Treasure Hunt all over the World

Chapter 2481 Flying head

After knocking out the two gloating Mayans with stones, Ye Tian came out from behind the big tree and came to these two smart guys.

He looked at the two unconscious guys, then picked up two AK47 automatic rifles whose handguards were almost rotten, and dismantled the two rifles into parts.

This was not over yet, he directly removed the bolts of the two AK47s, threw them far away, and threw them into the bushes below the hillside.

Immediately afterwards, he found a used pistol and two magazines from one of the guys, and took the jungle machete of the other guy as his own.

In the next action, Ye Tian planned to use this tattered but decent pistol and the seized jungle machete to avoid leaving evidence of the killing.

So far, the two Mayans lying on the ground only have a jungle machete left. Whether they can escape here alive and join the rest of their companions depends on their luck.

After looting the two Mayans, Ye Tian left here and continued to sneak towards the rainforest above.

A moment later, he had come to the tropical rainforest at the eastern end of the ridge, hiding behind a towering tree as thick as two people hugging each other, and checking the situation ahead.

Thirty meters ahead, those guys who followed the tripartite joint exploration team were hiding behind big trees or rocks, and frantically fired at the rainforest on the opposite side of the ridge.

Among these guys, Ye Tian saw a few of his subordinates, as well as a few Mayans brought by gray wolves.

These guys were either disguised as professional treasure hunters or gangsters, pretending to curse loudly, and kept shooting towards the opposite side of the ridge, but they were well hidden and very safe.

The Honduran military police guarding the rainforest on the opposite side of the ridge, as well as several security personnel led by Mattis, also kept firing in this direction, and the fight between the two sides was very lively.

Since this ridge is relatively long and narrow, and there are many obstacles in the middle, the two sides are hidden again. Only a very small number of bullets fired at each other can penetrate the entire ridge, and it is difficult to cause effective damage.

Although the two sides were fighting very lively at this time, it didn't have much effect. It was completely incomparable with the bloody massacre that happened at the narrowest point in the middle of the ridge.

Among the crazy shooting guys on the eastern end of the ridge and the steep slope on the southern side of the ridge, Silva and his men are the most threatening, and the rest are basically negligible.

It's just a mob.

Ye Tian, ​​who was hiding behind the big tree, used his perspective ability to quickly scan the front, back, left, and right sides, and instantly had a plan in mind.

Immediately afterwards, he whispered through the wireless invisible headset:

"Matisse, I'm behind these idiots, let's move now, you continue to attack now, provide me with cover, I will take these idiots one by one, send them to hell.

You should especially keep an eye on Silva and his men, especially the sniper. If they react and know that someone is attacking them and other idiots behind them, notify me as soon as possible.

If necessary, you can also kill the sniper directly, that guy is the biggest threat, if they don't find out what's going on, then let me finish this special operations team."

After the words fell, Matisse's voice came over immediately.

"Got it, Steven, we know what to do, stay safe"

Immediately afterwards, Ye Tian switched the wireless earphones to another channel, and said in a low voice:

"Charles, you can temporarily evacuate here. When the battle is over, you can follow up and continue to follow the joint exploration team as professional treasure hunters, mixing among the remaining idiots.

Be careful when you evacuate, don’t be caught by the rest of the idiots, for safety’s sake, don’t tell the Mayans who are following you with the details of your actions, lest those guys leak the secrets”

"Understood, Steven, we will evacuate now, those idiots who are shooting wildly at this time, how will they notice us, don't worry."

Charles' voice came from the wireless invisible headset, and the guy hiding behind a big tree made an OK gesture.

Although he didn't see Ye Tian, ​​he only heard the voice, but this guy knew very well that Ye Tian had come here quietly, and he was looking at him.

Next, Charles notified two other three-person teams, and then began to evacuate one after another.

Before that, they were dragged at the end of the trailing crowd, and they didn't suffer any damage. They didn't attract any attention when they evacuated, and quickly disappeared into the depths of the rainforest behind them.

After watching them leave, Ye Tian quickly scanned the situation in front of him, then ducked out from the hiding place, and quickly touched forward under the cover of trees, rocks, and bushes.

In the blink of an eye, he had come to the edge of the battlefield without making any sound or attracting anyone's attention.

At this time, he was standing sideways behind a big tree, and there happened to be a bush next to the big tree. With the jungle camouflage on his body, he blended perfectly with the environment here.

Coupled with the relatively dim light here, it would be difficult for ordinary people to spot his existence if they did not observe him closely, and it would be even more difficult to spot him if viewed from a distance.

And more than two meters in front of the uncle's left, there is a big tree that is as thick as an adult's hug. A Hispanic gangster is hiding behind that big tree.

From the guy's exposed tattoos, it can be seen that this is a Marash gangster from Tegucigalpa, who looks very distressed and has injuries on his body.

The left half of this guy's body was already stained red with blood, and a climbing rope used to stop the bleeding was tied at the root of his left arm. His face was pale, weak, and his eyes were full of fear and despair.

Perhaps it was because of his serious injuries that this guy was dragged to the back of the team, but he also escaped the bloody massacre that happened on the ridge before, and survived until now.

Because of the deep location and serious injuries, this Marash scum did not keep firing at the rainforest on the opposite side of the ridge like everyone else.

He sat sideways on the grass behind the big tree, with his right shoulder and head leaning against the tree trunk, and would poke his head out from time to time to take a look at the situation ahead.

On the grass next to him, there was a gangster's favorite weapon, an AK47 automatic rifle, half new and not old, and it looked a little better than the AK47 of the two Mayans just now.

"bang bang bang"

The deafening gunshots continued to come from the front, and became more intense.

Accompanied by gunshots, there were bursts of mad curses full of anger and fear, as well as shrill howls and screams, covering up all other sounds in the rainforest.

In fact, this tropical rain forest has been completely reduced to a battlefield at this time. Apart from these, there are no other voices!

The Marash gangster hiding behind the tree, driven by curiosity, poked his head out from behind the tree trunk again, trying to see the situation ahead and see if a miracle would happen.

Unfortunately, the miracle did not appear, but death came in an instant.

The moment that scumbag poked his head out, Ye Tian quickly flashed out from behind the big tree where he was hiding, like a bolt of lightning, rushing over extremely swiftly and silently.

In the blink of an eye, he had arrived at the side of the Marash scum, but the scum didn't notice it, and was still observing the situation ahead.

In the next moment, the extremely sharp jungle machete in Ye Tian's hand slashed fiercely on the neck of this Marash scum, like a hot knife cutting butter, without any hindrance.

Immediately afterwards, a human head flew into the air and fell towards the nearby bushes. A stream of blood shot out from the neck of the Marash scum, and sprayed directly on the tree trunk behind.

But Ye Tian, ​​who finished the killing, took two steps back quickly, avoiding the spray of blood.

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