Treasure Hunt all over the World

Chapter 2540 Cannibalism

At midnight, everyone else in the tripartite joint exploration team had fallen asleep, and the noisy platform was quiet, with only a few heavily armed security personnel on guard.

Suddenly, Ye Tian and David came out from the secret passage behind the platform, joined Matisse who was waiting outside, and walked to the edge of the platform together.

Standing on the edge of the platform, Matisse immediately whispered:

"Steven, the location of the golden statue of the Mayan priest we found in the rainforest outside has been exposed, and the person who leaked the location information of the golden statue is someone from Honduras.

Among the Honduran military and police guarding the golden statue of the Mayan priest, a few guys couldn't stand the temptation of huge wealth, took advantage of people's surprise, and pried off more than a dozen huge gemstones from the golden statue.

Those bastards were going to cut off the head of the Mayan priest's golden statue and take it away, but they were discovered in time, so they didn't succeed.

After being discovered, those guys fled in a hurry with more than a dozen gems. All the way to escape, they exchanged fire with the pursuing Honduran military and police all the way. Most of them died in the depths of the rainforest, and only one escaped.

It was the bastard who escaped, who probably leaked the location of the golden statue of the Mayan priest. The body of that guy was just found by our buddies in the rainforest, and there were signs of torture on his body.

The gem stolen by that guy has disappeared. Obviously, after the bastard escaped, he unfortunately fell into the hands of other people. After being tortured and tortured to obtain useful information, he was killed.

The rest of the gems that were pried off were all chased back, except for the two gems that were in the hands of that bastard. I don’t know who those two gems fell into. I hope we can get them back in the future.

The location of the golden statue of the Mayan priest is not too far from this volcanic basin, if someone finds the golden statue of the Mayan priest, those guys are likely to find this volcanic basin as well.”

After the words fell, Ye Tian immediately gritted his back molars and said in a low voice:

"Fack! I knew that the Hondurans were unreliable, as expected! Those impoverished Honduran military police and even politicians, how could they resist the temptation of the golden statue of the Mayan priest? It is a golden mountain!

Fortunately, the golden statue of the Mayan priest was saved. It doesn’t matter if a few gemstones are lost, as long as the statue is not damaged, especially the Mayan hieroglyphs and patterns carved on the statue,

Those are the most valuable.

I believe that as long as those gems are still in this tropical rainforest, we have a chance to find them back and reproduce them inlaid on the golden statue of the Mayan priest. As for those who stole the gems, prepare to go to hell.

Under such circumstances, we must adjust our plan and remove the priceless golden statue of the Mayan priest as soon as possible, so as not to have long nights and dreams, and unexpected changes will happen, and the golden statue will be robbed.

Especially the Honduran military police guarding the golden statue of the Mayan priest, who may become robbers at any time, and those who know the exact location of the golden statue, how can they be willing to let go of such a priceless treasure! "

Having said that, Ye Tian paused for a moment, then looked at Mathis and David and said:

"Matisse, you contact the guys at the base in Panama early tomorrow morning and have the Good Man Richard, who is cruising in the Pacific Ocean, send two Osprey or Chinook helicopters to transport that golden statue of a Mayan priest.

David, you are in charge of contacting the White House and the US embassy in Honduras, so that they can put pressure on and coordinate with the Honduran government. After all, Honduras is a sovereign country, and procedures still need to be followed.

As for the work of the Honduran presidential palace, I will discuss it with Hernando first, and then contact the Honduran president. After today's incident, I believe the Honduran president can't say anything.

When contacting all parties, you should decide what to say, but one thing must be clear, the golden statue of the Mayan priest belongs to our company, and it is only temporarily transferred to Copan Ruinas for safety."

After the words fell, Matisse and David immediately nodded in unison and responded:

"Okay, Steven, leave these things to us, and it must be done!"

After chatting for a few more words, Matisse picked up the topic just now and continued to report the situation of the outside world.

"Steven, from yesterday afternoon to today, the guys scattered in the rainforest outside have shot down more than a dozen drones with electronic jamming guns. These drones come from various sources, and they all came to the Golden City.

In addition, Raytheon's armed security personnel who were in charge of intercepting had already fought many guys who tried to snatch the treasure of the Golden City, and killed many guys with ulterior motives, and paid a certain price.

The most difficult thing to deal with here is the guys from the Guatemalan special forces. Those guys have very rich experience in jungle warfare. This is basically their home field.

According to our informants in Guatemala, the Guatemalan special forces have assembled a large group of troops at the Cabilis base and are moving towards the border between Guatemala and Honduras. Those guys are obviously coming to the Golden City.

Not only Guatemala, but El Salvador special forces have also taken the same action and are gathering towards the border, but in different directions. In addition, many treasure hunters, gangsters, Mayans, etc. are also flocking!

It is no exaggeration to say that the current Copan Valley can be described as a mixture of dragons and snakes, full of armed and greedy guys everywhere, so crowded that there is almost no place to stay, and countless greedy guys have poured into the rainforest.”

Hearing this, Ye Tian couldn't help sneering.

"It doesn't matter, soldiers come to block, water comes to soil, no matter whoever wants to snatch the treasure of the Mayan Empire Golden City from Lao Tzu, then prepare to go to hell, Lao Tzu doesn't mind sending them down personally.

Tomorrow we will explore along the central axis of the Golden City. If there is no accident, by the end of tomorrow, we will have a clear understanding of the basic situation of this legendary Mayan Empire Golden City.

Mattis, David, you have notified the guys who stayed in Copan Ruinas, the Honduran government, the US embassy in Honduras, and the two live broadcast teams to get them ready to enter the rainforest.

Maybe tomorrow night, under the cover of darkness, a medium-sized helicopter will be arranged to transport those guys into the rainforest in batches, to this volcanic basin, to participate in the follow-up excavation and clean-up work, and broadcast live.

One thing you have to tell those guys is that before departure, the guys we stay outside will go through security checks, and advise them not to bring


Locate devices and other signal emitters to avoid embarrassment! "

After the words fell, Matisse and David immediately nodded in unison and responded:

"Okay, Steven, we will notify all parties early tomorrow morning and let them get ready!"

Next, Ye Tian and the two guys discussed and discussed for a while, before finishing the conversation, they returned to the secret passage behind the platform, and went back to their respective camping tents to rest.

At this time, it was already midnight, except for a few armed security personnel who were in charge of vigilance, the rest of the people had already fallen asleep.

Even the various sounds coming from the tropical rainforest below, such as the chirping of birds and the sounds of animals moving in the rainforest, seemed to be much quieter.

In the tropical rainforest outside the volcanic basin, in the darkness where you can't see your fingers, the bloody killings have continued, and there seems to be a strong smell of blood in the depths of the rainforest.


In the depths of the rain forest, there was another painful and shrill scream, which directly tore the darkness.

Under the cover of the night, a guy with oil paint on his face made a sudden move without any warning, swung the jungle machete in his hand, and slashed fiercely on the neck of his companion.

The guy who was walking in front had his neck cut off before he had time to react, and the blood gushed out immediately, splashing Lao Gao.

The guy who was attacked was like a big tree that was cut down and fell directly to the ground.

Before dying, he only had time to let out a shrill scream, which was full of pain and despair, as well as remorse and anger.

The guy who started to sneak up on his companion, seeing his companion fell to the ground, immediately stepped forward impatiently, reached out and took out something from his companion's backpack.

Immediately afterwards, this guy held up that thing and admired it under the faint moonlight, his eyes full of obsession and madness!

If Ye Tian was here, he would definitely be able to recognize that what this guy is holding in his hand is the top emerald that was originally inlaid on the golden statue of the Mayan priest!

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