Treasure Hunt all over the World

Chapter 2541 Golden City Central Axis

When the sun rose again and sprinkled the sunlight all over the volcanic basin, Matisse and the others took action, contacting the outside world according to Ye Tian's arrangement last night, and making various arrangements.

As each call was made, the entire Copan Valley became restless, and then a huge wave was set off.

After discussing with Hernando, Ye Tian directly dialed the phone number of the President of Honduras, and bluntly stated his arrangement.

After listening to his narration, the President of Honduras on the other end of the phone was so angry that he almost gritted his teeth. Naturally, it was impossible to agree, and he rejected his proposal without thinking.

However, when Ye Tian asked whether the Honduras government could guarantee that what happened yesterday would not happen again, and whether the Honduran military and police guarding the treasures everywhere would stop guarding and stealing themselves, the President of Honduras immediately fell silent!

The President of Honduras knows in his heart that letting the impoverished and undisciplined Honduran military and police guard those crazy treasures is tantamount to opening the door to robbers. Those guys may become robbers at any time!

On the phone, Ye Tian also made a very clear guarantee.

He will definitely abide by the previously signed tripartite joint exploration agreement and treasure distribution agreement, only take half of the treasure belonging to his company, and never get involved in the other half of the treasure belonging to the Honduran government!

While they were talking on the phone, the US ambassador to Honduras and the person in the Oval Office of the White House called the President of Honduras one after another to exert pressure and coordinate with each other.

This was the straw that broke the camel's back!

In desperation, the President of Honduras could only agree to Ye Tian's proposal to let the heavy transport helicopters of the US military enter Honduras to transport the priceless golden statue of Mayan priest.

After negotiation, the golden statue of the Mayan priest can only be transported to Copan Ruinas, where it will be stored in the small border town, and it will be under the supervision and protection of both parties, with UNESCO in charge of supervision.

When the tripartite joint exploration of the Mayan Empire's golden city is completely over, and when the treasure is finally distributed, this golden statue of the Mayan priest will be included in the treasure and distributed according to the pre-signed agreement.

Not only that, the President of Honduras also agreed that the heavy transport helicopters of the US military that flew to Honduras can participate in the subsequent excavation, cleaning and transshipment of the treasures of the Golden City, and transport the treasures from the depths of the rainforest.

In fact, he has no choice at all, and he can't do it if he doesn't agree!

One is because,

Honduras does not even have a heavy-duty transport helicopter, and the Golden City of the Mayan Empire is deep in the rainforest, with no roads at all, and can only be transported by helicopter.

Moreover, the speed of transshipment of the treasure must be fast, and there must be no delay, even if there is a second delay, the possibility of unexpected changes will increase by one point!

This is because the Golden City of the Mayan Empire is at the junction of Honduras, Guatemala, and El Salvador. The other two countries are staring at this huge treasure, and their eyes are already blood red!

Not only El Salvador and Guatemala, God knows how many people are staring at the biggest treasure in the Americas with blood-red eyes, and they may rush to snatch it at any time, and even start a war at any time!

Faced with this situation, how dare the Honduras government delay time and neglect, they wish they could immediately transport this huge treasure out of the depths of the rainforest, put it in their pockets, and take it easy!

Of course, there is another reason.

Latin America has always been the backyard of the United States, and Honduras is no exception. High-level figures in the Honduran government and military understand that opposition is useless.

How could the Yankees, who had already smelled blood, let go of this huge treasure, and how could they care about the thoughts of the Honduran government and people!

As for international public opinion, it doesn't matter even more. When did those damn Yankees care?

As long as you can ensure that the Honduras government gets half of the treasures of the Golden City and ensure that everyone gets rich, other things are easy to talk about, and don't mention dignity or something!

With Ye Tian's promise to ensure that the interests of the Honduras government are not violated, and the US government's endorsement, the President of Honduras can only agree to Ye Tian's proposal!

After arranging these things, the tripartite joint exploration team just set off, walked down the platform, walked down the steps into the tropical rainforest below, and continued to explore the Golden City of the Mayan Empire.

Unlike yesterday, the joint exploration team did not circle the edge of the volcanic basin today, but explored along the central axis of the Golden City of the Mayan Empire.

After the Golden Temple of the Corn God that was cleaned up before, everyone officially started today's exploration journey.

Except for the ancient Mayans and Ye Tian, ​​no one had ever set foot here before on the central axis of the Golden City they were about to explore.

Not far ahead, everyone found that the rainforest on the central axis is a little sparser than the rainforest on both sides, and the vegetation is not as dense as those places explored yesterday.

The reason is that the underground depths of the central axis of the Golden City are densely covered with granite steps built by the ancient Mayans and the ground paved with granite strips.

Even those places where no granite was laid were rammed very strongly by the ancient Mayans, which is not conducive to the growth of plants.

Because the ground is very hard, the vegetation here is relatively sparse, and the sunlight projected from above the rainforest is also a little more. The light conditions at the bottom of the rainforest are relatively good!

This situation is naturally helpful to the actions of the tripartite joint exploration team.

While speaking, everyone had gone deep into the rainforest. A hill only two or three meters high blocked the joint exploration team. This hill happened to be located on the central axis of the Golden City.

The joint exploration team stopped, and several security team members and Mayans who opened the way ahead used jungle machetes to open a passage leading directly to the hill ahead.

Afterwards, Ye Tian, ​​Professor Delgado and others stepped forward and began to inspect the lush hill.

After just looking at it twice, Ye Tian said confidently:

"If I'm not wrong, there should be a Mayan pyramid under this small hill. Judging from the height of this Mayan pyramid, its construction should be very old, probably BC!"

Hearing this, Professor Delgado and several other experts and scholars next to him nodded and had no disagreement.

"You are right, Steven, the Mayan pyramids in BC are generally relatively low, many pyramids are only two or three stories high, and a few meters high, and the pyramids built in the prosperous period of the Mayan Empire later were even more magnificent."

"I don't know when this pyramid was built. Is it also decorated with a lot of gold and precious stones? Is it full of Mayan hieroglyphs and patterns? Which god is worshiped?"

While everyone was talking, Ye Tian pretended to carefully check the terrain around the hill to see if there was any danger, such as hidden poisonous insects and beasts, and swamp traps.

After some inspection, he didn't find any danger. The small hill was surrounded by fields, and apart from a few poisonous weeds, he didn't find any poisonous insects or beasts.

After confirming the safety, he ordered his company employees to go forward with a pulse metal detector to detect.

Immediately afterwards, two detection teams walked forward with pulse metal detectors and began to detect the hill, while the other two exploration teams scanned the ground around the hill.

In just a moment, there was a burst of beeping from a pulse metal detector, which sounded very pleasant!

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