Treasure Hunt all over the World

Chapter 2537 peek into the future

In a blink of an eye, it was around four o'clock in the afternoon.

In a dense rainforest on the south side of the Golden City, many members of the joint exploration team are exploring and cleaning up a newly discovered Mayan Empire architectural site in this area.

With everyone's concerted efforts, an ancient pyramid decorated with a large amount of gold on its facade gradually emerged, and after a lapse of more than a thousand years, it bloomed with bright golden light again.

Ye Tian, ​​Professor Delgado and other experts and scholars stood in front of this three-story pyramid, admiring the ancient Mayan architectural ruins, and waiting for the architectural ruins to be cleared.

As long as this magnificent Mayan pyramid is cleared, they can go up and carefully appreciate and study the Mayan hieroglyphs and patterns carved on this pyramid, as well as the ancient temple on the top of the tower.

At this moment, Jason's excited voice suddenly came from the intercom.

"Steven, I have some good news for you. We may have discovered the Mayan Prophecy Pillar of the Fifth Sun Epoch and the Mayan Calendar that was originally placed on the top of this Prophecy Pillar. You'd better come and have a look."

Hearing the notification, Ye Tian's face flashed with ecstasy, and then he picked up the walkie-talkie and said:

"Received, Jason, the situation of the fifth solar epoch Mayan prophecy pillar is very special. It is different from the three Mayan prophecy pillars discovered before. Please protect the site and don't dig and clean it up for now, and don't let anyone approach it."

"Understood, Steven, I am surrounded by our company's buddies now, don't worry about leaking secrets, we will stop digging and cleaning up, and we will talk about it when you come over"

Jason responded, and his tone was much more serious than before.

During the call, Ye Tian turned around and walked quickly to the area that Jason and the others were detecting.

Many experts and scholars here heard that the Mayan Prophecy Pillar of the Fifth Sun Epoch had been born, and immediately abandoned the magnificent pyramid in front of them, and followed Ye Tian to the other side. Everyone was very excited.

That is the Mayan Prophecy Pillar of the Fifth Sun Epoch! It is the era we are living in now, by studying the characters and patterns on this Mayan prophecy pillar, maybe we can get a glimpse of a corner of the future world!

While speaking, Ye Tian brought David and many experts and scholars to the area Jason and the others were exploring.

at this time,

This area has been sealed off by the security personnel of the Bravery Exploration Company. Except for Jason and others who discovered the Mayan Prophecy Pillar of the Fifth Sun Era, no one else is allowed to enter.

The other two members of the tripartite joint exploration team, members of the Columbia University archaeological team and members of the Honduras archaeological team, were stopped outside.

They could only stretch their necks angrily and look inside, but there was nothing they could do, and they couldn't change anything!

Walking here, Ye Tian suddenly stopped, turned around and said loudly to the many experts and scholars who followed:

"Gentlemen, except for Professors Hernando and Delgado, who can go in as representatives of Columbia University and the Honduras government to view the Mayan Prophecy Pillar of the Fifth Sun, the rest are not allowed to enter the alert area.

Why not let everyone enter the alert range? The reason everyone should be able to imagine is that the fifth solar period is different from the previous four Mayan solar periods. The previous four solar periods have passed, and this solar period is now.

The contents engraved on the three Mayan solar era prophecy pillars discovered before are all things that happened in the past, as well as the prophecies and legends corresponding to that solar era, and the future may be engraved on this prophecy pillar! "

Hearing this, the faces of many experts and scholars at the scene changed, becoming very ugly, and their eyes were full of regret and deep unwillingness!

This is the prophecy pillar of the Mayan Fifth Sun Period! It is likely to record the Maya's view of the future and the prediction of the fate of mankind. It is close at hand at this moment, so it would be a pity to miss it.

For any expert and scholar studying the Mayan civilization, missing such an opportunity that is countless times more precious than gold will definitely make people regret for life, and these experts and scholars at the scene are no exception!

Several experts and scholars were about to speak out to refute, but Ye Tian stopped them with his hand, and did not give them this chance at all.

After a short pause, Ye Tian continued to say:

"There are several different algorithms for the calculation of the Maya Pentasol. One algorithm is that the Pentasol is from BC


from year to


end of year,





twenty one

Day is the end of the world.


The Mayan prophecy of the end of the world in 2000 has been proven to be inaccurate; another calculation is from BC


from year to AD


The end of the year, according to this calculation, there is still a long time for the Fifth Sun.

In the ancient city of Pacron in Guatemala, Mayan scientists have discovered another algorithm, saying that the fifth solar period will continue until AD


Years, according to the latter two calculations, we live in the fifth solar period.

That is to say, the Mayan Prophecy Pillar of the Fifth Sun Period in front of us is likely to record some prophecies of the Mayans about the Fifth Sun Period, the Fifth Sun Period in the eyes of the ancient Mayans, and the future!

The Mayan calendar of the fifth solar period on the top of the prophecy column records the length of the fifth solar period, which year it begins and when it ends, how long does this solar period last, and what will happen at the end of the fifth solar period?

All these things are too important. Once exposed, it will cause a huge sensation all over the world, and may even cause huge riots. This Mayan prophecy column is not just an antique cultural relic!

In order to avoid causing huge sensations and riots, and to protect the interests of our company, I will restrict everyone from entering this restricted area, and try to avoid leaking the contents of this Mayan prophecy pillar as much as possible.

Not only that, Professor Delgado and Hernando, who were allowed to enter the restricted area, could only witness the birth of this Mayan prophecy column and the Mayan calendar, and could not carefully appreciate and study the content recorded on it, let alone take pictures.

In addition to this fifth solar epoch Mayan prophecy column and the Mayan calendar, I will take the same approach and keep it strictly confidential for the first solar epoch Mayan prophecy column and the corresponding Mayan calendar that we are likely to discover next.

If the Mayan Prophecy Pillar and the Mayan Calendar of the Fifth Sun Epoch may record the future, then the Mayan Prophecy Pillar and the Mayan Calendar of the First Sun Epoch may record the origin of civilization or human beings, or even the universe! "

Having said that, all the experts and scholars at the scene became impatient, and shouted directly with their necks stuck.

"Steven, what you said makes sense. This Mayan Prophecy Pillar of the Fifth Sun Era and the Mayan calendar are indeed very important. Maybe it can give us a glimpse of the future and know the Mayan's prophecy for the future of mankind.

However, isn't it too unreasonable for you to deal with it like this? The Mayan Prophecy Pillar of the Fifth Sun and the Mayan Calendar are right in front of everyone, so close at hand, but we cannot appreciate it, which will torture us to death! "

"That's right, Steven, what you're doing is so unreasonable, it's just killing us!"

Ye Tian couldn't help laughing softly when he saw these experts and scholars who were so angry that they wanted to rush up and beat him up.

He stretched out his hands and pressed down gently, motioning for everyone to be quiet, and then said loudly with a smile:

"Gentlemen, don't be impatient, you are eager to appreciate and study the Mayan Prophecy Pillar and Mayan Calendar of the Fifth Sun Epoch, I understand very well, but please understand us and be patient.

For the sake of confidentiality, although we are not allowed to have access to the Mayan Prophecy Pillar and the Mayan Calendar of the Fifth Sun Epoch for the time being, we are not allowed to appreciate and study the various characters and patterns engraved on the Prophecy Pillar and the Mayan Calendar.

But this is not to say that everyone will never be allowed to touch and study this Mayan language prophecy column and Mayan calendar. Here I can assure you that when this prophecy column and Mayan calendar are cleared up, you will have plenty of opportunities.

The hieroglyphs and patterns engraved on this Mayan prophecy column, as well as all the content engraved on the Mayan calendar, the corresponding research and research rights, as well as the derived academic research results, papers, etc.

All these rights and achievements are shared by you experts and scholars who study the Mayan civilization. Our company will provide the most perfect and best research conditions for everyone to conduct research and obtain the most outstanding results.

Of course, the ownership of the Fifth Sun Mayan Prophecy Pillar and the Mayan Calendar will belong to our brave exploration company, as will the other four Mayan Prophecy Pillars and the Mayan Calendar. There is no doubt about this! "

Following his words, the faces of those experts and scholars from Columbia University's School of History suddenly turned cloudy, and even beamed with joy!

However, the Honduran government officials headed by Hernando, as well as several Honduran experts and scholars, had cloudy and ugly faces, and there was anger in their eyes!

However, these Hondurans didn't say much, and everyone was full of helplessness. This is how the tripartite joint exploration agreement was made, so what can we do?

Unless the Honduran government reneges on its promise and brazenly tore up the tripartite joint exploration agreement, it is possible to keep these priceless treasures in Honduras!

But will it succeed? I'm afraid not necessarily!

Not to mention the bloody revenge of the bastard Steven, how many people can resist it?

After saying a few more words, Ye Tian led Professor Delgado and Hernando into the restricted area, and walked straight to Jason and the others.

As for the rest of the experts and scholars, they can only stretch their necks, stand on tiptoes, and look at this side from a distance, all of them want to see it!

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