Treasure Hunt all over the World

Chapter 2584 Mayan artifacts worth 1 billion US dollars

"Treasure Hunt Worldwide ()"


Ye Tian didn't ask Gray Wolf what he said, but raised an index finger to his lips, hissed softly, and signaled Gray Wolf to be quiet and stop yelling.

Seeing his action, Gray Wolf immediately stopped talking, but he was still very excited.

The three security team members who were also in front of the Mayan Creation God Hunabo's Golden Temple were at a loss at this moment, not understanding what kind of riddle Ye Tian and Gray Wolf were playing.

Perhaps because of the angle, and the fact that there are many low flowers and plants in this golden temple, as well as the overgrown root system, they didn't see anything special.

Of course, the golden statue of Hunabo enshrined in the temple, as well as many Mayan hieroglyphs and various decorations and patterns carved inside and outside the temple, as well as those ancient murals, etc., are all great archaeological discoveries that are enough to cause a sensation in the world!

When the three security team members looked at him in surprise, Ye Tian smiled and said in a low voice:

"Guys, no matter what you find in this golden temple of Hunabo, no matter how amazing those things are and how excited you are, you must keep quiet and celebrate silently.

The things from this Hunabo Golden Temple must not be leaked without my permission, and they are not allowed to appear on the live TV screen, which will cause a huge sensation.

I can tell you very clearly that the deal I made with the Honduran government last night, the Mayan antiques worth a billion dollars that I plan to remove ahead of schedule, is in this temple.

It is precisely because of the discovery in this golden temple of the Mayan creation god Hunabo, coupled with the coincidence that a large-scale riot occurred in Tegucigalpa, that I agreed to make a deal with the President of Honduras! "

Before the words fell, the three security team members at the scene were completely stunned.

These guys all stared at Ye Tian dumbfounded, their eyes full of disbelief, as if they couldn't believe their ears, thinking they were hallucinating!

Although Gray Wolf couldn't understand what Ye Tian was saying, he was still very excited, and looked at the Mayan golden temple in front of him with extremely pious eyes, even with a little fear.

"Wow! What are Mayan antiques worth a billion dollars? Is there really such a high value of antiques in the world? It's unheard of!"

A security team member whispered with emotion, his voice trembling slightly.

Things weren't much better for the other two guys, they were both very excited and wild-eyed.

Ye Tian smiled softly, then whispered:

"Antique cultural relics or works of art worth billions of dollars, of course, exist in this world, such as China's national jade seal, the "Mona Lisa" hanging in the Louvre in Paris, and the legendary "Athena Statue" of Phidias etc.

The value of these top-level antique cultural relics and artworks with special significance is far more than one billion US dollars, and it cannot even be measured by money. Taking the "Mona Lisa" as an example, its value should be around five billion US dollars.

The Louvre will never sell the Mona Lisa, and if they were willing to, I bet all the super rich in the western world, even if they broke their fortunes, would take the most famous artwork in the world.

Let’s go back to the golden temple in front of us, the Mayan antiques hidden in this golden temple, I value it at about one billion dollars, and I will take these Mayan antiques at all costs.”

"Whoa! That's an exaggeration!"

There were several exclamations at the scene, and everyone was shocked by Ye Tian's words.

After a short pause, Ye Tian continued to whisper:

"Okay, that's all there is to say for the time being, everyone, get ready to act. You two and two groups will clean up the flowers, trees, and roots of various plants inside and outside the temple. During the cleaning process, everyone must be careful.

When I climbed this hill before, it was sprinkled with medicines to repel poisonous insects. Judging from the current situation, those medicines have a good effect. You have to be careful.

More are trapper vines and various highly poisonous flowers and plants.

I will stay at the gate of this Mayan golden temple. If you find any unexpected situation, or encounter any traps or dangers, you'd better notify me as soon as possible, and leave these troubles to me to solve! "

"Okay, Steven, leave these things to us, don't worry"

The three security team members responded in unison, and Gray Wolf who was also on the scene nodded.

Next, the four guys divided into two groups and started to act.

The group that entered the Golden Temple of Hunabo consisted of Peter and Gray Wolf. They went straight into the Golden Temple of Hunabo and began to clean up the flowers, plants, various roots, moss and dust inside the temple.

Two other security team members formed a group, and they were responsible for cleaning the outside of the temple, as well as the flowers, trees, and various vines scattered on the top of the mountain.

As for Ye Tian, ​​he was still standing in front of the Hunabo Golden Temple, supervising the work of these subordinates on the spot, ready to help at any time.

As the cleaning operation started, the flowers and plants growing in this golden temple, as well as many criss-crossing root systems, were uprooted one by one by Peter and Gray Wolf, and thrown out of the temple.

The two security team members who were in charge of cleaning up the outside of the temple quickly cleaned up all kinds of flowers, plants and trees growing on the top of the hill like an autumn wind sweeping away fallen leaves.

The cut flowers, plants, trees and root systems were not thrown down the mountaintop and into the holy lake below, but were tied up by them, and then transported to the rainforest at the edge of the pool by aerial cableway.

Not long after the cleaning work started, there was a burst of exclamation from inside the Golden Temple of Hunabo. The voice was very low, but it was extremely excited, even almost crazy.

"Oh my god! I can't believe what I saw! This is unbelievable!"

It was that fellow Peter who exclaimed.

At the same time, there was a sound of pious prayers from this golden temple, in the highland Mayan language, and it was naturally that guy Gray Wolf!

Hearing these voices, Ye Tian, ​​who was standing at the gate of the Golden Temple, couldn't help laughing softly, his eyes were also bright and excited.

"Peter, Gray Wolf, don't forget what I just said, be careful, try not to touch those Mayan antiques, so as not to damage those priceless treasures, I don't want to see that happen.

Don’t clean up the moss and dust on those antique relics for the time being. After you clean up the flowers, plants and various roots inside the temple, I will enter this golden temple and clean up those priceless treasures myself! "

Ye Tian smiled and said in a low voice, even a little worried about gains and losses in his words.

After the words fell, Peter's voice immediately came from inside the temple.

"Okay, Steven, we will be extremely careful. To be honest, even if you asked me to clean up these priceless treasures, I would not dare to do it. These things look too weird. God knows what dangers are hidden!"

The cleaning work continued, and the cut flowers and plants, as well as many roots of different lengths, were thrown out of the golden temple one after another, and then transported to an open space at the edge of the pool.

During this period, Peter's exclamation and Gray Wolf's pious prayers were also heard continuously, and the two guys became more and more excited every time.

In the end, the voices of these two guys were even trembling.

Especially Gray Wolf's prayer sounded broken, and it sounded a bit crying!

After more than ten minutes of cleaning, the flowers and plants growing in this golden temple, as well as many intertwined root systems, were finally cleaned up, and the remaining flowers and leaves were also cleaned out.

Immediately afterwards, Peter and Gray Wolf walked out of the golden temple.

At this time, their faces were flushed with excitement, their eyes were shining brightly, like two searchlights, and their spirits were even in a trance.

Seeing them coming out, Ye Tian immediately took a step forward and patted the shoulders of these two guys to wake them up.

"Okay, Peter, Gray Wolf, now you guys wait outside, I'll go in and clean up those priceless treasures from the Mayan Empire, and by the way, have a good eye-opener!

Ever since I discovered these priceless treasures in the Golden Temple of Hunabo, I have been wanting to return here every moment, to enter this Golden Temple every moment!

This moment has finally come, and I am very sure that the emergence of these priceless treasures from the Mayan Empire will definitely cause a sensation in the whole world and will be recorded in the annals of history forever! "

Saying that, Ye Tian passed between these two guys, and couldn't wait to walk into the golden temple!

Behind him, sober Peter and Gray Wolf nodded together, then stared closely at Ye Tian's back and at the golden temple in front of them, eyes full of madness!

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