Treasure Hunt all over the World

Chapter 2609 big shot from Israel

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The site for the Museum of Indian History cannot be determined in a short period of time, and there are many reasons involved.

The main reason is that the tenants who live in the old buildings on East Seventy-eighth Street have to clear the problem, and they haven't found a proper solution yet!

Fortunately, Ye Tian is not in a hurry, there is still time, and he can slowly solve these problems.

However, the architectural design of the private museum in Beijing has been finalized.

Through online videos, Ye Tian discussed with Betty, my sister-in-law, and other family members the museum design proposals given by several top designer teams, and consulted with several old men from the Forbidden City and the National Museum!

After some discussion, he finally decided that he chose the architectural design plan of the world's top architectural design master, Santiago Calatrava. The top design master's plan was the most suitable for him.

Another point is that Logan is doing odd jobs in this top designer team, which is also a small plus!

Next, Ye Tian contacted each designer team and told those famous architects his choice.

Knowing that their museum design proposals were unsuccessful, the world-renowned architects and their teams were naturally very disappointed and regretful.

But they were not without gains. Ye Tian told these famous architects that he would bid for the Indian History Museum in New York in the same way as this time!

When the location of the Museum of Indian History is confirmed and the massive and priceless antiques from the Golden City of the Mayan Empire are transported to New York, this competition will begin. These top architectural designers are welcome to participate in the competition!

In addition, these top architectural designers and their teams who were not selected also received a labor fee, which is not a waste of work.

After selecting the architectural design plan for the private museum, Ye Tian made a series of video calls with Calatrava, the top architectural design master who came up with this plan.

During the call, Ye Tian discussed almost every detail of the museum design with Calatrava, and explained some of his thoughts.

Calatrava accepted some of his ideas, while others needed to think about them before making a decision.


Another few days passed.

The affairs in New York have basically been dealt with, and the time has come to the beginning of May.

At this time, the weather in New York was getting warmer and the sun was shining almost every day, but the Copan Valley in Honduras, thousands of kilometers away, ushered in a troublesome rainy season.

The excavation and cleaning of the treasures of the Golden City of the Mayan Empire continued, but the heavy rain fell from the sky, covering the entire tropical rainforest and washing away the remaining mud and moss on the ruins of the Mayan civilization in the Golden City.

For the arrival of the rainy season, the tripartite joint exploration team had already planned. Although the operation of exploring and cleaning up the treasures of the Golden City has been greatly affected, it has never been interrupted.

In this process, the secret road in the mountain connecting the Golden City with the outside world played a very important role, providing a good shelter for the tripartite joint exploration team and preventing everyone from soaking in the endless rain all day long. middle.

In the blink of an eye, it was another day.

After arriving at the company in the morning, Ye Tian handled the company's daily affairs the same as the previous few days, and made a video call with Jason who was far away in the Golden City to learn about today's action schedule of the tripartite joint exploration team!

At this moment, his cell phone rang suddenly, and it was an old friend calling.

The phone was connected, and the voice of Joshua, the Deputy Minister of Culture of Israel, came over.

"Good morning, Mr. Steven. I'm Joshua. I'm at the Israeli Consulate General in New York in Manhattan. Do you have time today?

If we have time, can we make an appointment to meet up? Talk about going to Africa to jointly explore Solomon's treasure! I don't know what you think? "

Hearing this, Ye Tian immediately smiled and said:

"Good morning, Mr. Joshua, I'm glad to receive your call. Welcome to New York. Fortunately, you called today. If it were tomorrow, I would leave New York!

Today I happen to have time. To be honest, I am very interested in the legendary Solomon's treasure and want to know more about it. Let's have lunch together, my treat! "

After a few polite greetings, Ye Tian decided on the time and place to meet, and then hung up the phone.

Next, he called Cole into the office and asked Cole to make some necessary arrangements.

Joshua and his entourage are all senior officials of the Israeli government, and there must be agents from Mossad among them. Their identities are very special and sensitive.

When people like them arrive in New York, they will be targeted by many people immediately, including agents of the CIA and FBI, agents of hostile countries, and even terrorists.

Another point is that what everyone is going to talk about in this meeting is the legendary Solomon's Treasure, which needs to be kept strictly confidential, so some necessary preparations still need to be done, just in case!

After Cole took the order to leave the office, Ye Tian picked up his mobile phone and notified David, asking him to go with him to meet these senior Israeli government officials.

While speaking, it was almost noon.

Ye Tian and David, escorted by Cole and others, left the Rockefeller Center Plaza, strolled along Fifth Avenue, and walked towards the Plaza Hotel a few blocks away.

The meeting place he made an appointment with Joshua was in a high-end restaurant on the top floor of the Plaza Hotel, and today's weather was very nice, so he decided to walk to the Plaza Hotel.

When the group of them appeared on the streets of Fifth Avenue, they immediately attracted a lot of attention. Many people looked at this side, and everyone's eyes were full of envy.

During the march, passers-by on the street kept saying hello to Ye Tian, ​​and some of them were still curiously asking about news about the Golden City of the Mayan Empire.

Ye Tian always had a smile on his face, while chatting with David and the others, he greeted the passers-by around him, and occasionally answered the questions of several passers-by.

After a while, the group of them arrived at the downstairs of the Plaza Hotel.

As soon as he arrived here, at the entrance of the Plaza Hotel, Ye Tian saw two guys pretending to be tourists, but with a sturdy figure and staring eyes.

They stayed at the gate of the Plaza Hotel, seeming to be admiring the scenery of Central Park opposite, but actually staring closely at the pedestrians and vehicles coming and going on the street.

Especially the people who entered the Plaza Hotel were the targets of their focus.

Seeing these two guys, a smile flashed across Ye Tian's eyes, but it was fleeting.

At this moment, Cole's voice came from the wireless invisible headset.

"Steven, did you see the two guys at the entrance of the Plaza Hotel taking pictures with cameras? They are two agents from Mossad. Although they have been in New York for a long time, they rarely show up in public.

In addition to these two guys, in Central Park across the street, in the Plaza Hotel, and in several high-rise buildings around the Plaza Hotel, the guys also found some Mossad agents.

Inside and outside the Plaza Hotel, we also found some CIA agents, and even some members of the White House Secret Service, have you noticed that there are more police officers around the Plaza Hotel than in the past.”

Hearing the announcement, Ye Tian immediately smiled and said in a low voice:

"Judging from the posture of the Israelis, today's meeting is by no means an easy one. I'm afraid it's not just Joshua, the Deputy Minister of Culture of Israel who will meet with us later, maybe there are even higher-ranking figures.

Joshua is just a cover, and the big man standing behind him is inconvenient to show up. No matter who the other party is, the initiative of this meeting is in our hands. I really want to see what tricks the Israelis are going to play! "

While talking, the group of them had already walked into the Plaza Hotel.

The first time he entered the Plaza Hotel, Ye Tian nodded slightly to a guy standing in the hotel lobby, as a greeting to that guy.

That guy was also a Mossad agent, and he fought against Ye Tian and the others in London, trying to snatch the treasure of the Knights Templar, but he was beaten to shame!

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