Treasure Hunt all over the World

Chapter 2610 The Legend of the Ark

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After entering the Plaza Hotel, Ye Tian and the others found several groups of Mossad agents one after another, as well as agents in suits and leather shoes from the White House Secret Service.

Without exception, these guys are on high alert, keeping an eye on everyone who enters and exits this five-star hotel.

Seeing this scene, Ye Tian strengthened his judgment. It is not only Joshua and his entourage who will meet him later, there must be higher-ranking figures.

As for who this big man from Israel was, he had already guessed, but he didn't say his name.

After a while, the group of them arrived at the top floor of the Plaza Hotel and entered the top-notch French restaurant that had been booked in advance.

At the entrance of this restaurant, there are also Israeli Mossad agents and White House Secret Service agents guarding them. These guys are scattered in various key positions from the elevator to the entrance of the restaurant, including the stairwell.

However, Joshua and the Israeli big man have not come to this restaurant, or they have already arrived at the Plaza Hotel, so maybe they are resting in that room!

Seeing Ye Tian and his group coming, the Israeli and American agents guarding the restaurant door did not come up to interrogate and check, but just nodded at them.

Obviously, someone has already ordered these guys to omit this procedure. After all, they have something to ask of Ye Tian, ​​so naturally they have to be polite and courteous.

After entering the restaurant, two company employees and two security personnel who came to this French restaurant in advance to make preparations greeted them immediately, and gave Ye Tian a quick and brief introduction to the situation.

Afterwards, Ye Tian asked Cole and the rest of the security personnel to disperse and sit in groups of two on the reserved seats, enjoying lunch while performing security tasks.

Together with David, led by the manager of the French restaurant, he walked deeper into the restaurant, where the seats they reserved were in the restaurant.

At this time, the people who were having lunch at this French restaurant cast curious eyes on their group.

At the same time, these ignorant people also felt that something was wrong, and they were more or less frightened!

"Mr. Steven, this is the seat you reserved. The privacy is very good. Your security personnel have checked the place thoroughly. There is no problem. The adjacent tables are also vacant."

The manager of the restaurant took Ye Tian and the others to their place,

He pointed to a table and said.

The place where this dining table is located is a relatively independent small hall.

There were only four dining tables in the small hall, all of which were reserved by Ye Tian, ​​so there were no other guests, and it seemed very quiet, which was very suitable for talking about things that needed to be kept secret.

Ye Tian quickly glanced at the dining table and the small hall, then smiled and said:

"The environment here is good, Mr. Bastian, thank you for your arrangement, we still have a few guests not here, let's order after they arrive here."

"Okay, Mr. Steven, you can call me whenever you need it, and I am very happy to serve you"

The restaurant manager, Bastian, nodded and left immediately.

After he left, Ye Tian and David took their seats, chatting and waiting for Joshua and the big man from Israel to arrive.

After a while, there was a commotion in the hall outside.

Immediately afterwards, Cole's voice came from the wireless invisible headset.

"Steven, you guessed it right, the person who came with Joshua is indeed a big man, the Prime Minister of Israel, no wonder the Israelis put on such a big battle, this is the real power figure in charge of Israel !"

Hearing the notification, Ye Tian couldn't help chuckling.

He had guessed this result a long time ago. The Israeli Prime Minister had just arrived in the United States for a visit two days ago. He had been attending meetings in Washington before, but no one knew that he had quietly come to New York.

The next moment, Cole and Bastian walked into the small hall with Joshua and the Israeli Prime Minister, followed by several Mossad agents on high alert.

Seeing the other party coming in, Ye Tian and David got up immediately, walked out of their seats, and waited for the other party to come over with a smile.

After Joshua and the Prime Minister of Israel approached, Ye Tian took a step forward and said with a smile:

"Good afternoon, Mr. Prime Minister. I'm Steven. It's a pleasure to meet you here. Welcome to New York. I didn't expect you to meet me this time. It's a great honor!"

As he spoke, he shook hands with the Prime Minister of Israel and behaved very appropriately.

While the two sides shook hands, the hawkish Prime Minister of Israel, who was born in a soldier, was also looking at him with curiosity in his eyes.

After getting to know each other and exchanging polite greetings, everyone sat down at this dining table.

Only Ye Tian and David, as well as Joshua and the Prime Minister of Israel are qualified to sit at this dining table for talks.

The rest of the entourage and security personnel who followed the Israeli Prime Minister left here and stood scattered on both sides of this small hall.

Cole took two security personnel to guard the entrance of this small hall, completely separating this place from the outside hall!

After sitting down at the table, the Israeli Prime Minister smiled and said:

"Mr. Steven, first of all, I would like to congratulate you. You led the team to discover the treasures of the legendary Mayan Empire's Golden City. The Mayan Empire's Golden City turned out to be a great archaeological discovery that shocked the whole world!

The Mayan civilization ruins, massive gold and silver treasures and countless ancient and mysterious Mayan Empire antiques in the Golden City, especially the thirteen legendary Mayan crystal skulls, are breathtaking! "

Hearing the other party's compliments, Ye Tian couldn't help flashing a smug look in his eyes.

"Mr. Prime Minister, what you said is absolutely correct. The discovery of the Golden City of the Mayan Empire is indeed a great archaeological discovery that will surely be recorded in the annals of history! My luck has always been good, and this time will be the same!"

Ye Tian said with a smile, not polite at all.

Next, everyone chatted about the Golden City of the Mayan Empire. Ye Tian briefly introduced the process of exploring and discovering the Golden City of the Mayan Empire, as well as the situation inside the Golden City.

Listening to his introduction, Joshua and the Prime Minister of Israel, who were sitting across from him, were amazed and somewhat envious.

After chatting for a while, everyone entered today's topic.

"Mr. Steven, when you and the Vatican jointly explored the legendary treasure of the Knights Templar, we met in London, and later we came to New York and met again in your company.

During these two meetings, we made it clear that we would like to cooperate with your brave and fearless exploration company, go to Africa together, and jointly explore the legendary treasure of Solomon. I wonder what you think? "

Joshua said with a smile, his words and eyes were full of anticipation.

Ye Tian nodded slightly, looked at the two Israelis opposite, and said with a smile:

"That's right, Mr. Prime Minister, Joshua, we did talk about the joint exploration of the legendary Solomon's treasure, but we didn't discuss it in depth because we had other treasure hunting operations.

To be honest, I am very interested in the legendary Solomon's treasure, as well as the religious sacred object buried in Solomon's treasure, the Ark of the Covenant, and I want to find this legendary treasure!

We had other treasure hunts before, and now that the Golden City of the Mayan Empire has been found and is being excavated and cleaned up, I think it's time to talk about the joint exploration of Solomon's treasure!

If we can reach an agreement, after the excavation and cleaning work of the Mayan Empire Golden City is completed, and those ancient cultural relics belonging to the Mayan Empire are transported to New York, we can start action! "

Hearing this, Joshua's face immediately flashed a look of surprise, as did the Prime Minister of Israel sitting next to him, his eyes were full of joy.

"Since this is the case, Steven, I think there should be no problem between us reaching a joint exploration agreement. In this joint exploration operation, our main goal is the Ark of the Covenant and other religious relics!

As for how to deal with and distribute the gold and silver treasures and other antique relics in Solomon's treasure, we can talk about it later, or you can refer to the cooperation between your brave exploration company and the Vatican.

In order to explore the legendary treasure of Solomon, we in Israel have been preparing for decades, and all kinds of preparations are almost done, but due to various reasons, this action has not been implemented! ..."

Hearing this, this fellow David exclaimed in a low voice.

"Wow! Did I hear you right? The Ark of the Covenant is really in Solomon's Treasure. Could it be that the ancient legend is true? This is really amazing! Once it gets out, it will definitely cause a sensation in the whole world and cause huge waves!

According to legend, Menelik I, the son of King Solomon and the Queen of Sheba, went to Jerusalem to meet his father when he became an adult. When he left Jerusalem and returned to Ethiopia, he stole the Ark of the Covenant and brought it to Africa! "

Before the exclamation fell, the Prime Minister of Israel sitting opposite nodded slightly and said:

"According to many years of research by Israeli historians, archaeologists, and religious leaders, it is basically certain that this legend recorded in "Kings" is not an illusory legend, but has a certain basis!..."

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