Treasure Hunt all over the World

Chapter 2535 Ultimate Dream

In the blink of an eye, it was already noon.

In the southwest corner of the Golden City of the Mayan Empire, many members of the tripartite joint exploration team are busy cleaning up another Mayan prophecy pillar just discovered.

This ancient Mayan prophecy pillar is exactly the prophecy pillar of the Mayan Fourth Sun Period, that is, Zondriric, and its corresponding human civilization is the legendary Atlantis civilization.

On this Mayan prophecy column, it is also engraved with Mayan hieroglyphs and various patterns, as well as exquisite decorations and many stone murals, etc., which are of great research value.

Among them, there are many Mayan hieroglyphs and patterns, as well as stone murals, which everyone has seen for the first time.

In particular, some grand battle scenes seem to confirm the statement in the Mayan prophecy that the Fourth Sun Period, that is, Zondriric, was destroyed under the rain of nuclear war.

Although you don't understand the meaning of these characters, patterns, and murals, you can fully imagine that the meanings they point to and represent are all about the history, legends, and prophecies of the Mayan Fourth Sun Period.

At the same time as this Mayan prophecy column was discovered, everyone also discovered another complete stone-carved Mayan calendar, which was also engraved on a roulette with a diameter of about 80 centimeters, and in the center of the roulette was also a head of the sun god.

There is also an arrow directly above the head of the sun god, and the top edge of the roulette pointed to by it is clearly engraved with the hieroglyphs of the Zondriric of the Mayan Fourth Sun Period, that is, the Atlantean civilization.

On the rest of the roulette, there are a large number of Mayan hieroglyphs and patterns, decorated with exquisite patterns, which are basically the same as the other two Mayan calendars I have seen before.

The only difference is that the same characters and patterns appear in this Mayan calendar, but their positions are different from those in the two Mayan calendars.

You've seen this before, and you know what's going on, so you're not surprised.

Because this Mayan calendar starts from the beginning of the fourth solar period, and clearly records the Mayan fourth solar period and calendar, it is naturally different from the previous two Mayan calendars.

Of course, through this Mayan calendar, the first three Mayan solar periods that have already passed with time can be traced forward, and the future Mayan fifth solar period and calendar can be deduced backward, which is very complete.

However, compared with the previously discovered Mayan prophecy pillars of the Second Sun and Tertiary Sun, the preservation of this Mayan prophecy is relatively poor.

The pillar of prophecy about four to five meters high had already been broken into five pieces, scattered in different places. Even the altar at the bottom of the pillar of prophecy was covered with cracks, like a spider's web.

The Mayan calendar located at the top of the prophecy column was divided into two, scattered about three or four meters away from the altar, buried deep in the ground, and should have been broken in half when it fell from the top of the prophecy column.

Although it was broken in two, the characters and patterns engraved on this Mayan calendar are relatively complete and can be clearly identified.

Seeing the split Mayan prophecy pillar and the Fourth Sun Mayan calendar divided into two, everyone at the scene felt very regretful and sighed.

Especially the severely damaged altar has left many experts and scholars at a loss as to where the cracks on the altar come from.

Could it be that something fell from the sky and smashed hard on this altar? That's why it happened.

But around the altar of the Mayan prophecy column, no meteorites or the like were found, only some ordinary stones, large or small.

Only Ye Tian understood how the cracks on the altar of the prophecy pillar of the Mayan solar period were caused.

According to his deduction, hundreds of years ago, the Golden City of the Mayan Empire, which had been abandoned and completely swallowed by the tropical rainforest, suffered a moderate earthquake or was affected by earthquakes in other places.

During that earthquake, the rocks rolled down from the mountain peak on the southwest side of the basin happened to hit the altar of the prophecy pillar, causing many cracks in the altar and smashing the prophecy pillar of the Fourth Sun Period into pieces.

It was also the unknown earthquake,

On the cliff not far behind, a line of sky leading to the outside world, but extremely hidden, was shaken, allowing animals from the outside world to enter this volcanic basin.

The family of three female jaguars entered the volcanic basin from there, and the night before yesterday, Ye Tian also walked out of the volcanic basin from there, led by the family of three female jaguars.

While speaking, the Mayan calendar of the Fourth Sun Period that was split in two has been cleaned up.

Many experts and scholars who were eager to see through the eyes immediately rushed forward and began to appreciate and study this ancient Mayan calendar, which is a priceless treasure.

In just a moment, there was a burst of excited cheers from the scene.

"Great! This is indeed the Mayan calendar of the Fourth Sun. The hieroglyph engraved on the top of the Mayan calendar means Zondriric. There is no doubt that this is another great discovery that is enough to cause a sensation all over the world. !"

"Wow! Today is so perfect! We have successively discovered three Mayan prophecy columns and three nearly complete Mayan calendars. Next, we may be able to discover another two Mayan prophecy columns.

It would be even more perfect if we could find out all the Mayan prophecy pillars representing the five solar periods. By studying these Mayan prophecy pillars and the Mayan calendar, we may completely solve the mystery of Mayan civilization! "

Looking at these nearly crazy experts and scholars, everyone at the scene was infected and excited.

At this moment, Ye Tian suddenly smiled and said:

"Gentlemen, since this roulette is the Mayan calendar of the Quaternary Sun, by studying this Mayan calendar, can we get a glimpse of the related legends of the Mayan Quaternary Sun and those mysterious and ancient Mayan prophecies?

In the Mayan prophecy, Zondriric corresponds to the legendary Atlantis civilization. By extension, can we learn about the legend of Atlantis civilization through this Mayan calendar and prophecy column? ?

The legendary Atlantis civilization is a huge unsolved mystery. If we can discover the information of Atlantis and even find out its exact location, it will be another great discovery that shocks the world.

I am a professional treasure hunter, and our company is a treasure hunting company. We all want to find the legendary civilization of light, Atlantis, not only us, but I believe this is the ultimate dream of all professional treasure hunters! "

Hearing this, everyone at the scene turned their heads to look at Ye Tian who was standing a little outside, including those experts and scholars who were extremely excited.

Without exception, those experts and scholars all rolled their eyes and complained secretly.

You bastard is really greedy to the extreme. You just discovered the legendary Mayan Empire Golden City, and you want to share half of this huge treasure, which is enough to make everyone crazy with envy!

That's it, you bastard is still not satisfied, and in a blink of an eye, you have the idea of ​​the legendary Atlantis civilization. It's really hard to fill!

While most experts and scholars were complaining secretly, Professor Delgado and Professor Douglas looked at Ye Tian thoughtfully, and the excitement in their eyes became stronger.

They had heard the news about the civilization of Atlantis from others before, and it was Professor Paul, an expert in ancient Arabic from Columbia University, who told them the news!

And the real source of this news is this amazing guy in front of him, Steven.

It was this magical guy who found Professor Paul and asked him to decipher a string of ancient Arabic characters that had never appeared in other places.

The meaning of the string of ancient Arabic is the legendary Atlantis, the city of the sea that once appeared in the ancient Greek classic "Dialogue".

The ancient Mayan calendar in front of us, and the fragmented prophecy pillar of the Fourth Sun Period, correspond to the legendary Atlantis civilization.

Obviously, what Steven said was definitely on target, not just a joke!

Thinking of this, both Professor Delgado and Professor Douglas couldn't help but feel a surge of excitement, and their eyeballs quickly turned red.

Everyone is now in the legendary Golden City of the Mayan Empire. If we discover the mysteriously disappeared Atlantis civilization again, the scene will be so beautiful that people dare not even think about it. It will definitely shine in the annals of history!

Although they thought so in their hearts and were as excited as a volcanic eruption, Professor Delgado tried hard to restrain their emotions and didn't show too much.

They knew very well in their hearts that it would not be a good thing to reveal the secret exploration of the Atlantis civilization by Steven this guy at this time!

Once the news leaks from me, there is no doubt that it will be nothing for me to explore the Atlantis civilization next!

When the mood calmed down a little, Professor Delgado immediately said:

"You're right, Steven, the Fourth Sun Period in the Mayan prophecy, that is, Zondriric, corresponds to the civilization of the legendary Atlantis civilization.

But as far as I can judge, the Atlantis civilization referred to by the Mayans is different from the legendary Atlantis civilization. First of all, the location of the civilization is different.

The legendary Atlantis civilization is located on the east coast of the Atlantic Ocean, that is, along the coast of Southwestern Europe and Africa, but here is the west coast of the Atlantic Ocean, and the two places are far apart.

Unless in the Mayan Quaternary Sun, the continents on both sides of the Atlantic Ocean were connected together, or the Mayan civilization and Atlantis civilization were highly developed and could cross the ocean.

Or the Mayans and the Atlanteans are both civilizations from extraterrestrials, and they have always kept in touch with each other through some mysterious way, knowing each other's existence.

Only in this way can the Zondriric engraved on this Mayan calendar be the same ancient civilization as the Atlantean civilization that mysteriously disappeared, otherwise it is difficult to say so.

Of course, this possibility also exists. When we thoroughly study the prophecy pillar and the Mayan calendar in front of us, we may be able to solve the mystery of Atlantis civilization.

It is a pity that many of the hieroglyphs and patterns engraved on this Mayan prophecy column and the Mayan calendar are unknown to us, and it will take a lot of time to study them.”

Hearing what Professor Delgado said, other experts and scholars at the scene nodded their heads in agreement, with regret in their eyes.

Ye Tian just smiled softly, as if he didn't take these words to heart, and acted very relaxed.

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