Treasure Hunt all over the World

Chapter 2536 Another Rainforest King

Around the Mayan Quaternary Sun Prophecy Pillar, the joint exploration team successively discovered several architectural ruins from the Mayan Empire period, as well as a treasure buried deep underground.

In order to save time, Ye Tian didn't ask everyone to excavate these architectural ruins and treasures. Instead, he marked the locations of these architectural ruins and treasures and recorded them, so that he could dig them later.

Next, everyone stopped around the prophecy pillar of the Mayan Quaternary Sun, rested in place, and had a lunch to replenish energy and restore physical strength to prepare for the follow-up exploration.

The lunch and fresh water were prepared by several company employees and chefs who stayed at the campsite in charge of logistics. After they cooked the lunch, they flew it over by drone, which was very fast!

Each lunch is delivered hot, fresh and nutritious.

During lunch time, Ye Tian, ​​Professor Delgado and other experts and scholars gathered together to carefully appreciate and study the Mayan Prophecy Pillar of the Fourth Sun Period and the Mayan calendar that was divided into two parts.

It's a pity that everyone didn't find any more surprises.

Those Mayan hieroglyphs and patterns that were not known before are still unknown to everyone, and it takes a lot of time to study carefully, which is not something that can be done overnight.

Only those stone carvings and murals, everyone can see a little bit of meaning, which can be regarded as a small gain.

From those stone murals, it can be seen that the ancient civilization of the Mayan Quaternary Sun Period did have some incomprehensible, even very strange places.

The war scenes on some of the stone murals look a lot like future wars in sci-fi movies, rather than primitive people fighting each other in the Stone Age.

One of the stone murals has a guy who looks like he's sitting in the cockpit of a spaceship and is piloting a spaceship, which is particularly eerie.

A picture similar to the content of this stone mural was previously discovered by archaeologists on the stone slabs of the ancient city of Paklun. This is the second discovery, and this mural is clearer.

Looking at these mysterious Mayan hieroglyphs and patterns, as well as stone murals, everyone was at a loss and did not understand their true meaning.

But every expert and scholar at the scene was very excited at the moment. While studying, they were discussing with each other expressing their opinions.

Lunch time will soon be over,

After everyone's condition basically recovered, Ye Tian sent out the order, and then left here with the tripartite joint exploration team to continue the exploration.

Not far ahead, several security team members and the Mayans who were opening the way suddenly stopped, and the entire joint exploration team also stopped.

Immediately afterwards, Cole's voice came from the intercom.

"Steven, you'd better come and have a look. There is a small swamp with anaconda crawling around. It can be seen that this anaconda is not small. We obviously broke into that guy. territory"

Hearing the notification, Ye Tian immediately stepped forward and joined Cole and the others.

At the same time, he also saw the swamp that Cole mentioned, just two or three meters ahead of the team.

The scope of this swamp is not large, and it is irregularly circular. The widest part is only seven or eight meters, and the narrowest part is only about three meters.

Moreover, this swamp is covered with dead branches and leaves, and there are some vines, flowers and plants growing on it. It is very hidden. If it is not for the water overflowing from the edge of the swamp, it is difficult for ordinary people to find it, and it is easy to be tricked.

On the surface of this swamp and the surrounding ground, there are indeed some traces of anacondas crawling past, just like ruts, and its huge size can be imagined!

The first person to discover this swamp was a Mayan brought by gray wolves.

They live in the tropical rain forest and are very familiar with this environment. They must have seen many swamps like this, so they can be discovered in time.

Coming closer, Ye Tian looked at the swamp in front of him, then at the quiet rainforest around him, and then said with a smile:

"Looking at the topography, this place may have been a water pool a long time ago, but because of the age and the dense vegetation here, dead branches and fallen leaves kept falling into the water pool, and it gradually turned into a swamp.

It can be seen that there is a lot of water in this swamp, and water is constantly overflowing from the edge, but there are no creeks or rivers flowing into this swamp, so there is only one possibility, this swamp is connected to an underground river.

We also didn't see the anaconda inhabiting here, otherwise we would have alarmed the anaconda a long time ago when we cleaned up the Mayan Quaternary Sun Prophecy Pillar and the smell of lunch.

The anaconda probably went to another place, or left through the underground river, and it will not threaten everyone's safety for the time being, but for the sake of safety, we still need to remind everyone to be more vigilant.

Since there may have been a water pool here, and it is located in the Golden City, it is likely to be regarded as a holy lake by the Mayans, and the ancient Mayans had the habit of throwing gold and gems into the holy lake.

Naturally, this swamp cannot be let go. If you have to explore it, you might find something surprising. Cole, use the coil of your pulse metal detector to scan this swamp to see what you can find.

When probing, be careful to prevent being attacked by anacondas. It is best to tie a safety rope and connect it with the big tree behind. I will protect you by the side. If there is any danger, I will rescue you in time! "

"Okay, Steven, leave the detection to me."

Cole nodded in response, and then he was ready to take action.

At this moment, there was movement in the middle of the swamp.

Suddenly, a huge dark green snake head rose slowly from the center of the swamp, passed through the dead branches and leaves and vines on the swamp, floated to the surface of the swamp, and broke into everyone's field of vision.

This is a huge green anaconda. Based on its huge head, its body length is at least eight meters, its body is as thick as the torso of an adult man, and its weight should be around 200 kilograms.

There is no doubt that this is a veritable behemoth, and it is also one of the kings at the top of the food chain in the tropical rainforests of Central and South America!

As soon as the green anaconda appeared, it raised its head high and stared at Ye Tian, ​​other security personnel and several Mayans standing on the edge of the swamp, with cold and ruthless eyes, as if looking at prey.

This sudden change in the middle of the swamp shocked everyone present, and everyone's expressions changed.

Everyone reacted very quickly. As soon as they saw this huge green anaconda, there were already four or five assault rifles pointing at this guy, ready to fire at any time.

Ye Tian was the same, he held the grip of the G36C assault rifle in one hand, and the handle of the jungle machete in the other, and his eyes were fixed on the huge green anaconda.

Perhaps feeling the deadly threat and feeling that the uninvited guests in front of him were not easy to mess with, the huge green anaconda came out of the swamp about one meter and stopped.

It only left a huge snake head on the surface of the swamp, staring closely at Ye Tian and the others, while the larger snake body was hidden in the swamp, not exposed to avoid being attacked.

In the blink of an eye, a confrontation had formed inside and outside the swamp, and the air at the scene became tense, with a fishy smell.

"Cole, take people back slowly, try to avoid conflict with this green anaconda, let me try to see if I can communicate with this big guy and subdue this big guy.

If it succeeds, our next exploration operation will also be less threatening, so that everyone will not be worried. This big guy may still be useful when we follow up to clean up and dig out the treasures of the Golden City.

We can also use this big guy to protect the treasures of the Golden City, such as the Quaternary Sun Prophecy Pillar just discovered, before the official cleaning and excavation, we can let this big guy protect it! "

Ye Tian said with a smile, his words were full of confidence.

After the words fell, Cole immediately nodded and responded:

"Okay, Steven, you have to be more careful, this green anaconda is too big, obviously not easy to mess with, I will provide you with cover behind!"

After finishing speaking, Cole gestured to retreat, leading the rest of the people to retreat slowly.

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