Treasure Hunt all over the World

Chapter 2614 The Trumpet Sound Outside the Window

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The game has not yet started, and the spectators are entering the arena one after another. The entire Churchill Downs Park is full of people and lively!

In the horse owner's box, Ye Tian and the others were each holding a glass of champagne, condescending, watching the lively scene below, laughing and chatting.

"Steven, are you willing to sell the antique relics you found from the Golden City of the Mayan Empire this time? If you want to sell some of the antique relics, I intend to buy a few!

In the current antique art market, antique cultural relics that really come from the Mayan Empire are too rare. Many of the antique cultural relics you discovered this time have never been seen before, and they are extremely valuable for collection!

Especially the thirteen Mayan crystal skulls that only existed in legends in the past, they are so shocking, if you are willing to sell those Mayan crystal skulls, it would be great!

As far as I know, for those thirteen Mayan crystal skulls, you reached an agreement with the Honduras government, allowing them to transport Mayan gold worth 1.5 billion dollars to deal with the crisis.

In exchange, you can leave the Golden City with the thirteen legendary Mayan crystal skulls and return to New York, and we can talk about this deal on the basis of 1.5 billion dollars."

Bill Gates said expectantly, this is his real purpose of following up the horse owner's box.

As soon as his words fell, another top collector next to him immediately said:

"Steven, I am also very interested in the antique relics from the Golden City of the Mayan Empire. If possible, I would also like to acquire a few top-level Mayan antique relics to enrich my collection.

Do the thirteen legendary Mayan crystal skulls in your hand really have some kind of mysterious energy, which can attract people's minds and even prevent the coming of the end of the world? When will we be able to see it for ourselves? "

Hearing this, Leon and several other collectors nodded in agreement, and looked at Ye Tian expectantly.

Obviously, these guys have the same purpose, and they all want to collect a few antique cultural relics from the Golden City of the Mayan Empire.

Not only them, but at this time, almost all collectors, museums, major auction houses, and antique shops of all sizes in North and South America, who would not want to acquire a few antique cultural relics from the Golden City of the Mayan Empire?

You must know that the treasures of the Golden City of the Mayan Empire, which are still being excavated and cleaned up, are the focus of much attention.

Attracted countless attention.

Especially in America, countless people are always paying attention to the treasures of the Golden City of the Mayan Empire and the progress of the excavation and cleaning work.

Ye Tian looked at these old friends and benefactors, then smiled and said:

"I'm afraid I'm going to disappoint everyone, gentlemen, the top antique cultural relics from the Golden City of the Mayan Empire will not enter the antique art market in the short term, and I don't plan to sell them for the time being.

After those Mayan antique relics were transported to New York, a series of archaeological researches should be done first, trying to decipher the Mayan hieroglyphs, various patterns and murals engraved on those antique relics as soon as possible, and find out their meaning.

Due to the huge number of these antique cultural relics, archaeological research will naturally take a long time, even years or decades, to gain something and find out the secrets hidden in those antique cultural relics.

It is impossible for me to sell them without figuring out the secrets carried on those Mayan antique cultural relics and before figuring out their true value. "

Hearing this, the top collectors at the scene couldn't help but nodded, and there was no disagreement!

It can be seen that each of them has a look of regret flashing across their faces. This is obviously not the answer they want to hear!

But they also heard a glimmer of hope from Ye Tian's words, and they were not completely desperate!

After a short pause, Ye Tian continued to say:

"I am planning to build a museum of Indian history in New York. This matter has been put on the agenda and is in progress. Those antiques from the Golden City of the Mayan Empire will be displayed in my museum in the future

Another point is that although I have not reached an agreement with many Mayan tribal chiefs and Indian tribal chiefs, I will try my best to avoid selling those valuable but special Mayan antiques for profit!

In particular, some of the most important antiques, such as the thirteen legendary Mayan crystal skulls, the five mysterious Mayan solar-period prophecy pillars, and the golden statues of Mayan gods, will not be sold!

Bill, this has nothing to do with money, it has more to do with morality. Since I have made a promise, I must keep my promise, otherwise, I will betray the trust of all Mayans and Indians!

But it doesn't matter, when my Indian History Museum is completed, everyone is welcome to come and visit. Those priceless treasures from the Mayan Empire will be displayed in the museum, and you can feast your eyes!

As for the secrets hidden on those Mayan crystal skulls, do they have some kind of mysterious energy, and can even resist the coming of the end of the world? You can study it by yourself in the future, and it will be fun!

After finishing the relevant archaeological research, I may sell some less important or repetitive themes. After the Mayan and Indian tribes, I will give priority to you old friends! "

"Well, Steven, it seems that this is the only way to go"

Bill Gates nodded in response, with a bit of regret in his tone.

The rest of the top collectors were the same, and nodded slightly. Everyone felt a little bit regretful, but they had no choice but to accept this result!

After that, everyone continued to laugh and chat, and the topics revolved around today's Kentucky Derby and the Mayan Empire's Golden City that is being excavated and cleared.

After chatting for a while, there was a sudden knock on the door outside the horse owner's box.

Hearing this voice, Ye Tian immediately stopped talking, then turned around and walked towards the door.

Just when he, David, and Jason's father Sam walked to the door, the door of the box room was opened from the outside.

Immediately afterwards, Cole led several Mayan tribal chiefs and Indian tribal chiefs dressed in costumes and feather crowns into the horse owner's box.

The two chiefs following Cole were Gray Wolf's father, the chief of the largest Mayan tribe in Honduras, and the chief of the North American Sioux Alliance.

When Ye Tian returned to New York with thirteen Mayan crystal skulls, he had seen these two chiefs, and as representatives of the Mayans and North American Indians, they both attended the press conference held by Ye Tian!

In addition to these two chiefs, there were several other Mayan and Indian chiefs who walked into the horse owner's box together, some of them knew each other, some didn't!

However, Ye Tian clearly knew the identities of each of them, as well as the Mayan and Indian tribes they represented.

There are chiefs from the Yucatan Mayan tribe, there are chiefs from the Mayan tribe in Guatemala, there are also chiefs from the Navajo tribe in the United States, and so on, each of which represents a tribe of Indians.

Seeing these Mayan tribal chiefs and Indian tribal chiefs, Ye Tian and David immediately greeted them, shaking hands and greeting these warm and simple old and new friends one by one, and they were very polite.

Bill Gates and Leon, as well as the other top collectors who were also in the horse owner's box, were completely dumbfounded at this moment, full of inconceivable eyes!

They had never seen so many Mayan tribal chiefs and Indian tribal chiefs gathered together, and dressed in costumes, so close to them!

While being curious, these super-rich and top collectors were also very excited. They all wanted to know these Mayan tribal chiefs and Indian tribal chiefs who suddenly appeared!

After getting acquainted with the chiefs whom he met for the first time, Ye Tian brought these Mayan and Indian chiefs to the reception area, and introduced them to Bill Gates and Leon!

Next, the two sides naturally had some polite greetings, and then started chatting with each other.

After chatting for a while, there was a loud trumpet sound outside, and the Kentucky Derby finally started!

Hearing the sound of the trumpet, Ye Tian and the others all stood up and walked towards the French windows together, preparing to enjoy the opening ceremony performance that is about to kick off!

On the way, Gray Wolf's father said expectantly:

"Steven, we are here to cheer for your Jueying, hope it can win the Kentucky Derby crown!"

Ye Tian turned to look at this old friend, then nodded confidently and said:

"Mr. Chief, Jueying's goal is not only to win the Kentucky Derby, but also to win the Preliminary Bid and Bemont Bid one after another with a huge advantage. !"

Hearing this, everyone at the scene secretly exclaimed.

While talking, the group of them walked to the French windows and looked out at Churchill Downs Park.

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