compared with others, Silva and his men, who jumped off the ridge before and hid behind rocks and trees, showed extremely high military quality at this time.

These guys did not shoot wildly, but each selected a target to shoot. The gunshots of 'da da da' were very regular, with great lethality and the most threatening gunmen.

One of the snipers among them, hiding behind a big tree, half kneeling on the ground, has already set up a sniper rifle and started to search for the target for long-range sniper killing.

Fortunately, the terrain on this ridge and the steep slope on the south side is quite rugged, with jagged rocks, many large and small trees, bushes, etc., and the ridge is long and narrow, with numerous obstacles in the middle and extremely poor visibility.

In this way, the power of these Guatemalan special forces elites will undoubtedly be greatly reduced, and the threat they pose will also be greatly reduced.

When the gunshots came, and the fierce battle on the ridge started again, Ye Tian, ​​who was hiding under the steep slope, also took action.

He raised his head and glanced at the situation on the ridge, then ducked down and quickly sneaked eastward, preparing to go around behind those idiots on the ridge and send them to hell one by one.

The deafening gunshots still kept coming, and Ye Tian, ​​who was in the dense forest below the steep slope, was like a phantom, moving around in the forest, and then disappeared in a blink of an eye.

During the march, Matisse's voice suddenly came from the wireless invisible headset.

"Steven, there is a sniper on the ridge, and his marksmanship is very good. Judging from the pictures captured by the pinhole camera, this sniper is a special soldier under Silva, you have to be careful.

This guy was hiding behind a big tree, very concealed, and very vigilant. In just such a short time, he killed three Honduran military police, and the rest of the Hondurans were a little timid.

Do you want our snipers to kill this guy? His hidden position has been exposed, and it is not difficult to kill this guy, or leave this guy and consume the strength of the Hondurans?

Except for this guy, although the firepower of the other guys is very fierce, they are not very threatening. There are many obstacles on the ridge and on the south side of the ridge, and it is difficult for the bullets to penetrate all of them."

Hearing the notification, Ye Tian immediately replied in a low voice:

"Got it, Mattis, you just need to hold the ridge and don't let the idiots who came after us pass the ridge, and anyone who dares to step on the narrowest part of the ridge, send them to hell immediately.

We are partners with Honduras. It is best to inform the Hondurans of the existence of the sniper and see how they deal with the sniper, lest they turn around and use this as an excuse to make trouble.

Don't intervene for the time being, protect yourself, keep an eye on the sniper through the surveillance, don't get into that guy's scope, and let that guy teach the Hondurans a lesson.

If the Hondurans can't solve the problem, I ask for your support, and you take action against this Guatemalan special forces sniper, or leave this guy to me, and I will send him to hell!

I'm going to go around behind those idiots, and then send those idiots to hell, when I get to the position, I will notify you and tell you how to cooperate, and then you will command the Hondurans"

"Understood, Steven, I am waiting for your good news"

Mattis responded and ended the call.

In the blink of an eye, Ye Tian had sneaked eastward for more than 200 meters in the dense forest, and came to the oblique rear of those idiots on the ridge.

The terrain here has become much flatter, and the vegetation is more dense. Looking up, there are lush flowers and trees in the field of vision, and there is no shadow of the ridge.

However, the fierce gunshots from the ridge continuously told Ye Tian clearly what was happening on the ridge.

After stopping, Ye Tian quickly scanned the situation on the ridge, and then quickly scanned the surrounding situation, just in case.

When his gaze swept over about 20 meters diagonally upward, a bit of surprise suddenly flashed on his face, and then he laughed silently.

Looking obliquely upwards from his position, his sight easily passed through several towering trees, vines wrapped around the trees, and various flowers and trees.

Behind a bush at the root of a big tree, he saw two bright feathers standing upright in the bush and trembling slightly.

Those are two colorful Caragana feathers, which are very popular decorations of the Mayans, and they are being inserted on the two feather crowns of the Mayans at this time.

Wearing these two feather crowns are two Mayan men in their twenties and thirties.

These two guys were crouching behind the bushes, listening intently to the intense fire that was going on on the ridge, and there was a kind of schadenfreude expression on their painted faces.

Obviously, these two guys should have followed the tripartite joint exploration team before, coveting the treasure of the legendary Mayan Empire's Golden City.

Compared with other idiots, they know more about the situation of this tropical rainforest, better understand the terrain here, and know that the ridge above is a Jedi.

Because of this, they chose to retreat early instead of running to the ridge to die.

However, they really wanted to know the situation here, and maybe they wanted to be cheap, so they secretly sent two people to sneak here and hide under the steep slope to observe the situation.

The two young Mayans were lying on the ground, listening attentively to the movement on the ridge, but they didn't expect that someone came up behind them silently.


Suddenly there were two bursts of wind in the air, the sound was not loud, and was completely covered by the intense gunshots from the ridge.

Accompanied by the sound of the wind, two stones the size of an adult's fist flew from behind at high speed, and hit the backs of the heads of the two Mayans on the ground.

In the blink of an eye, the two stones had already reached the target, and they were about to hit the two guys lying on the ground.

It wasn't until this moment that the two guys felt the danger was coming, and a look of panic appeared in their eyes.

However, it was too late.

"bang bang"

Before the two guys could react, two stones hit them hard on the back of the head, knocking the two gloating guys unconscious.

These two guys just felt that their eyes went dark, and then they threw themselves on the ground, knowing nothing!

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