Treasure Hunt all over the World

Chapter 2613 God's Horse

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As soon as he entered the area where the horse owner's box was located, Ye Tian saw several acquaintances chatting at the door of a luxurious horse owner's box.

These are several super-rich Americans and horse owners, as well as top collectors of antique art, including Leon, a top collector from New York, and Bill Gates, the boss of Microsoft.

They have dealt with Ye Tian many times before, and bought many top-level antique works of art from him. Some of their purebred horses have also competed with Jue Ying several times in different events.

Needless to say, the winners in those races were Jueying. Although these horses were also very good, they could only compete with other horses for second place.

When Ye Tian looked at them, these super rich people also turned their heads to look this way.

Seeing him, envy, even jealousy, flashed across the eyes of these super rich and horse owners, without exception!

"Good morning, gentlemen, you are really early. How are you doing? How are you doing? Are you ready for failure? In fact, the second place is also very good."

Ye Tian joked, and walked straight towards these super rich people.


There was a lot of laughter at the scene, and David and the on-site staff, as well as those horse owners and super rich who did not participate in the Kentucky Derby, all laughed out loud.

Looking at Bill Gates, Leon, and another racehorse owner participating in the Kentucky Derby, they rolled their eyes angrily, but their faces were full of helplessness.

"Steven, aren't you happy too early? Are you overconfident? Jueying is very good, but the competition hasn't started yet. Who can guarantee that it will win in the end? Maybe it's Where's my racehorse!"

Leon said unconvinced, but there was a clear lack of confidence in his tone.

The same goes for the rest of the horse owners and super-rich people, who nodded vigorously, obviously coveting the Kentucky Derby championship.

While talking, Ye Tian and David had come up close, shook hands with these super rich and horse owners one by one, and exchanged a few polite greetings.

When it was Leon's turn, he said confidently:


It's not that I'm overconfident, but that Jueying's strength is too strong, and his condition is at its peak. Those thoroughbred racehorses who competed with it today, it's very good to see its tail!

I am sure that the winner today must be Jueying, and it will crush the Kentucky Derby, even more amazing and better than his great-grandfather, the great Secretariat!

Not only the Kentucky Derby, but also the following Preliminary Bidding and Belmont Bidding, Jueying will also win victoriously, become the triple crown horse of the United States, and create a great dynasty of its own.”

Not surprisingly, the scene immediately exploded. Everyone was taken aback by Ye Tian's arrogant words, and they all exclaimed.

"Wow! The United States Triple Crown horse race that surpassed the great secretariat, Steven, you guys are too dare to think, so crazy!"

"Did I hear you right, Steven? According to what you said, on today's Churchill Downs Park track, Jueying will run within one minute and fifty-nine seconds. Is it possible?

You know, the result created by the secretariat is the fastest record in the Kentucky Derby, and it has not been broken so far, not even a racehorse running within two points! "

With the exclamation of people one after another, the entire horse owner's box area was alarmed.

Other horse owners and super-rich people who received the news, their family members and entourage, as well as invited guests from all walks of life opened the door of the horse owner's box one after another, and looked over here curiously.

The moment they saw Ye Tian, ​​envy, even jealousy appeared in the eyes of these people, everyone wished he could replace him!

Of course, in the eyes of some people, there is also a hint of hostility, even provocation.

Among these people, Ye Tian also saw many familiar faces.

Among them are many horse owners and super rich, as well as political and business celebrities from all over the world and the United States, Hollywood stars, top collectors, and other celebrities and supermodels who act as vases, etc.

In particular, several horse owners have met before in the Breeders' Cup and the Dubai World Cup, and Jueying has also competed with their horses, such as Saudi Crown Prince Salman and others.

As for the results of those series of matches, needless to say, the final winners are Jueying!

Today, their horses also came to Churchill Downs Park in Louisville, ready to compete with Jueying again to compete for the Kentucky Derby championship.

Don't even think about it, today's result is the same as before, all they can gain is failure, there is no other choice!

When seeing these new and old friends, it is natural for everyone to have some polite greetings. Those who meet for the first time introduce each other and go through the procedures on the scene.

When Ye Tian shook hands with Saudi Crown Prince Salman, the oil prince said with great expectation:

"Good morning, Steven, first of all congratulations on leading the team to discover the legendary Golden City of the Mayan Empire, that is really a great archaeological discovery that shocked the whole world, you deserve to be the top professional treasure hunter!

In addition, you are the luckiest and most enviable horse owner in the world, owning such a horse as Jueying. Although my horse also participated in the Kentucky Derby, it still cannot beat Jueying!

Still the same sentence, Steven, I want to buy a part of Jue Ying's equity, the price is up to you, we can sit down and talk, Jue Ying is the most outstanding thoroughbred racehorse I have ever seen, I really want to own it! "

Ye Tian looked at the oil prince, then smiled and said:

"Good morning, Your Royal Highness, you are right, the birth of the Mayan Empire's Golden City is indeed a great archaeological discovery, and its discovery will rewrite the ancient history of America and change people's understanding of Indian civilization.

Let’s go back to the Kentucky Derby and say no to Jueying. The current Jueying is much stronger than it was in the Dubai World Cup. Before going to Dubai, he won the Eclipse Award and is recognized as the two-year-old horse king in the world and the United States!

After today's Kentucky Derby, followed by Presley's Bid and Belmont's Bid, he will take the US Triple Crown title without a doubt, becoming another Triple Crown horse and the most powerful ever Triple Crown.

The next American horse king of the year and the world's three-year-old horse king are all a matter of course. After winning this series of the highest honors in the world horse racing industry, Jue Ying's worth will definitely rise, and he will go all the way!

I don't know what price you are going to pay to buy part of Jueying's equity? Since we are friends, my conditions remain the same, just like what I said in Dubai, if you take out 5% of Saudi Aramco's shares, then there will be talks! "

Hearing this, the oil prince's complexion immediately changed, becoming extremely ugly!

However, his expression returned to normal in a blink of an eye. After all, he is a crown prince, and his self-cultivation skills are still in place. Besides, this is not a place to run wild, and he still needs to maintain his demeanor to some extent!

The other people who were present at the same scene were completely shocked by Ye Tian's words, and they all stared at Ye Tian dumbfounded, as if they were looking at a lunatic!

Saudi Aramco's 5% stake, you guys really dare to speak, it's simply whimsical! It's crazy!

Even if Jueying is a godsend, it is a huge gold mine, and it is not worth 5% of Saudi Aramco shares. You know, it is the lifeblood of Saudi Arabia. How could the Saudi royal family sell it!

This is in the United States, in Kentucky, and the target is you. If you were someone else, or any place outside the United States, you bastard would have been pulled out by the Saudis and chopped into meat sauce!

Under such sky-high asking prices, it is obvious that the transaction cannot continue to be negotiated, and everyone can only change the topic.

Next, Ye Tian exchanged some polite words with other old and new friends, and then led David and the others to his horse owner's box.

Following them to the horse owner's box, there are Bill Gates, Leon and others, as well as several other familiar top collectors. These guys all want something else!

After walking two steps forward, a guy standing at the door of a luxurious horse owner's box suddenly said in a provocative tone:

"Good morning, Mr. Steven, are you full of what you said just now? I admit that Jueying is indeed a very powerful thoroughbred horse, almost unrivaled!

However, among the horses that can participate in the Kentucky Derby, which one is an ordinary horse, such as 'Justice', it will end the myth of being invincible on the outside track! "

Hearing these provocative words, Ye Tian stopped immediately, turned his head to look at that person with a smile on his face, and everyone else at the scene did the same, all looked over.

When people saw the fearless challenger, they immediately became extremely excited, and everyone watched the excitement, their eyes were shining brightly!

Ye Tian sized up the person who spoke, then smiled and said:

"Good morning, buddy, if I read correctly, you should be the horse trainer of 'Justice' and the top horse trainer in the horse racing world, Mr. Bafoda, nice to meet you"

As he said that, Ye Tian shook hands with the famous horse trainer, and he got to know him for a while.

Immediately afterwards, he said confidently:

"It's not me hitting you, Mr. Bafuda, Zhengyi wants to beat Jueying on the track of the Kentucky Derby, that's just a dream, there is no possibility at all!

I have said publicly before that in the Kentucky Derby, it is very good for other horses to see the tail of Jueying. I believe you will see this scene soon! "

After finishing speaking, Ye Tian smiled and left, leaving only a series of hearty laughter and an extremely arrogant back view to Bafuda and everyone present!

Seeing the back of him leaving, Bafuda's teeth were itching with hatred, and he wanted to rush up and give him a fat beating! The rest of the horse owners at the scene were the same, but there was nothing they could do!

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