Treasure Hunt all over the World

Chapter 2538 Emotional Civilization

Compared with the three previously discovered Mayan prophecy pillars, the Fifth Sun Mayan prophecy pillars are more completely preserved.

This ancient Mayan prophecy column was broken into two parts from the middle, the first half fell to the ground, and the lower half still stood on the altar, covered with various vines and flowers, looking like a tree stump.

The upper half of the prophecy pillar that fell to the ground, the top of the prophecy pillar where the Mayan calendar is located, is buried in the soil at a slant, and the fracture at the end is high, and it is also covered with vines and flowers.

Jason, who discovered this Mayan prophecy column, has cleaned up part of this prophecy column, namely the root of the half of the prophecy column standing on the altar, and the part of the Mayan calendar buried deep underground.

When they found the Mayan calendar buried deep in the ground, Jason notified Ye Tian and asked Ye Tian to come and see this great discovery that was enough to shock the world.

At this time, these guys had stopped, and they were standing on the edge of the big pit where the Mayan calendar was located. They were all very excited, with bright smiles on their faces.

Seeing Ye Tian and the others coming, Jason immediately greeted him, and said impatiently:

"Steven, this is the Mayan Prophecy Pillar of the Fifth Sun, and the corresponding Mayan Calendar of the Fifth Sun is buried in that pit. We have excavated a part of them, and they are quite well preserved!

Although we don't know the Mayan hieroglyphs, nor do we understand the meaning of the patterns on the Prophecy Pillar, but based on previous exploration experience, we can be sure that this is the Mayan Prophecy Pillar and the Mayan Calendar of the Fifth Sun Period! "

As he spoke, Jason pointed to the half of the Mayan prophecy pillar standing on the altar, and the Mayan calendar at the bottom of the pit, his words were full of pride.

Following the direction of his finger, Ye Tian looked at the situation of the Mayan prophecy pillar and the Mayan calendar, then smiled and said:

"Good job, Jason, this is probably the prophecy pillar of the Mayan fifth solar period, if it is true, by studying this prophecy pillar and the Mayan calendar, we may be able to get a glimpse of what the future world will look like.

The excavation and cleaning work of the Prophecy Pillar and the Mayan Calendar has been carried out here for the time being, not only that, but after we finish checking, you will have to rebury these two priceless treasures.

When we explore the entire golden city of the Mayan Empire, we will excavate and clean up these two priceless treasures and transport them back to New York. Their appearance will definitely cause a huge sensation.

said with no exaggeration,

You guys will go down in history for discovering this Fifth Sun Mayan Prophecy Pillar, which is a great cause for celebration for anyone! "


There was hearty laughter at the scene, Jason and these guys all laughed out loud, everyone was very proud, and looked forward to shining brightly.

After chatting for a few words, Ye Tian came to the edge of the pit and looked at the Mayan calendar that was only one-third exposed and covered with dirt.

Professor Delgado and Hernando followed immediately, and they all looked at the Mayan calendar at the bottom of the pit. The eyes of these two guys were extremely hot, almost bursting into flames.

In just a moment, Professor Delgado said excitedly:

"That's right, Steven, the Mayan calendar at the bottom of the pit is the legendary Mayan calendar of the fifth solar period. The text engraved on the top of this Mayan calendar, which is above the head of the sun god, is exactly Tona Tiu civilization.

The Tonatiu civilization mentioned by the ancient Mayans corresponds to the emotional civilization in the history of human development, which is the civilization we are in now. There is no doubt that this is the Mayan calendar of the Fifth Sun Period,..."

While speaking, Ye Tian suddenly made a sound, directly interrupting Professor Delgado's words.

"Since this is the Mayan prophecy column and the Mayan calendar of the fifth solar period, it is great! Regarding the Mayan prophecy column and the hieroglyphs and patterns engraved on the Mayan calendar, let's go back and do research, and that's it for today "

Hearing this, Professor Delgado couldn't help being stunned for a moment, then nodded resentfully and said:

"Okay, Steven, I'll listen to you, let's do research later, I have to say, you guys are extremely cautious and careful!"

Hernando, who was standing next to him, also nodded and agreed, his eyes full of regret, unwillingness, and helplessness.

Next, Ye Tian turned to Jason and said:

"Jason, bury this Mayan calendar again, use vines to re-wrap the cleared part of the prophecy pillar, and then remember this position, and dig and clean it later, tell everyone, it must be kept strictly confidential!"

"Okay, Steven, leave these things to us!"

Jason nodded in response, and then acted.

As for Ye Tian, ​​he left here with the reluctant Professor Delgado and Hernando, and walked towards the eager experts and scholars outside the restricted area.

When they came out, those experts and scholars couldn't wait to ask whether this was the prophecy pillar of the Mayan Fifth Sun Period and the corresponding Mayan calendar.

When they got Ye Tian's affirmative answer, these experts and scholars couldn't help being stunned for a moment. Immediately afterwards, there was almost crazy cheers at the scene, which shocked everyone else.

After a while, when the emotions of these experts and scholars calmed down a little, Ye Tian immediately changed the topic and said with a smile:

"Gentlemen, please be patient. In the future, there will be opportunities to appreciate and study this Mayan Fifth Sun Prophecy Pillar and the Mayan Calendar. I believe everyone will gain great surprises, fame and fortune from it.

Now is it time for us to appreciate and study the magnificent pyramid next to it? That pyramid has been almost cleaned up, and there may be surprises on that ancient pyramid! "

Hearing this, these experts and scholars nodded, but their enthusiasm was obviously not high.

At this time, these guys' vision has improved a lot unconsciously, and their appetites have also increased a lot, and they even look down on the magnificent Mayan pyramid next to them!

If it was placed a few days ago, if they could find such an ancient, resplendent and research-worthy Mayan pyramid, they would be so happy and crazy, why would they hate it! Let alone pick and choose!

Next, Ye Tian took these experts and scholars out of here, and walked towards the pyramid together.

When leaving here, these experts and scholars turned their heads three times a step at a time, and kept looking at the Mayan Fifth Sun Prophecy Pillar standing not far away, as well as the big pit where the Mayan calendar was buried, with mournful eyes!


In a blink of an eye, it was already evening.

Day by day, the light in the rainforest is getting darker and darker, and the danger factor has increased a lot. Many nocturnal animals have come out to move around, such as various poisonous snakes and so on.

Fortunately, the tripartite joint exploration team has successfully completed today's work, explored around the edge of the volcanic basin where the Golden City is located, and returned to the original starting point of the right turn, which is the Golden Temple of the Corn God.

After leaving the rainforest where the Prophecy Pillar of the Fifth Sun Period was located in the afternoon, the joint exploration team discovered many architectural ruins of the Mayan Empire swallowed by the tropical rainforest, such as pyramids, altars, temples, palaces and other buildings.

On these ancient Mayan architectural ruins, as well as inside and outside the ruins, they found a large amount of gold and precious stones used for decoration, as well as many Mayan hieroglyphs and patterns, various stone murals and so on.

Of course, inside and outside these ancient architectural sites, there are also many antique cultural relics such as statues, stone tablets, and pottery, among which there are many priceless treasures.

Without exception, the architectural ruins of the Mayan Empire, gold gems, and many antique relics discovered in the afternoon are of great research value. Behind everything, there is a story about Mayan civilization hidden.

In addition to these, the joint exploration team also discovered several buried treasures in different places in the rainforest. Each treasure hides a large amount of gold, which makes the pulse metal detector keep ringing.

As for whether there are a large number of gems and other valuable cultural relics in those treasures, it is temporarily unknown. Only by digging up those treasures later can we know the real situation and real value of those treasures!

But the biggest harvest is the Mayan Prophecy Pillar of the First Sun Era and the corresponding Mayan Calendar.

This Mayan prophecy column and the Mayan calendar are actually not far from the Golden Temple of the God of Corn, more than 20 meters away from the south side of the Golden Temple of the God of Corn. It was only discovered by the joint exploration team in the evening.

After discovering the Mayan Prophecy Pillar and the Mayan Calendar, Ye Tian's handling method was the same as the previous treatment of the Mayan Prophecy Pillar and Mayan Calendar of the Fifth Sun Epoch, keeping it strictly confidential and not disclosing any relevant information.

Those experts and scholars were once again blocked from the restricted zone, and they were not allowed to appreciate and study the Mayan prophecy column and the Mayan calendar for the time being. Only Professor Delgado and Hernando witnessed the discovery process.

Immediately afterwards, Ye Tian asked his company employees to bury the Mayan prophecy pillar and the Mayan calendar, to be excavated and cleaned later.

Afterwards, the joint exploration team continued to explore and soon returned to the Golden Temple of the Corn God.

At this time, the sun had already set from the mountain peak on the west side of the basin, and the afterglow of the setting sun reflected the whole sky red, but the darkness followed closely behind everyone, swallowing up this tropical rainforest bit by bit!

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