Treasure Hunt all over the World

Chapter 2538 Lingyun Feidu

"Treasure Hunt Worldwide ()"

After arranging the excavation and cleaning of the Pyramid of the Sun God, Ye Tian led the others around the hill where the Pyramid of the Sun God was located, and came to the edge of the pool in the center of the Golden City.

As before, at a distance of about three or four meters from the pool, Ye Tian gestured again to make everyone stop.

As soon as everyone stopped, Tom and Jimmy came forward with the photographer and asked curiously:

"Steven, can you tell me now, what dangerous thing did you find in this holy lake of the ancient Mayans? Is it a highly poisonous plant or an animal? So much so that you keep everyone away from this pool"

Ye Tian turned his head to look at these two guys, then said to the camera with a smile on his face:

"It's time to uncover the mystery. In the holy lake of the Golden City of the Mayan Empire, in addition to the highly poisonous water, there are also some terrifying creatures that inhabit and live, which are very deadly.

They are a group of adult electric eels. After hundreds of thousands of years of life, these adult electric eels have adapted to the environment in this pool and have a certain degree of anti-toxicity.

Perhaps because of the special living environment, this group of electric eels may have mutated, and they have become more fierce and aggressive, far surpassing the electric eels in other parts of America.

These adult electric eels regard this holy lake as their territory, and any intruders will be attacked by them. The small underwater robot was killed by these adult electric eels!

The means they use to attack is a current as high as more than 800 volts or even higher. Under the continuous attack of this powerful current, it is difficult for humans or robots to survive.

In addition to this group of adult electric eels, another more vicious and creepy tropical rainforest creature lives in this sacred Mayan lake, the notorious toothpick fish.

This kind of fish is very light in color and very small in size, just like a toothpick. It is difficult to find in the water. They always hide among the aquatic plants and secretly attack people or animals entering the water.

The reason why the toothpick fish is very vicious is that they will drill into the holes in the human body, lay eggs in it, hatch their offspring, and then eat the flesh and blood of the dry host with the offspring.

In the rainforests of Central and South America, many people are killed by this seemingly insignificant but extremely evil toothpick fish every year. It can be said to be frightening!

Especially when attacking men, they often choose the man's genitals as the target of attack, drill into the man's body from there, lay eggs in the attacked man's body and enjoy delicious food.

It is precisely because of the existence of the group of adult electric eels and toothpick fish that I don't let everyone get close to this holy lake. If you accidentally fall into this pool, you will definitely die! "

While Ye Tian was introducing the situation, the underwater footage taken by the underwater robot before also appeared on the live broadcast.

Looking at those adult electric eels with dark bodies, swimming quickly in the water, and constantly releasing powerful electric currents to attack small underwater robots, everyone couldn't help but gasped, feeling terrified!

And looking at those seemingly harmless toothpick fish, no matter men or women, everyone felt a cold in the crotch, and countless goose bumps appeared all over their bodies!

Especially Tommy and Jimmy, who were not far from the water pool, and those guys who had just learned about the situation, all took a few steps back in unison, looking at the water pool in front of them, full of fear.

Perhaps it is to feel that an unexpected guest is coming, or to declare sovereignty!

Just when everyone was exclaiming, the originally calm water surface in the center of the pool suddenly rippled.

Immediately afterwards, the two adult electric eels poked their heads out of the water, and looked coldly at everyone standing at the edge of the pool.

"Wow! It's the group of adult electric eels. These guys are so thick, they look like pythons, and they look very difficult to mess with!"

There was a burst of exclamation at the scene, and everyone was taken aback by the sudden appearance of these two adult electric eels.

And in front of countless live broadcast terminals, there were also exclamations everywhere, which was very lively.

The two adult electric eels that suddenly surfaced did not launch an attack, but glanced coldly at the joint exploration team at the edge of the pool, then dived into the water and disappeared from everyone's sight!

With the disappearance of these two frightening guys, everyone's emotions gradually calmed down.

Next, Ye Tian briefly introduced the two deadly rainforest creatures, the electric eel and the toothpick fish, before ending this topic.

Immediately afterwards, he turned his head and said to Matisse:

"Matisse, you can start to act, arrange the aerial cableway and safety facilities, and then I will take people to clean up the Mayan sacred mountain in the middle of the pool"

"Okay, Steven, leave these things to us"

Matisse nodded in response, and then led the people to get busy.

In the following time, the vast majority of members of the tripartite joint exploration team put into work, performing their duties, digging and cleaning the largest treasure in the history of this American continent.

Ye Tian was also preparing for the work of cleaning up the Mayan sacred mountain later. During the period, he also returned to the front of the Pyramid of the Sun God to see the new discoveries made by Professor Delgado and others.

The guys responsible for excavating and cleaning the Pyramid of the Sun God found two golden statues on both sides of the steps on the east side of the pyramid after cutting off some flowers, plants and trees attached to the bottom of the pyramid.

These two statues are carved respectively from the Mayan mythology, the feathered snake god Kukulkan and the rain god Chuck. They are like two door gods, guarding the steps on the east side of the Pyramid of the Sun God.

In addition to these two ancient gold statues, the granite steps that have been cleared are decorated with a lot of gold and precious stones, as well as many Mayan hieroglyphs and various patterns, as well as some ancient murals.

On the part of the bottom outer wall of the pyramid that has been cleared out, it is also decorated with a lot of gold, dotted with various gemstones, engraved with Mayan hieroglyphs, various patterns, and carvings.

Two of the sculptures of giant pythons hanging upside down on both sides of the stairs are particularly eye-catching.

Unsurprisingly, this series of astonishing discoveries once again caused a huge sensation on the spot and in front of countless live broadcast terminals, attracting bursts of exclamation.

Of course, they also attracted more coveted eyes.

Looking at the priceless Mayan antiques and the innumerable gold and silver treasures on the live broadcast screen, many people's eyes were already bloodshot, and they were almost crazy with jealousy!

It didn't take long for Mattis and the others to set up the aerial cableway and safety aids.

And at the edge of the pool, several people headed by Ye Tian were also ready to fly across the sky.

Due to the limited area of ​​the top of the holy mountain in the center of the pool, and the mountain is densely covered with deadly creatures such as trapping vines, the risk factor is not small, and it needs to fly across.

This determines that there will not be too many or too many people who can climb this holy mountain to carry out the cleaning work, and everyone must be agile and have a certain ability to protect themselves.

Based on this consideration, besides himself, Ye Tian planned to take his three security team members and the gray wolf to climb up the holy Mayan mountain to start the cleaning work.

After hearing Matisse's report, Ye Tian immediately turned on the perspective in the dark, quickly seeing through the cableway and auxiliary safety facilities erected above the pool.

Whether it is the aerial cableway or the safety equipment, there is no problem. Although it is simple, it is very strong and practical.

After confirming this point, Ye Tian took the noose and put it on, and tied the safety rope, and then made a gesture to start action.

The next moment, he transformed into a trapeze, and first, under the pull of the safety rope, he quickly rose into the sky, just like sitting on a rocket.

When he reached a certain height, several security personnel on the west side of the pool immediately pulled the leash and pulled him straight to the Mayan holy mountain in the center of the pool.

At this time, Ye Tian was like a shooting star, quickly passing over the water pool, and in a blink of an eye, he had already arrived at the sky above the Mayan holy mountain.

Seeing this scene, whether it was the guys on the scene or the countless audiences in front of the live broadcast, they couldn't help being amazed.

Before the people's exclamations fell, Ye Tian had already started to land, and landed steadily on the top of the sacred Mayan mountain in the middle of the pool.

The same scene happened four times in succession, but it was not as beautiful and smooth as the first time.

In just a moment, the three security guards and Gray Wolf had climbed to the top of the Mayan holy mountain one after another, and joined Ye Tian.

Among them, the boy Gray Wolf seemed particularly excited.

As soon as he boarded this sacred Mayan mountain, he knelt down and prayed devoutly, even with tears in his eyes.

When these guys arrived, Ye Tian led them to the golden temple of the Mayan creation god Hunabo, pointed to the golden temple in front of him and said:

"Guys, our first task is to clean up this golden temple of the Mayan creation god Hunabo. During the cleaning process, everyone must be careful, not only to protect themselves, but also to protect this golden temple.

The statue placed in the center of this Mayan golden temple is the golden statue of Hunabo, the creator god in Mayan mythology. According to my observation, behind this golden statue, there are even more important secrets hidden..."

Before he finished speaking, Gray Wolf, who was standing at the entrance of the Golden Temple, suddenly pointed his finger inside the temple, and murmured a few words in highland Mayan excitedly.

It's a pity that no one at the scene knew the highland Mayan language, so naturally they couldn't understand what Gray Wolf was saying, and why they were so excited.

Of course, Ye Tian was not included, he knew better than anyone else the real reason why Gray Wolf was so excited!

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