Treasure Hunt all over the World

Chapter 2636 obedient hell angel

After receiving Betty and sister-in-law, Ye Tian took them away from the airport and returned to Upper Manhattan.

When the group of them returned home, Betty's parents, Matthew and Evelyn, who drove from Boston, also arrived, and they all went upstairs together and returned home.

Matthew and Evelyn came to see Betty and participate in the upcoming Belmont Stakes, and they were two new horse racing fans.

It is the peerless horse Jueying that guides them into the world of horse racing and makes them fall in love with it.

Although Jueying said that it was Ye Tian's racehorse, he discovered it and paid for it to train, but in the registry of the Jockey Association, the real owner of the horse is Betty. Can this old couple not like it?

Matthew will leave New York and return to Boston when the Belmont Stakes is over. After all, he hasn't retired yet, and he still has work to do!

Evelyn will stay in New York to take care of pregnant Betty for a while.

After a while, Evelyn would return to Boston after Betty flew to Beijing again.

While speaking, everyone had arrived at the door of Ye Tian and Betty's luxury apartment, and stopped at the door.

Ye Tian didn't open the door immediately, but turned to several family members and said:

"For safety's sake, everyone had better wait here for a while. When I came back from Europe a few days ago, I brought a new member to Betty and I's family, a little guy.

That little guy is looking after our house, and it's a bit dangerous. This is the first time you've seen it, and you need me to introduce you, lest the little guy mistake you for an enemy! "

Of course, everyone knows what this new family member Ye Tian is talking about, and everyone has seen it on the live TV screen, and they know how terrifying this little guy is!

"Steven, the little guy you're talking about should be the little white translucent cobra known as Lucifer that guards the Holy Grail in the depths of the Santa Maria Church in Tomar, Portugal?

We watched the live broadcast when you discovered the Holy Grail on TV, and we also saw this little white translucent cobra. I have to say, this little white cobra is really scary! "

Matthew continued with a dignified expression, with a bit of worry in his eyes.

Evelyn, sister-in-law and Betty standing next to him also had somewhat worried and even fearful eyes.

On the contrary, Logan and Linlin, as well as Dongzi and Chenxi, these guys all looked excited and eager to try.

They wished they could enter this top luxury apartment immediately, take a look at the legendary white translucent little cobra, and play with that little guy for a while!

Ye Tian looked at Matthew, then at the rest of the family, and then said with a smile:

"That's right, Matthew, the housekeeper for us is the little white cobra called Lucifer who once guarded the Holy Grail in the underground palace of the Church of Santa Maria in Tomar. I call it the white elf.

When I got back from Portugal I brought him back to New York as a new addition to the family and he did a fantastic job keeping it guarded from outsiders.

Although this little guy is as fast as lightning and has a very strong attack power, he is extremely spiritual. He can understand my orders and can distinguish who is family, who is his own, and who is the enemy.

Of course, all of this requires my introduction. After the introduction, this little guy will know that you are all my family, and he will never attack you. You can rest assured about this! "

Hearing these words, Matthew was silent for a moment, then nodded and said:

"Okay, Steven, I believe you can control that incomparably terrifying little white cobra so as not to put everyone in danger. To be honest, I really want to see this legendary Guardian of the Holy Grail! "

"Okay, Matthew, you'll get your wish right away"

Ye Tian smiled and nodded, then turned around and opened the door, and walked into the door of the apartment.

In just a moment, he walked out of the apartment again.

At this time, there was a white cobra bracelet on the wrist of his left hand, and the snake head of this bracelet was still supported and kept moving. It was frightening to watch!

The moment he walked out of the apartment, everyone's eyes were on the little white cobra coiled around his wrist, everyone's eyes were full of curiosity and a little bit of fear.

While everyone was looking at the little white cobra, this little guy was also looking at everyone, and there seemed to be a bit of curiosity in his small rice-like eyes.

Especially when it saw Betty, joy appeared in its eyes, and its little head poked forward a little!

Seeing this scene, there was an exclamation immediately.

"Wow! This little guy is so cute, it seems to know us, is this little guy really psychic? It's incredible!"

While exclaiming endlessly, the eyes of the two little girls, Linlin and Chenxi, were already so excited that they were about to charge up!

Ye Tian smiled softly, and then explained:

"The little white elf's senses are very sensitive, it must have smelled your scent, which is similar to mine, and at the same time felt that you have no malice.

In addition, it has seen most of you through video calls before, and has firmly remembered your appearance. Now it will behave like this when it sees you! "

Before the words fell, there was another exclamation at the scene.

"My God! Is this really a little cobra? How can there be such a smart and spiritual cobra in the world, just like a child!"

"Wow! No wonder it has been guarding the Holy Grail. It seems that it is really the incarnation of an angel!"

While speaking, Ye Tian had come to Betty.

While standing still, he raised his left hand and began to introduce Betty and White Elf to each other.

"Betty, this is the new member of our family, White Elf, you can get acquainted; little guy, this is Betty, you have seen many times on the video screen before, she is the mistress of this family, and also your mistress !"

The white elf wrapped around Ye Tian's wrist seemed to understand what he said.

At the same time as he was introducing, the little guy poked his head out, shaking his triangular head slightly, and looked at Betty curiously, his small eyes showed a bit of intimacy.

Betty was also observing this little guy, and her mood was changing rapidly. The original anxiety was completely replaced by joy and curiosity in a blink of an eye.

"Steven, can I pet this little guy? It's so cute!"

Apparently, Betty has taken a liking to this pretty little guy.

"Of course, you can touch this little guy. It has a good memory. It has actually recognized you and accepted you as its hostess."

Ye Tian smiled and nodded, and stretched out his right hand to gently stroke the little head of the white elf.

After being encouraged, Betty stretched out a finger, mustered up her courage, and carefully touched the little guy, the white elf.

The next moment, her fingers were caressing the little guy's head. Her stroking movements were very gentle, as if she was stroking a baby!

The little guy White Elf also responded, gently rubbing his head against Betty's fingers, acting very intimate, and seemed to be a bit coquettish and inviting!

Seeing this scene, the scene suddenly burst into exclamation again.

And the three little fellows, Dongzi, Linlin, and Chenxi, who stood aside, couldn't bear it.

They rushed up immediately and gathered around Ye Tian, ​​excitedly looking at this little white cobra that looks very cute but is actually extremely terrifying!


Next, Ye Tian introduced the family members present to Bai Elf one by one, and asked every family member to stroke this little guy!

Of course, the little white elf also responded enthusiastically, and firmly recorded the looks and smells of these family members.

Afterwards, Ye Tiancai led his family into the apartment.

After entering the door and putting down the suitcase, Matthew immediately pulled him to a corner of the living room, pointed to the elf on his wrist and asked in a low voice:

"Steven, if you leave New York, will you still let this little guy look after the house? You know, Betty is pregnant now, so I'm still a little worried about letting her be under the same roof with this hell angel!"

Ye Tian smiled softly, and then said in a low voice:

"Actually, you don't have to worry, Matthew, you have seen what the white elf did just now. This is a psychic little white cobra. Its IQ is equivalent to that of a child. It is by no means comparable to any snake in the world.

Of course, its toxicity is far more than that of other Moroccan cobras, even dozens or hundreds of times more toxic than other Moroccan cobras. It is the most dangerous Moroccan cobra in the world today.

However, once it recognizes Betty as its hostess, it will never attack Betty anyway. In a dangerous situation, I bet it would rather sacrifice its own life to protect Betty!

Another point is that after Bemon's bidding is over, and most of the antiques in the Golden City of the Mayan Empire are transported to New York, Betty will fly to Beijing after dealing with some trivial matters. There are still many things for her to deal with there.

And I will lead the team to Africa to explore a legendary treasure. At that time, I may let this little guy continue to look after the house, or I may take him to Africa. In short, this little guy will not stay with Betty alone! "


Matthew let out a long breath, and his mood immediately relaxed a lot.

Immediately afterwards, he asked curiously in a low voice:

"You are going to lead a team to Africa to start an exploration operation. Could it be that you have discovered some treasure in Africa? Can you tell me about it?"

After the words fell, Ye Tian immediately nodded with a smile and said:

"That's right, we did discover the legendary treasure in Africa, and not one, but two treasures, but one of them is a joint exploration with others, and it is not suitable for public announcement yet!"

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